5/6/2010 3:06am - Uplink Activity Report - 32 changes


DigiDish Uplink Report

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SatelliteGuys.US DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - 5/6/2010 3:06am - 32 changes

Uplink Comparison Range: 05/06/2010 02:45A - 05/06/2010 03:05A

Channel Additions:
8568(34) - WDFX [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 07 (A) (H)(Ozark, AL-FOX)
7498(24) - KFTA [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 23 Spotbeam 20 (A) (H)(Fort Smith, AR-FOX)
5263(15) - KADN [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 11 Spotbeam 42 (A) (H)(Lafayette, LA-FOX)
8575(29) - WFTC [MPEG4 SD] added to Echostar12 61.5W TP 03 Spotbeam 13 (A) (H)(Minneapolis, MN-MY)
8446(4) - KBTV [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 12 Spotbeam 16 (A) (H)(Beaumont, TX-FOX)
5163(20) - KXIID [MPEG4 HD] added to Ciel-2 129W TP 16 Spotbeam 36 (A) (H)(Sherman, TX-FOX)
5163(20) - KXIID [MPEG4 HD] added to Echostar12 61.5W TP 01 Spotbeam 16 (A) (H)(Sherman, TX-FOX)
8569(65) - PBS [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar7 119W TP 08 ConUS beam (A) (H)

Channel Removals:
8567 - WDFX (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 07(Ozark, AL-FOX)
7500 - KNWA (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar10 110W TP 23 Spotbeam 20(Rogers, AR-NBC)
5262 - KADN (A) (H) [MPEG4 HD] removed from Ciel-2 129W TP 11 Spotbeam 42(Lafayette, LA-FOX)
8573 - WFTC (A) (H) [MPEG4 SD] removed from Echostar12 61.5W TP 03 Spotbeam 13(Minneapolis, MN-MY)
8449 - KBMTD (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar10 110W TP 12 Spotbeam 16(Beaumont, TX-N/A)
5160 - KXII (A) (H) [MPEG4 HD] removed from Ciel-2 129W TP 16 Spotbeam 36(Sherman, TX-CBS)
5160 - KXII (A) (H) [MPEG4 HD] removed from Echostar12 61.5W TP 01 Spotbeam 16(Sherman, TX-CBS)
8568 - PBS (A) (H) [MPEG2 SD] removed from EchoStar7 119W TP 08 ConUS beam

Channel Moves:
624 - SHARA [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar3 61.5W TP 08 ConUS beam to EchoStar6 61.5W TP 04 ConUS beam (A) (H)
651 - APCLR [MPEG2 SD] moved from EchoStar6 61.5W TP 04 ConUS beam to EchoStar3 61.5W TP 08 ConUS beam (A) (H)

Channel Renames:
7497(24) - KFTA(Fort Smith, AR-FOX) - EchoStar10 110W TP 23 Spotbeam 20 renamed to KNWA(51) (Rogers, AR-NBC) (A) (H)
7400(17) - WAND(Decatur, IL-NBC) - EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 11 renamed to WICS(20) (Springfield, IL-ABC) (A) (H)
7402(20) - WICS(Springfield, IL-ABC) - EchoStar7 119W TP 05 Spotbeam 11 renamed to WAND(17) (Decatur, IL-NBC) (A) (H)
8573(29) - WFTC(Minneapolis, MN-MY) - EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 28 renamed to KMSP(9) (Minneapolis, MN-FOX) (A) (H)
8575(9) - KMSP(Minneapolis, MN-FOX) - EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 28 renamed to WFTC(29) (Minneapolis, MN-MY) (A) (H)
7425(2) - WDTN(Dayton, OH-NBC) - Ciel-2 129W TP 04 Spotbeam 25 renamed to WKEF(22) (Dayton, OH-NBC) (A) (H)
7427(22) - WKEF(Dayton, OH-NBC) - Ciel-2 129W TP 04 Spotbeam 25 renamed to WDTN(2) (Dayton, OH-NBC) (A) (H)
5161(10) - KTEN(Ada, OK-NBC) - Ciel-2 129W TP 16 Spotbeam 36 renamed to KXII(12) (Sherman, TX-CBS) (A) (H)
5161(10) - KTEN(Ada, OK-NBC) - Echostar12 61.5W TP 01 Spotbeam 16 renamed to KXII(12) (Sherman, TX-CBS) (A) (H)
8675(12) - KPTV(Portland, OR-FOX) - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 renamed to KPDX(49) (Vancouver, WA-MY) (A) (H)
8445(4) - KBTV(Beaumont, TX-FOX) - EchoStar10 110W TP 12 Spotbeam 16 renamed to KBMTD(50) (Beaumont, TX-N/A) (A) (H)
5162(20) - KXIID(Sherman, TX-FOX) - Ciel-2 129W TP 16 Spotbeam 36 renamed to KTEN(10) (Ada, OK-NBC) (A) (H)
5162(20) - KXIID(Sherman, TX-FOX) - Echostar12 61.5W TP 01 Spotbeam 16 renamed to KTEN(10) (Ada, OK-NBC) (A) (H)
8673(49) - KPDX(Vancouver, WA-MY) - EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 44 renamed to KPTV(12) (Portland, OR-FOX) (A) (H)

