921 skip ahead time


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 27, 2004
Did a quick search and couldn't find anything about the following discrepancy. According to the 921 manual, pressing the skip ahead button during DVR replay should advance the program approximately 30 sec. and skip back should go back 10 sec. I've used both while watching football and basketball games where the game clock is shown continuously on the screen. In my case, skip ahead advances 15 sec. and skip back is 5 sec. Is the manual wrong or do I have a quirky machine? Not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Takes more presses to get through commercial breaks, but does give you finer control.
It varies with what you are watching (HD vs SD).

It is a known bug. Mark says that they are working on it.

It might be corrected in a future software update.
Thanks for the reply. One advantage of 15 sec. skip ahead is that most football teams take about that long to huddle up. So by hitting skip at the end of a play you can blast through a game in a hurry without missing anything but some of the commentary. :)

What would it take to make our own Firmware for the 522?

R U Kiddin Me ?

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