811 owners with OTA 49% problem read this

Before I lost everything, I got only 1 OTA channel reliably and another once in a while. The other 3 did the 49% tango.


In case you see my previous post were I said I lost 2 of my 4 OTA channels, this is how it breaks down:

Channel.......................................... Old 811..................New 811
CBS................................................49% prob................80-83%
NBC................................................49% prob................75%
(3 different channels (8-1,8-2,8-3))
Local religous...................................n/a.......................70%

I only counted the 4 networks and should of specified that I only could get 2 to begin with and only 1 was reliable.

SatinKzo said:
I got my replacement 811 today and ALL my OTA channels are now mapping and coming in. So I am inclined to believe it has to be the hardware.
Thank you, may I have another???????

I am starting to wonder if anyone ever read my original post!

It is a damn hardware issue for goodness sake!!!
Some people have more excuses than Clinton on how it's not a hardware issue!

How can I explain it any clearer???
1. I had a 811 from the first batch manufacturerd.
2. It had and always had the 49% issue.
3. I was using and still and using a Channel Master 3020 antenna which should have no problem hauling in my locals. I had and still have signal in the high 80's. For sheets and giggles, I added an 10 db amp with no change in the 49%.
4. Dish sent me a replacement 811.
5. ALL of my locals come in now.
6. It locks in and holds the signal. NO MORE 49%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it that hard to see what the problem was????

I can't believe there are still people saying sh*t like; it's the trees; leaves; you need an antenuator; maybe your antenna needs replacing, etc.
I know.....Stand on on one foot with your left hand on your head, while your right hand is soaking in gasoline while you are saying as fast as you can peter peter pumpkin eater......maybe that will fix it.
Stand at the top of a hill in a metal bucket full of water during a thunderstorm while holding up a 7 iron in your left hand like the Statue of Liberty. That might fix it.

I am going out on a limb. I have a feeling that the people who experienced that same issue I had, will report the same success when they receive their new 811.


Iceman said:
Thank you, may I have another???????

I am starting to wonder if anyone ever read my original post!

It is a damn hardware issue for goodness sake!!!
Some people have more excuses than Clinton on how it's not a hardware issue!

How can I explain it any clearer???
1. I had a 811 from the first batch manufacturerd.
2. It had and always had the 49% issue.
3. I was using and still and using a Channel Master 3020 antenna which should have no problem hauling in my locals. I had and still have signal in the high 80's. For sheets and giggles, I added an 10 db amp with no change in the 49%.
4. Dish sent me a replacement 811.
5. ALL of my locals come in now.
6. It locks in and holds the signal. NO MORE 49%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it that hard to see what the problem was????

I can't believe there are still people saying sh*t like; it's the trees; leaves; you need an antenuator; maybe your antenna needs replacing, etc.
I know.....Stand on on one foot with your left hand on your head, while your right hand is soaking in gasoline while you are saying as fast as you can peter peter pumpkin eater......maybe that will fix it.
Stand at the top of a hill in a metal bucket full of water during a thunderstorm while holding up a 7 iron in your left hand like the Statue of Liberty. That might fix it.

I am going out on a limb. I have a feeling that the people who experienced that same issue I had, will report the same success when they receive their new 811.



First off other people have reported changing things like the antenna, adding a pre-amp(antenuator), adjusting the antenna, etc and have resutled in locked OTA channels with the existing 811 that did not get lock before they did these exercises. if I recall, people are also stating that their box info of a unit they replaced is identical but the new box works better than old one. This would lead one to believe it is not a chip update fix. IF this is true then it might be related to chip tolerencies in the box.

I think we are dealing with a number of things here and they are not all hardware. Maybe in your case it is, but with OTA there are a lot of other variables as people have mentioned that might be cause. People have gotten signal lock where they did not before without replacing the 811 by changing something external to the box (Antenna). People have posted these results and I am one of them.

As for excuses. This is not about making excuses, it is about troubleshooting a problem and given your setup the best chance to get OTA. I personal don't think all the issues people are having are 811 hardware issue and a box swap will fix it. There is also steps one can take to improve signal quality to make the 811 happy without a box swap. I also don't think everyone having the 49% problem will be fixed by getting a new 811.

Your input is one data point on this issue as is mine and the other people dealing with it that have posted. I find your experience interesting, but I personally would not take it to mean all people with the 49% swap the box, problem solved. Maybe I am wrong here, but I think one trying to get a strong locked OTA Signal should cover all bases starting with making sure they have good antenna system with good results in the neighborhood.

