See my rant in the Chit Chat area about this.leemathre said:Great, I just paid $849 for a second 921 from last week. Wonder if they will give me a rebate.
Yup, that is me also, D* might have more Hd right now but with Sunday ticked eating up the bandwidth...and only the things I watch on nbc is Joey, Brokaw and ER Edit... I just checked mine is shipping today... tuesday most likely from Denverbbriggs said:I got off the fence and took the bait after over a year of anxious anticipation. Two major factors led to that decision (besides the relatively affordable new price): Mark at DBStalk is pretty clear about the new (not released) software straightening out most OTA problems; and Scott here believes that 942 will be lease only. I'm not excited about having somebody else's property in my house - I'd rather own it. D* is not a real option for me because their premium channels are a bit more limited than E*, and D* costs more for their almost everything package. The likely software issues with 942 played a role too.
If we believe Mark, the new price of 921 is just to up HD sales by E* for the year. I don't know if that's true or not, clear-the-shelves fire-sale for 942 sounds just as likely. The volatile nature of this business and/or E* are a bit disturbing.
bbriggs said:I got off the fence and took the bait after over a year of anxious anticipation. Two major factors led to that decision (besides the relatively affordable new price): Mark at DBStalk is pretty clear about the new (not released) software straightening out most OTA problems; and Scott here believes that 942 will be lease only. I'm not excited about having somebody else's property in my house - I'd rather own it.
If any Hd program is on I usually have had my Replay recording the downrezzed, and I wait and watch on my X1 the 6000u will get them and I can watch in Hd...DarrellP said:I guess I could always switch to SD and playback to my DVD recorder at night when I'm not recording anything. It would be nice to have all outputs hot like the Voom stb and the 811.