COOL deal, I wish D* would fire back.
I have Dish DVR Advantage, which is the Classic Silver 200 with HD. I confirm that I can see SpeedHD and FX.
Can someone confirm that TurboHD Silver (HD Only) can receive the new HD channels as well?
I dont think TurboHD got anything.
I think they're sending a message to all TurboHD customers. Switch or you won't get any new channels.
I think they're sending a message to all TurboHD customers. Switch or you won't get any new channels.
Well I got Fashion, Logo, and MavTV.. But haven't gotten Speed and FX. Still in Red.. But then BET has been in Red since it came out too. Any dealers out there that can check their showroom box and see if they are missing these too.. It's a real pain to get a rehit on a showroom box.
AT Everything Classic Gold HD and get nothing.
CSR said those HD channels don't exist. She suggested I call back next week.
(English speaking or not corporate needs to get with it on informing and training all CSRs wherever they be.)