Then again maybe I am wrong, and all the 49% problem needs is an 811 swap. If I was getting this problem based on your experience and a few others I would give it a try.

Mine could of been just bad from the beginning and I blamed it on the 49% prob. Being that my box just started freaking out a few days ago who knows if all the other stuff lead up to it, but all I know is I have a new 811 and it actually is getting all my ota's that I know are in the area.
Iceman said:
Thank you, may I have another???????

I am starting to wonder if anyone ever read my original post!

It is a damn hardware issue for goodness sake!!!
Some people have more excuses than Clinton on how it's not a hardware issue!

How can I explain it any clearer???

Dude, we read it. We get it. Now, did you read my first post? How can a dam hardware problem NOT be a problem for the Washington stations 35 miles from me (instant locks) but BE a problem for Baltimore stations 10 miles away and in the direction of tall buildings (bouncy 49% thing)?

Splain that please.
AcuraCL said:
Dude, we read it. We get it. Now, did you read my first post? How can a dam hardware problem NOT be a problem for the Washington stations 35 miles from me (instant locks) but BE a problem for Baltimore stations 10 miles away and in the direction of tall buildings (bouncy 49% thing)?

Splain that please.
Just a guess, but multi-pathing comes to mind. It appears the 811 is very suseptible to this.

As for the hardware/software debate. The line can get very blurry with this stuff. There's a chip in the tuner that can be "programmed" - up to a point.

In the old days, things like selectivity & sensitivity were the key parameters. It's probably a lot more complicated now, but conceptually it's still 'radio'. Unless the thing re-tunes itself on the fly, ones site's good settings will be exactly wrong for another.

And maybe that's the problem - everybody else's OTA tuners are 'smart' and E*'s is dumb. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that's the case.
SimpleSimon said:
Just a guess, but multi-pathing comes to mind. It appears the 811 is very suseptible to this.

As for the hardware/software debate. The line can get very blurry with this stuff. There's a chip in the tuner that can be "programmed" - up to a point.

In the old days, things like selectivity & sensitivity were the key parameters. It's probably a lot more complicated now, but conceptually it's still 'radio'. Unless the thing re-tunes itself on the fly, ones site's good settings will be exactly wrong for another.

And maybe that's the problem - everybody else's OTA tuners are 'smart' and E*'s is dumb. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that's the case.

I agree Simon. Personally I think there are multiple issues people are having and we are trying to classify as a single issue. I don't think it is the case and that is why I feel that one needs to work both on the box itself (Replace it) and the input. Garbage in... Garbage out. Need to make sure that you have a antenna that is known to work in your area. A preamp/Antunerator if you feel it is necessary. And if your 811 does not do what your OTA STB does it might be a tweak way or a full box swap away.

Based on E* past history of not handeling software edge conditions well, it would not suprise me that E* 811 is more sensitive and not as robust as other OTA boxes out there. Dish has the luxery of having a distirbution modal built into their receivers that allow them to update the receivers after release. I think dish uses this as a means to release recievers before their time since they have a means to correct the problem. Over time the 811 OTA robustness will improve.

Does DirectTV allow there OTA OEMs to update their receivers through DirecTV's distribution mechansim? Just curious. Anyway, the 6000 took time to stablize and it is still have a few bugs (Acquiring signal for one). So as to is it hardware or software, based on end user's experience my opinion is it is hardware, and software.

My advice is to give you the best shot.

1) Make sure you have an antenna input system that is known to work in your neighborhood if possible. Place your antenna outside to give it the best possible show if possible and read up on AVSForums on how people are handeling Multipath issues.

2) Use antennaweb.org as a starting point to determine what you should expect.

3) Talk to a neighbor that has OTA and see what hurdles he/she had to overcome. I was amased as some things people did to get OTA.

4) If you are getting the 49% problem, see about a box swap. It can't hurt and from a number of reports it has fixed the problem.

5) Based on the fact that a lot of people have gotten OTA after some effort with the 811, there is hope for the people that are still having the 49% problem. Give it try.

6) No I am not ignoring the fact that other OTA STB hooked up to the Antenna work. This points to Simon's comment about the 811 not being as robust. May require a cleaner signal and there may be problems with the 811 handeling some encoding mechanisms that a more robust box does. In this case a box swap or improving signal quality will not help. Only E* can help in that case.

AcuraCL said:
Dude, we read it. We get it. Now, did you read my first post? How can a dam hardware problem NOT be a problem for the Washington stations 35 miles from me (instant locks) but BE a problem for Baltimore stations 10 miles away and in the direction of tall buildings (bouncy 49% thing)?

