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I will keep a watch out to see if this occurs on satellite recorded programming as well and report back.
Last night only issues I found were after playback the blue recording completed bar is not showing as the playback is completed. I guess this weekend with all the live sports will be a better test.
Updated info -- Last night, watching a recorded show (satellite channel), I went to delete it after viewing, and it briefly froze, then a screen popped up I haven't seen before:
It was basically a listing of all tuners by# (2 OTA tuners + 16 tuners) it numbered each out in a list and next to the tuner# was the name of the channel being recorded (i.e. Tuner# 1 = EPSN)
Live TV was a just black screen - no video/no sound
Guide was working.
I powered off the receiver (did not reboot it as I had some recordings going off)
Waited for the green light to go off. Powered back on.
The recordings that I had going were still recording and completed.
I watched one that was recording during that black screen -- it was complete and playback was fine.
I think I saw another poster had similar issues?
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