Let me guess, TV on the wrong input?We generally do not have issues with Dish because we spend a lot of time on here. We are generally more educated on how Dish works and know how to solve our own problems. When we can't solve it we know the best routes to take in order to get good help.I think the average customer is setting themselves up for poor service. This is what I run across with my most outraged customers: They call me saying their Dish doesn't work and hasn't worked since it was installed. We find out that the install was done 2 months ago so they have just built up 2 months of rage. The first thing they do is call Dish and talk to a CSR that is not helpful at all. Now the customer is more upset because they got frustrated with a CSR. Finally we get to the customer's house and find the problem. It usually turns out to be a simple fix and now the customer is happy for the most part but has a negative view towards Dish and their service.This whole outrage could have been solved if the customer called us as soon as they noticed a problem. Don't wait 2 months and don't call Dish at 9pm expecting to solve the problem. Quit setting yourself up for frustration people!