$549, 921 - Did you Buy?

UPS delivered a Replay box today to my house, They also delivered my 921 to my Local Guy....hmmmm which do I hook up?:) Interesting piece of paper on top of the instructions... "Read Me First Correction to your Dish Player-DVR921 Y\User's Guide. THe Dish Player DVR921 user's guide incorrectly states that there are two Dishwire ports on the back of your receiver. Dishwire ports are not included in this receiver model... as if we did not know:D
dfergie said:
UPS delivered a Replay box today to my house, They also delivered my 921 to my Local Guy....hmmmm which do I hook up?:) Interesting piece of paper on top of the instructions... "Read Me First Correction to your Dish Player-DVR921 Y\User's Guide. THe Dish Player DVR921 user's guide incorrectly states that there are two Dishwire ports on the back of your receiver. Dishwire ports are not included in this receiver model... as if we did not know:D
But you can play karaoke with it for an additional $3.99 a month!!! :D :D
No you can't the 921 does not support Dish Home (yet)

Anyone notice Dan said the December update would have Dish Home, yet later on he said it would only have the OTA Channels?

Do you think we are getting OpenTV in December on the 921?
Scott Greczkowski said:
No you can't the 921 does not support Dish Home (yet)

Anyone notice Dan said the December update would have Dish Home, yet later on he said it would only have the OTA Channels?

Do you think we are getting OpenTV in December on the 921?
darn may have to send it back and hook up the Replay instead....:)
Well, I payed my 549$ I have it and it is running on 119/110 will have to see if the developments mentioned today come about. For now I'm happy, I have hd archiveablilty (however limited) and can catch football etc, that I would normally miss.
Happy as a clam

As a newbie, I paid just $300. And at that price it's FINE with me if it's a closeout or a discontinued model. I paid more than that for a S-VHS recorder a coupla years ago. And let's not even talk about the prices of C-band electronics.
Big smile on this users face.

Curmudgeon :) :)
jcarr said:
I will not buy a 921 until the OTA and timer bugs are worked out. I am watching the next software release to see if dish can make a reliable product, if not I am off to D*. I Will gladly pay 2 times for a product that works. The D* HD TIVO seems to work. Jon.

Well go with D* then and quit whinning.
n0qcu said:
I think that would be a good idea.

OK I will...However for everone's info I am going to move the posts in this thread regarding MPEG4 to the Thread on Conference Earnings thread in the E* root forum, so all comments regarding topic are in one place.

I'm doing this now.

Believe me, Dish Network is reading this thread, I just looked at the guests online and saw there were 7 folks from Echostar.COM just looking at this thread.

BTW I should note that last week I posted Jim Defranco's email address here to people to complaign to regarding the price drop from $999 to $549 and I understand that Dish is very upset at me for posting that information.

My reply to those folks who are mad at Dish is, you might want to get use to it. You MADE the problem you FIX the problem. If you don't like people complaigning directly to the management then use your brains and avoid doing crap like this.

I understand that Mr Defranco did not reply to most (if not all) of these consumer complaints, which kind of worries me as I thought Mr. Defranco valued his customers.

We are now 14,000 strong and growing every day, this site is NOT a support site for Dish Network, this is a support site for CONSUMERS with satellite issues.

If Dish Network does not like what we are doing they maybe they should look in he mirror as they are the ones causing all the problems.

Thanks for letting me rant. :)
dfergie said:
Well, I payed my 549$ I have it and it is running on 119/110 will have to see if the developments mentioned today come about. For now I'm happy, I have hd archiveablilty (however limited) and can catch football etc, that I would normally miss.
However E* folks if you are checking this out and you cut the High and Medium subcribers throats...Rupbert might get more of our money. (i already have D*sd and was about to buy a D* hd stb when this deal came about)Btw my 549$ 921 is purring like a kitten, all I have to do is get my dpp44 in sync with it....
Scott Greczkowski said:
Believe me, Dish Network is reading this thread, I just looked at the guests online and saw there were 7 folks from Echostar.COM just looking at this thread.

BTW I should note that last week I posted Jim Defranco's email address here to people to complaign to regarding the price drop from $999 to $549 and I understand that Dish is very upset at me for posting that information.

My reply to those folks who are mad at Dish is, you might want to get use to it. You MADE the problem you FIX the problem. If you don't like people complaigning directly to the management then use your brains and avoid doing crap like this.

I understand that Mr Defranco did not reply to most (if not all) of these consumer complaints, which kind of worries me as I thought Mr. Defranco valued his customers.

We are now 14,000 strong and growing every day, this site is NOT a support site for Dish Network, this is a support site for CONSUMERS with satellite issues.

If Dish Network does not like what we are doing they maybe they should look in he mirror as they are the ones causing all the problems.

Thanks for letting me rant. :)

Way to stand up for what's right Scott! I agree with you on all accounts. And I really feel sorry for all the folks that got snookered by paying $1k+ for beta testing a 921. I still believe it's a great unit, but now that they are $549, makes me thankful I decided on the "wait and see" approach.
Wait and see longer.

I am even waiting and seeing longer. Until I see a definite plan for equipment an HD services I cannot even justify $549 this unit now.

When MPEG4 comes up will we will lose capability on the 921?

What is an upgrade path for the users who have "old" technology?

What is E* plan for HD? I know its vapor but at least D* has showed they have some sort of plan.

bdemz said:
I am even waiting and seeing longer. Until I see a definite plan for equipment an HD services I cannot even justify $549 this unit now.

When MPEG4 comes up will we will lose capability on the 921?

What is an upgrade path for the users who have "old" technology?

What is E* plan for HD? I know its vapor but at least D* has showed they have some sort of plan.


But what is D*'s whole plan? The said they are going to use their spaceway sats, but I also thought Murduch or someone else high up mentioned in an interview that they were considering more compression and MPEG-4. Are their boxes upgradable? They don't even use 8PSK. I don't think anyone will know what D*, E* or V* have planned until sometime next year. :confused:

Caller Id on 721

bigger dish?

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