Channels in the system: 7051
(A) = Available to subscribers
(NA) = Not Available
(H) = Hidden from non-subscribers

The Format and Layout of the SatelliteGuys Uplink Report is © Copyright 2010 SatelliteGuys.US and may not be republished without written permission from SatelliteGuys.US.

The SatelliteGuys Uplink Report is powered by Digiblur Technologies! - DigiDish v10.05.04

© 2010 - All Rights Reserved - SatelliteGuys Incorporated
Uplink computer stuck for a while? Or is Dish working night and day now on the non sports updates? Odd to see these happen at night vs their usual mid day.
Uplink computer stuck for a while? Or is Dish working night and day now on the non sports updates? Odd to see these happen at night vs their usual mid day.

It wasn't stuck... look at the time frame at the top of the report.

Not sure what to make out of these renumbers of locals? Possibly something dealing with E14 adding more markets so they can bring in the distants? I never heard if that was passed or not though.
thats what it looks like. I'll use Minneapolis as example

8573(29) - WFTC(Minneapolis, MN-MY) - EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 28 renamed to KMSP(9) (Minneapolis, MN-FOX) (A) (H)
8575(9) - KMSP(Minneapolis, MN-FOX) - EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 28 renamed to WFTC(29) (Minneapolis, MN-MY) (A) (H)

Dish likes to put the locals in order

Well at the time 8573 was Fox (WFTC) and 8575 was UPN (KMSP). That changed ...holy crap...8 years ago!! KMSP went Fox and WFTC went UPN at the time. So the 8000's locals always went for us

So I guess 8 years later Dish did some housekeeping ;)
no if they could correct psip data, all my boxes have been hooked to antenna for awhile ie 722k 9-1 is fox and 9-2 is mytv and all boxes hooked to antenna for a while reflect that. these boxes show correct 9 and 29 listing for msp.

fastforward 922 just installed antenna works but 9-1 is fox 9-2 fox, where as 9-2 should be mytv. channel 29 on 922 -1 -2 both mytv

dish get your crap together and send correct data, the digital switch was awhile ago.

but based on them finally changing msp switch, many moons ago maybe ill have it soon(hopefully within my lifetime)
That is correct how its showing

After the digital conversion folks were complaining that 9 was hard to pick up since it went back to 9 (from 26). So KMSP actually split the signal to both stations

digital 9 has 9-1 (Fox HD) and 29-2 (My SD)
digital 29 has 29-1 (My HD) and 9-2 (Fox SD)

this helps folks with rabbit ears get 9 in since its on UHF...happened in November

KMSP/FOX 9 and WFTC/My 29 (Minneapolis) have made a change that could help viewers having difficulty receiving KMSP since the station moved from digital channel 26 to 9 in June. Each station had previously carried both an HD feed and SD feed; the two stations now have swapped their SD feeds, which now remap to the other channel number. So, WFTC continues to carry its HD programming on 29.1, while a WFTC subchannel carries KMSP-SD, which remaps to 9.2, and vice-versa for KMSP. Many receivers will update automatically without the viewer's knowledge, but some older receivers may need to be rescanned to receive 9.2 and 29.2.

unless I'm confusing what you're saying
Last edited:
That is correct how its showing