Splain that please.
Because your 811 is junk. :)
Just got off the phone with a technical dept supervisor. She refused to replace my 811. She says there is nothing wrong with the 811 that cannot be corrected with software updates. Mine freezes up at least twice a month. She says that is because I do not ever turn it off and the 811 must be turned off at least an hour per day. Bull sh*t! I have a TiVo and need my receiver on 24/7 to record. I guess a DirectTiVo is my better choice. Do they have to be turned off daily. Also, I am having trouble getting three of the six digital locals with the 811 OTA receiver. She says that the problem is my antenna or whatever, but not the 811. Did I get a real hard ass supervisor or they are taking a harder response due to too many call ins wanting new receivers.
I've never heard the "hour a day" bit, but yes, turn your receiver "off" whenever you're not watching it. "Off" is actually "stand-by" mode and allows the receiver to download fresh software, guide data, etc.

If you had wanted a satellite DVR, you should've gotten a satellite DVR. They handle the conflict between unattended recording and downloads quite nicely. As it is, you must work within the parameters of a stand-alone satellite receiver.

As for your OTA issues, the 811 (et al) do seem to be far from the best in receiving OTA.
WeeJavaDude said:
I also installed a attenuator and a Pre-amp. You can get an attenuator at the local Radio Shack. This device plugs inline and has a nob to adjust. I did this and I was able to tune in more solid signal. My guess was that my pre-amp was not helping the signal strength and was increasing mult-pathing issues. There is a lot of stuff on AVSForum having to do with getting the best HD signal. I suggest popping over there to get educated. OTA is an art for sure.
I tried the Radioshack attenuator today. It did not fix the 49% problem even for a single channel.
smodak said:
I tried the Radioshack attenuator today. It did not fix the 49% problem even for a single channel.

Maybe the problem is not enough amplification or antenna alignment. The 811 is picky.
I just received my 811 today and it has the dreaded 49 signal strength problem. I am certain it is a hardware issue.

The 811 replaced a 6000 which I now am using in a different location.
On my 6000, every digital OTA came in at 90-100% with perfect channel mapping and very few break-ups.

Now, with the 811 in its place, I can not get two of my channels to map at all, and three of them have the dreaded 49 signal.

The front panel has the DISHPRO logo on it, for what its worth. I just checked the software version, and it is 266.

I am calling dish now to try and get a replacement.
49% issue

If you really have the 6000 with the same antenna at the same location before and no reception problem, your 811 should do more or less the same. If you get that 49% thing, try the trick (view tv + info + info) someone posted here somewhere, it really works.
freerider said:
If you really have the 6000 with the same antenna at the same location before and no reception problem, your 811 should do more or less the same. If you get that 49% thing, try the trick (view tv + info + info) someone posted here somewhere, it really works.

As funny as that sounds the Info button trick actually does work. I've been doing that for a while now, shows even more how crazy the 811 is ;)
smodak said:
I tried the Radioshack attenuator today. It did not fix the 49% problem even for a single channel.

Well that is the art part of it. The point I have tried to make is that there is not one silver bullet. You may get a good UHF antenna, good pre-amp/annute replace your 811 and still may have the problem. The 811 is picky with signal, seems to have a multi-pathing bug, seems to have a hardware issue that swaps seem to fix on occassion, and OTA is a bit of an art.

On the positive side there are a lot of people that are getting good OTA results also. I fall into that camp. Getting OTA with the 811 obviously takes more effort at this moment and with the posts on here and other forums it is obvious there is no one solution. If you decide to get the 811, be prepared for doing some work on getting the OTA signal or maybe you will get lucky.

If you have good antenna that you know works, next step would be the 811 swap.
If you get that 49% thing, try the trick (view tv + info + info) someone posted here somewhere, it really works
What exactly is this? I have tried hitting the info button when a station is trying to lock with no luck. I have even waited untill the signal is above 49% and hit the info button with no luck. What am I doing wrong?
MikeF said:
What exactly is this? I have tried hitting the info button when a station is trying to lock with no luck. I have even waited untill the signal is above 49% and hit the info button with no luck. What am I doing wrong?

If you hit the info button and leave it up for like 10 seconds and then hit view tv to go back to the channel, a lot of times the channel magically has been able to lock in. Its worked a couple of times for me.
The way it works for me:

As soon as you see the 49% signal bar, hit the view tv button.
Then hit the info button....
Wait couple of seconds
Hit the info button again

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