Sapient said:
You know, Witschey, you can make your own list. Wouldn't that be easier than crying that you can't give orders to other people? .
I think the answer to this is redundant. It makes no sense to have everybody have a separe bug list. This is SO OBVIOUS that I am starting to think that you have a mental problem of so sort which is preventing you from following the most basic logical principles. I am so sorry for you!
Sapient said:
I haven't read past the first paragrap[h of your posts in a long time.
So don't read them! And do us all a favour, if the only thing you have to contribute is complaining about what other people post (without giving ANY arguments at to why the bugs I have reported are not being included into a Comprehensive list), then just don't post anything. The only thing you do is deviate the conversations of threads such as this one into a personal fight.
My post wasn't only a critique on the fact that the 'comprehensive list' is NOT comprehensive (even after Pepper said he has just updated it), but it highlighted some of the things that were previously documented and which were not included in the list. A logical person (from your behaviour it doesn't include you) would see the value of somebody bringing to the attention of readers that the list is NOT comprehensive and that issues are being ignored. Otherwise people like myself would go on reading this thread thinking that it is in fact a comprehensive list.
To the contrary of that, your posts are only personal critiques without giving ANY arguments AT ALL as to why you are in dissagreement with my issue. Yes I will continue raising the issues that I know are bugs over and over and over again until they are taken into account or solved and NOTHING you say will deter me from that. So either live with it, or close your eyes when you come accross one of my posts.
Sapient said:
the whining never stops, and the same thing gets said over and over again. .
Again, it is obvious that you have a problem following basic logical principles. I am so sorry for you......
Since you don't seem to understand let me explain you (maybe this will help your brain get blood circulation again). I continue to mention the same things over and over again, because some people in this bulletin board seem to want to ignore them. Sometimes I think that some of you provably work with Dish Network....which would explain why you want to put the issue underground and not let them be out in the open! The 44 hour issue was discussed EXTENSIVELY in despite of that Pepper did not include it in what he calls a comprehensive bug list. How can you call a list comprehensive when a thread that discusses a particular bug on the 522 and which gets more than 1000 views gets completely ignored? The issue is so 'hot' that the Dish Network e-mail server crashed due to the amount of emails that they received asking them to solve the 44 hour issue. To prevent further crashing of the Dish Network e-mail server the names of the Dish Network personnel mentioned in my message were removed, so that they would stop receiving as many complaints on the 44 hour issue. So since you are provably unaffected by the 44 hour you want to simply put it aside, but the proof that it is an important issue is the amount of e-mails Dish Network received and the amount of views that the 44 hour issue thread received. So YOU can ignore it, but try to get the rest of the audience to ignore it and don't you dare try to get me to stop mentioning the issue to others.
Pepper is making the list publicly available and claiming that it is comphrehensive. It is not comphrehensive and that is the point I am trying to make. Now if you can't follow this logic, please do us a favour and go see a doctor; because your lack of ability to follow and your immediate critiques (in an agressive way) towards everything that I say are starting to get me very very upset.
Sapient said:
Keeping your posts to your own comprehensive bug list thread would be nice from my perspective.
Look up the word "comphrehensive" the objective that Pepper had when creating this tread.....If you can't follow than, then maybe its time you go see a head specialist.
If you want to avoid a reaction like this one, the next time you critique something that I say, you should backup your statements with logical arguments. I don't mind critique, but I will NOT tolerate critiques without any logical arguments, which only aim to create personal one to one fights on public bulletin boards like this one and that only help to deviate the subject being dealt in the board.
You either contribute to my statements or stay away from me.