After the digital conversion folks were complaining that 9 was hard to pick up since it went back to 9 (from 26). So KMSP actually split the signal to both stations

digital 9 has 9-1 (Fox HD) and 29-2 (My SD)
digital 29 has 29-1 (My HD) and 9-2 (Fox SD)

this helps folks with rabbit ears get 9 in since its on UHF
yes but my antenna and guide reflects correctly on all cept new 922.
922 right now on msp fox is access hollywood
well 9-1 guide and channel correct access hollywood
9-2 guide correct maury but channel showing access hollywood
29-1 guide and channel correct maury
29-2 guide correct access hollywood but showing maury
this only happens on 922 all other ota devices hooked up for awhile.
thats what it looks like. I'll use Minneapolis as example

8573(29) - WFTC(Minneapolis, MN-MY) - EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 28 renamed to KMSP(9) (Minneapolis, MN-FOX) (A) (H)
8575(9) - KMSP(Minneapolis, MN-FOX) - EchoStar10 110W TP 04 Spotbeam 28 renamed to WFTC(29) (Minneapolis, MN-MY) (A) (H)

Dish likes to put the locals in order

Well at the time 8573 was Fox (WFTC) and 8575 was UPN (KMSP). That changed ...holy crap...8 years ago!! KMSP went Fox and WFTC went UPN at the time. So the 8000's locals always went for us

So I guess 8 years later Dish did some housekeeping ;)

The Springfield WICS and Decatur WAND affiliation swap was years ago as well. I guess someone finally noticed the order needed changing.
yes but my antenna and guide reflects correctly on all cept new 922.
922 right now on msp fox is access hollywood
well 9-1 guide and channel correct access hollywood
9-2 guide correct maury but channel showing access hollywood
29-1 guide and channel correct maury
29-2 guide correct access hollywood but showing maury
this only happens on 922 all other ota devices hooked up for awhile.

OK so the guide is showing wrong because 9-1 & 9-2 have the same program (and should show the same guide info) and 29-1 & 29-2 have the same program.
It looks like Sherman-Denison-Ada, Lafayette, and Dothan/Ozark are putting in spaces for missing nets. Beaumont played musical affiliates at the first of '09.

Also, WKEF/22 in Dayton is ABC, WDTN/2 is NBC (uplink has both as NBC) - They were opposite networks several years ago, but have long since switched.

It looks like Sherman-Denison-Ada, Lafayette, and Dothan/Ozark are putting in spaces for missing nets. Beaumont played musical affiliates at the first of '09.

Sherman/Ada is getting a ABC affiliate Monday via KTEN-DT3 (NBC)

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KTEN"]KTEN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Kten_2010.png" class="image"><img alt="Kten 2010.png" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9f/Kten_2010.png/150px-Kten_2010.png"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/9/9f/Kten_2010.png/150px-Kten_2010.png[/ame]

On May 9, 2010, the station will convert its third digital subchannel from a doppler radar image to a channel that will operate as the area's ABC affiliate which will be known on-air as ABC Texoma.
only 480i though
Egads (I say even though I have a second residence in Sherman/Denison/Ada market), what are they going to do to PQ with 2 HD channels and one 480i network on the same channel?

The local station must be raking it in with 3 networks in one now.
I thought only NBC was HD and the other 2 are (or in ABC case will be) 480i SD?

yeah you got 6 networks on 2 stations...damn!
I thought only NBC was HD and the other 2 are (or in ABC case will be) 480i SD?

yeah you got 6 networks on 2 stations...damn!

I have cable in Ardmore, I do not know if the cable feed is different from the OTA one. My other location Wichita Falls (85 miles away), has all 4 networks in HD each on their own OTA channel, they have some SD subchannels.

Cable feeds in Ardmore: HD ABC from OKC, SD ABC from Dallas. CBS/FOX/NBC HD are local. SD NBC & CBS is local and OKC.

I bet Dish would love to have significantly viewd here.

Channel Additions:
6425(49) - KPDX [MPEG4 HD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 29 Spotbeam 44 (NA)(Vancouver, WA-MY)

So, the above hasn't happened. And 49 is still KPDX and 12 is still KPTV (FOX)????

5/6/2010 2:26am - Uplink Activity Report - 8 changes


5/8/2010 3:06am - Uplink Activity Report - 8 changes

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