510 problem(s)


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 25, 2003
this is a long one.....
first off I selected the hide locked channels feature.
then Iocked all the channels out
now the guide won't come up, and I only get ch.9900 and 101
when I go into the menu and try to unlock the system it says "no data
available" and wont let me in.
also the receiver tries to dial out, but it is not connected to a phone line.(no phone jack in the room).

I tried to do a hard reset (hold the power button for 10-15 seconds) but nothing happened the green light went off and on but no flashing red light was seen.
I unplugged the receiver and pulled the smart card.

my questions are:
1. do you think the dialing out has something to do with it?
2. am I doing the hard reset procedure correctly?
3. should I get a 20lb sledgehammer? :eek:
4. any suggestions?
thanks for your suggestions
Call Dishnetwork at 1-800-333-dish and ask for tech support option. Tell them of your problem and they can help you to get back to working order.

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