622 Running Feature Request Thread

tclundin said:
Or at least a black faceplate. I know aesthetics aren't everything, but I searched and searched for an HDTV with all-black bezel to match up with my other a/v equip. Now that was a waste, and the 622 will be the silver sore thumb.

Unless anyone has heard of someone out there machining and selling black faceplates for this situation.

Also, from an operational standpoint, I second (or third or whatever) the wish that it would use the ethernet port/home network/internet to do whatever is done via the phone line. Seems pretty inane for such an advance piece of equipment to still be using a phone line. I had the ol' TiVO weaned off the phone line years ago.
There's always Black spray paint!
Jim5506 said:
I'm at work, not at home, but can't you set the recording to terminate 10 minutes early? I'll look at it when I get home this evening. Smallville episodes run about 50 minutes. I'd love to be able to port HD recordings to my computer before I get too much HD saved.

I believe he meant after de fact. That is trimming a set of files once you know they all begin x mins late you could trim them to reclaim space on your HD

How about an option to put markers in between at the begining and end of commercial breaks and then be able to delete that space. Now that will reclaim a lot of space. Of course that is assummin you would want to keep those recordings for a while
I would like to be able to change the channel (or browse through channels) on the PIP screen while keeping the image on the full screen the same.
Chop-Chop said:
I believe he meant after de fact. That is trimming a set of files once you know they all begin x mins late you could trim them to reclaim space on your HD

How about an option to put markers in between at the begining and end of commercial breaks and then be able to delete that space. Now that will reclaim a lot of space. Of course that is assummin you would want to keep those recordings for a while

That's asking for video editing capabilities - NEVER HAPPEN!!! No DVR can do that. Very sophisticated software needed.
Expand event limit from 288 to 999. I activated my receiver last night and was only able to set half of my timers (46) before I hit my limit of events. Boy was I ever bummed. Now I have to go back and change several of the existing one before I can set the rest. I can live with the 98 timers but would like to see that bumped as well.


There's a feature that VOOM had that I miss after coming back to Dish.

After selecting a show that had a lock (channel or ratings) and keying in the PIN, the PIN didn't have to be reentered no matter what other show(s) I went to as long as the locked show hadn't ended. If the show ended (at the hour or halfhour), then returning to that channel required a PIN again.

So if I went to ShowA on Channel XYZ, entered the PIN, went to ShowB on channel ABC, then when I went back to ShowA on Channel XYZ again within ShowA's time slot there was no popup for PIN.
I didn't see this posted so I'll add it. I'm assuming the 622 doesn't have this since the 942 doesn't. I want 5.1 audio out of the HDMI port. Since the HDMI port is capable of carrying the video and the audio signal, it should carry the full 5.1 signal so that we don't have to hook up the optical cable as well. I don't know of any technical reasons why this can't be done since HDMI is fully able to handle it.
One thing I would like... BEG....

Make a way to get rid of the Annoying popup

"Part of recording lost due to loss of signal"

My OTA is weak at times and I lose a frame or two now and then... I have to keep hitting the damn ok button 100 times watching a show... I would rather just see it skip than the popup....
Chop-Chop said:
I don't know if this has been mentioned but I would like to see a feature that I see in my Comcast HDDVR. Lets suppose that you watch a show and got to it 15 mins late (nothing is in the buffer). You decide that it is worthwhile to watch so you want tot record it in its entirety at at the next future data. If I want to view when it will air next I have to search for it. With Comcast I would just simply press info and then press upcoming times for this event and it would find all future instances. I already could have used this feature a couple of times.

I aggree, I would also like to see this feature added to the 622.

Other features I would like:

1. Um, a clock! I used to use my cable box as the only clock in the TV room. I guess I'll have to start wearing a watch.

2. I would prefer it if when you hit "record" while watching a show it would just record that show and then stop automatically rather than recording forever until you manually stop it.
kingbenj said:
I would prefer it if when you hit "record" while watching a show it would just record that show and then stop automatically rather than recording forever until you manually stop it.

kingbenj, I think that's how it works now. If you're watching something that ends at 10pm, and hit record, it will only record until 10pm.. at least that's how mine's been working.
jrfuda said:
kingbenj, I think that's how it works now. If you're watching something that ends at 10pm, and hit record, it will only record until 10pm.. at least that's how mine's been working.

Ah, thanks. I just had mine installed today and I thought I read that that is how it works (if you hit record it keeps recording until you stop it manually). I have not tested it though, so you are probably right.
jrfuda said:
27 Ability to automatically search for a repeat presentation of something you're watching, or something in the guide that has already started and create a time to recor dit without interupting whatever you're watching at the time... for example, pressing info not only gives you summary information, but also lists the next several presentations of the same show/episode. (Chop-Chop)

Okay I have noticed there is a decent workaround for this. If you are watching a show and you hit the search button then you can immediately select "get results" without typing anything at all and it will search for future airings of the show you are currently watching. I like it.
If you wamt to record something you are watching from the beginning, pause then use the back button to move to the beginning of the buffer or the start of the program then hit record. Hit view live tv to go back to the program.
gdarwin said:
If you wamt to record something you are watching from the beginning, pause then use the back button to move to the beginning of the buffer or the start of the program then hit record. Hit view live tv to go back to the program.

Thanks I just deleted my message because I figured it out. If you hit record and then "okay" it will record the remainder of the event. But if you select "options" then you are forced to either select "stop recording manually" or "extend end time" -- so it's all good. I can just hit record and then okay and it will stop automatically.
I would like to sort my recordings by PQ. I need to trim down my HD recordings, but it takes forever to find them among all of the kids shows. If I could sort by HD or SD it would speed up the process. It might be easier to just color code the names of HD programs in the same fashion that the HD channels are color coded in the guide.
Jim5506 said:
That's asking for video editing capabilities - NEVER HAPPEN!!! No DVR can do that. Very sophisticated software needed.

My Pioneer 510H DVR / DVD recorder can do this. (About $400 from Costco.) The remote for the Pioneer has at least twice as many buttons as the remote for a Dish DVR. The Pioneer has a pretty sophisicated editing function. It would be nice to be able to do simple editing on the 622. As it is now, if I want to save something, I copy it to the Pioneer first, edit out unwanted material, and then burn to DVD. Of course I lose any HD resolution in the process.

The other feature of the Pioneer DVR that I would love to have on the 622 is double speed playback with audio. It process the audio when playing back at double speed so that speech sounds almost normal.. people are just talking much faster.
Limit search results based on the channel filter settings. If I'm viewing subscribed channels then search should only list those channels and exclude PPV channels. If I happen to subscribe to adult channels, those channels are searched as well. (Currently adult channels are never searched.)

Better formatting for search results. List each show only once in the search results list. When you click on a result it then displays the times when that particular show is on.

I think these two changes will make it MUCH easier to search for shows that you want.
Screen Polsition

My 921 had the ability to position the screen. It was found under menu 4 preferencence. Then 2 View preferences then "MORE". Basically ,it allowed one to center the picture. My picture on the 622 seems to be skewed to the left. When I pull up the Extended Guide with picture I lose much of the first letter of the day. A right move would fix it. On some channels I cannot see all of a bottom screen scroll. A slight move up would fix it. When SD is on normal view the black bar on the left is definatley narrower than that on the right. I called E* and was told they don't have this feature on the 622 nor could I find it in the manual.

OTA antenna, 622, locals and Dish

Anyone going to "move"?
