Yeah well, I guess that's the difference in cultures from where you are, to where I am (southern USA). As I said, being a good neighbor is minding your own business. If my neighbor wanted to bitch about what I did, then I'd sell him my place and he could do WTF he wanted with it. Then I'd move further out where there aren't as many ppl.
Local county passed a 90db noise ordinance last year that goes into effect at 11pm because someone didn't like his neighbors dog barking (on the other side of the county BTW). I've got two race cars with open headers that I never had started past 8pm or so in 12 years until that happened and now sometimes I run one of'em right up to 11pm just to hork with those who want to dictate what I can and can't do and when I do it. Actions have consequences, on BOTH sides.
If your dish was a useless P. O. S. with weeds growing in it then he/she might have a complaint, but since it's a well maintained piece of electronic equipment, then like I said. Let them "eat cake"!
But you do what you have to to keep your neighbors wife off both your and his ass!

IMHO, maybe HE needs a different wife but hasn't realized it yet!

Been there, done that too!
Oh and an FYI for ya, this is a "beer post", ie, yeah, I've had a few watching the Dodgers whup the Mets!