$76 Ebay 322 activated and OK according to Dish


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Supporting Founder
Nov 25, 2003
Hi Gang,

Update on the $76 Ebay 322 I bought last week

It arrived in original box with all accessories and remotes unopened.

Hooked it up and Check switch was OK with both tuners.

Called Dish to activate and all was OK with totally clean history ! CSR said no problems and to enjoy the 322 :)

So much for those who said it was stolen !!

Very cool interface, MUCH better than my 811s, 510 or 301s !!

Even found another 322 on Ebay last night, bought it, already have tracking info and it will be here Wed !!!

Happy Holidays,

Cool, glad it worked for you. Either Carlie lied os a CSR made a big Booboo.

FYI, CSR, did say this was the FIRST "Ebay" receiver that she had personally activated that had a "clean" history with no balance due on it.

Guess I got lucky, hope 322 #2 is the same !!!
Why couldn't this have gone in your last thread ?

Didn't want everyone to have to read thru all the old messages, to read this update.

SO SORRY, didn't mean to upset the FORUM POLICE !!!

Why don't you get a list of what you feel is proper forum etiquette and ask Scott to make it policy so we don't have to waste our time reading your posts telling everyone how to use his forum.

928gt said:
Why couldn't this have gone in your last thread ?

Didn't want everyone to have to read thru all the old messages, to read this update.

SO SORRY, didn't mean to upset the FORUM POLICE !!!

Why don't you get a list of what you feel is proper forum etiquette and ask Scott to make it policy so we don't have to waste our time reading your posts telling everyone how to use his forum.


heh heh...you got punked out ROLLTIDE :p :p
I do agree with Dave's statement..lets just have fun.
928gt said:
Why couldn't this have gone in your last thread ?

Didn't want everyone to have to read thru all the old messages, to read this update.

SO SORRY, didn't mean to upset the FORUM POLICE !!!

Why don't you get a list of what you feel is proper forum etiquette and ask Scott to make it policy so we don't have to waste our time reading your posts telling everyone how to use his forum.


Just click onthe igore button on his post :D
I was just asking why that he didn't post this in the first thread that he started . It makes sense ! Think about it
Huskies LOL

I bet that they have a great Lacross team

I seriously hope you're kidding :) Seeing as we have both of our basketball teams ranked #1 right now (ok, men are #2 in the coaches, but #1 in the AP), you should know better. :)

EDIT - Lacross? that's what the french call it at church. You're thinking lacrosse.
Football is the only sport that matters in this state.

TN vols ladys team will upset ya'll and win it all this year !

Kentucky will be #1 at the end of the season .
I was just asking why that he didn't post this in the first thread that he started . It makes sense ! Think about it

Well if you read the first post it was originally asking for technical help concerning a single wire with 2 tuners. Of course that thread turned into "Stolen 322s" with only ONE answer to the technical part.

Since everyone expressed more interest in the "legality" of a Non DHP person activating a 322 and as to whether it was stolen or not, I assumed it would be best to start a new thread with the update of the situation.

Think about it, Seems pretty logical.

The funny think is by someone posting how or not how a certain post is made, both threads have turned to crap... as usual...wonder how that happened :)
Well we all could just reply 'BUMP' like other forums to keep this message on top and really get rolltide a rollin'.

In other dual tuner news:
I am still talking with my installer about selling that brand new slim profile 522 on ebay that didn't quite make it to my house last week.

w/ 921 do I have to buy a new Switch and Dish Pro

DTV Purchase Deal

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