942 lease request - was I too nice?

Still no response. I think I'm just going to wait after watching the charlie chat and the mention of MPEG4 rolling out pretty quickly. I may just try to get a 211 since I do have a DVD recorder. Its not no where near as good as a DVR but it will do.
I think the new MPEG4 HD DVR (942+) will be released in a month or two. I just hope its been tested and not have been hurryed and have a lot of bugs. I will hold off for a month or so on leasing the 942 until they release the 942+ MPEG4 DVR.
So should I hold off? Long time D* customer thinking about getting a 942 and E* HD+Voom. Sounds like a bad time to make the plunge.
Well, I just got the call tonight to lease a 942 which kind of surprised me since I've only been with DISH for a year. It only took 9 days and 3 e-mails. ;) I figured "what the hell" and went ahead with it. It sounds like the new HD stuff (ESPN2HD, Voom) is going to be MPEG 2 so I really have no reason to wait for the MPEG 4 HD-DVR. If they start rolling out HD locals in January like they say, at 5 new markets a month, I should get them in market #65 by sometime in 2007. Hell, my local CBS isn't broadcasting HD yet and my local Fox isn't even broadcasting a digital signal.
Got my offer tonight too!!!

After 5 days and 5 emails, I got the call with the lease offer. I jumped at it!

Install on 12/26...what a Christmas gift!!!
I got a call yesterday but I was gone. I've got to call her back today and set up an install date. I just hope I don't regret it since all the MPEG4 talk going around. Hell, the way I look at it, the worst that could happen is that I'm out $250 dollars. No big deal.

I finally got a call today. "Exclusive only to me" (and whoever else bugs them, i.e. this entire forum :D) They are allowing me to lease it for $250 to swap out my 522. I haven't taken it yet but plan on calling them back with a yea or nay. They said they didn't know anything about the plans for MPEG4 because everything changes all the time so either the execs do know and don't want to say or engineering is the only department left to know/decide anything and the execs don't even know what they are doing. I'm getting HD Locals OTA but am only concerned with the additional nationals that will be coming out like ESPN2 next month. After ESPN2 then who? 2006 has got to be the year more cable channels go HD and when they do I hope it's all MPEG2 because I'm about to take this offer and run.
Wow I guess I got lucky with when I emailed. I got a response within like 4 or 5 hours. All I had told them was that I have been a customer for 4 years with a 3 month break when I decided to try "digital" cable. Realized that I absolutely hated the non digital channels, and switched back to Dish. Also told them that we had just bought our new HD monitor and would love it if we could actually use it for HD.

Four or so hours later she called me on my cell and offered me the $250 deal and set up an install date. 942 should be here soon....:hungry: can't wait.

HD Locals

Service Menu for Dish Network HD-3400 Monitor

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