8.5 feet vs 12 feet

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If I can get a 10 foot home with a hatchback car you should be able to get a 12 foot home with a SUV, just don't be lazy and take it apart.
I'm going to be near Sydney Sunday morning to catch a ferry to Newfoundland.... Side trip maybe? ;) Wife would kill me. So would my mother-in-law.

I should add that I'd break that dish down any way I could and stuff it in your RAV4. I've got a Subaru Legacy and Forester. The Legacy transported a 7.5 and two 10.5's no problem and the Forester would have as well. And I had the dishes inside the car with no roof rack or trailer involved. One of the 10.5's I picked up from John down in Liverpool. Still intend on getting together with you two but money's short right now and time even less available. But the vacation starts Sunday!

If you do break down the dish, get new bolts. Drop by Fastenal on Raddall Avenue in Burnside on your way back to the South Shore and grab a bag of them, new nuts, and new washers. And the best thing about the new nuts and bolts is they won't rust!
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...Wife would kill me. So would my mother-in-law.
Maybe you'd be in a better place if they did!?

I should add that I'd break that dish down any way I could and stuff it in your RAV4.
I'm leaving the big one for you. Go for it.

Drop by Fastenal on Raddall Avenue in Burnside on your way back to the South Shore and grab a bag of them, new nuts, and new washers. And the best thing about the new nuts and bolts is they won't rust!
I'm making a note of this place. Good to know.
I'm leaving the big one for you. Go for it.

Naa.. I still have the 10.5' General Instruments dish from John I'm going to switch in for the 10.5' I have up now as the GI dish has a .28 f/D ratio, as opposed to the existing one with a .36 f/D. My neighbour that absolutely hates the bud is going away after I get back from my vacation for a couple of weeks so I'm going to paint the GI dish the same colour and swap them while he's away. The size BUD I've got up now does everything I want but I still want to squeeze every last bit of performance out of my system for no $$$ and this is a way to do it.

Who knows.... If I actually had money (who does these days?) I might even subscribe again.... :eek: :rolleyes:
My neighbour that absolutely hates the bud is going away after I get back from my vacation for a couple of weeks so I'm going to paint the GI dish the same colour and swap them while he's away.

I'm a little confused about this? And your neighbor has a voice in what YOU do on YOUR property because..............................?? :confused: Hell, I'd have both of them up and let him "eat cake" as long as you're not breaking any local laws about dish size! IMHO, being a good neighbor is all about minding your own business!
I'm a little confused about this? And your neighbor has a voice in what YOU do on YOUR property because..............................?? :confused: Hell, I'd have both of them up and let him "eat cake" as long as you're not breaking any local laws about dish size! IMHO, being a good neighbor is all about minding your own business!

Say and think what you like. It's like dealing with your wife when she's cranky. It's sometimes just easier to avoid the minefield regardless. If the guy sees me take it down he's likely to get excited. Then he and his wife (mostly his wife) will be just as mad again when they see another go up. Why poke a bear even if it is in a cage? They already know they can't do squat because they already tried. If I do it when they're away nobody's the wiser except me for avoiding unnecessary confrontation.
Yeah well, I guess that's the difference in cultures from where you are, to where I am (southern USA). As I said, being a good neighbor is minding your own business. If my neighbor wanted to bitch about what I did, then I'd sell him my place and he could do WTF he wanted with it. Then I'd move further out where there aren't as many ppl.

Local county passed a 90db noise ordinance last year that goes into effect at 11pm because someone didn't like his neighbors dog barking (on the other side of the county BTW). I've got two race cars with open headers that I never had started past 8pm or so in 12 years until that happened and now sometimes I run one of'em right up to 11pm just to hork with those who want to dictate what I can and can't do and when I do it. Actions have consequences, on BOTH sides.

If your dish was a useless P. O. S. with weeds growing in it then he/she might have a complaint, but since it's a well maintained piece of electronic equipment, then like I said. Let them "eat cake"!;)

But you do what you have to to keep your neighbors wife off both your and his ass! :D IMHO, maybe HE needs a different wife but hasn't realized it yet!;) Been there, done that too!

Oh and an FYI for ya, this is a "beer post", ie, yeah, I've had a few watching the Dodgers whup the Mets! :eek:
Naa.... It's not the culture. It's just me. I live in a side by side duplex and my neighbour on the other side of my place told me to do the same as what you suggested. Don't get me wrong. I've always thought what you've suggested. It's just something I haven't (yet) been able to do. Kinda afraid that if I tell people what I think in a shoot from the hip manner, I might get to like it but end up having to insert my foot in my mouth much more often. :D
lol yeah i can see both sides .... out here in the sticks i can do as i please .... but up in maryland lots more people even in rural places. so i can see not wanting to tick the neighbor off but i bet they never seen tv from a big dish ... invite em over cook out show em what it will do ... i bet they would be impressed especially if a college football / hockey game is on ;)
Around here, you can buy enough land that the surrounding land owners only complain if you have an outdoor fire (even lighting a cigarette certain weather conditions). One even likes my weather radar! After the third call he mentioned he liked that I could see the weather (lightning storms) coming on my radar. I had to tell him the truth. My weather station does not have radar and I get my radar information off wunderground.... The dishes are for TV. He was disappointed, but he says I can read the wx radar so he still calls -- and I look at it and explain the best I can.

A 12 foot dish is for your weather Radar! BTW in my earlier post I read it as you were trading dishes with your neighbor. ;{
I now have in my possession the Perfect 10 brand 8.5-foot mesh dish with Chaparral feedhorn holding Norsat C and Ku LNBs. The good news is that the owner said the installation worked well on both C- and Ku-bands when he installed it 15 years ago (in analog days). I dismantled the dish today in the 86 degree F sun. Squirting WD-40 and fighting rusted bolts/nuts while standing on a step ladder gives a good workout for a usual desk jockey. I also got a General Instrument 650i receiver which weighs as much as all other FTA equipment I currently have combined. This joins my old Uniden receivers I also have.

Now I need to find about 200-feet of appropriate cable since that's how far the dish will be from the house. His cable consisted of 2 x RG-6, 3-conductor, multi-conductor ribbon cable. I also need to decide if I will move the dish with any of the analog receivers I have, or go with a new GBox (whatever that is). Lots to learn. Of course, I need about a 9-foot pole too since his nice 3 1/2" pole is still embedded in a 27 cubic foot block of concrete in his yard. It will become a heavy duty support for a bird feeder.
Another option might be to strap it to my roof rack. Though I need to drive with it for over 250 miles so not sure that's a good plan. Both, eh? I never thought...

Not a good plan it all, at least according to one of my experiences, especially when folks will likely be pointing and laughing at you all the way back home. Not because you have this huge dish on your roof rack, but because this huge dish is ancient technology in their eyes, and no one uses these eyesores anymore. In the past cpl of years I have acquired at least 2 free 7.5' dishes locally. The first dish I didn't disassemble first. The looks on some of these people's faces when I drove across town with this, well it was anything but delightful. I couldn't imagine having to transport one of these for 250 miles for all to clearly see. The last dish I acquired, I disassembled it first. No one could even tell I had A BUD in the back of my pickup that time.
Waaaait a minute. Are you telling me you actually care what other people think about you? Especially on the road, when you will never see them again?

One of the first things I learned about this hobby is this is one of those things where it is important to disrespect the opinions of others. It usually is important to ignore the opinions of others but this is one sector which "outsiders" seem to hold particularly foul opinions about.
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