Believe me, Dish Network is reading this thread, I just looked at the guests online and saw there were 7 folks from Echostar.COM just looking at this thread.
BTW I should note that last week I posted Jim Defranco's email address here to people to complaign to regarding the price drop from $999 to $549 and I understand that Dish is very upset at me for posting that information.
My reply to those folks who are mad at Dish is, you might want to get use to it. You MADE the problem you FIX the problem. If you don't like people complaigning directly to the management then use your brains and avoid doing crap like this.
I understand that Mr Defranco did not reply to most (if not all) of these consumer complaints, which kind of worries me as I thought Mr. Defranco valued his customers.
We are now 14,000 strong and growing every day, this site is NOT a support site for Dish Network, this is a support site for CONSUMERS with satellite issues.
If Dish Network does not like what we are doing they maybe they should look in he mirror as they are the ones causing all the problems.
Thanks for letting me rant.