A few weeks ago I ordered the VU Plus Zero 4k from Europe for $165 delivered in 3 days via DHL. Thank you
Tunder for your recommendation! This 4k STB is the best 4k STB that I have tested! Blows the Zgemma H7, Octagon SF4008 and the K1 receivers out of the water!
The Zero 4K Blind Scans transponders for DVBS/S2/SX, SD/HD/UHD, in approx. 2 minutes and completes the service scan in approx. 6 minutes. Found over 2600 TV and Radio services on 105w C-band in one blind scan pass in about 8 minutes. The radio services are showing the service names! Currently flipping though and listening to dozens of morning show feeds.
Scans and plays the Music Choice 125w VCM channels (with video), 16APSK, H.265 and flawless 4k. Upconverts and downconverts, so it doesn't matter if you have an HD or UHD TV. It features a built-in hotspot / server and time can be set to reference NTP. The DVR works fine with all formats (including radio). Live stream and DVR playback of 4:2:2. Yes, the teletext service works.
Watching local TV with an ATSC USB dongle and listening to FM radio with a RTL DVBT USB dongle via a powered USB Hub.
So far I've tested the OpenATV and SatdreamGR E2 images and dual boot. Takes about 2 minutes to swap between images. OpenPLI is my favorite, but the blind scan addon needs to be updated, so will patiently wait for their upcoming build.
For anyone interested in jumping on the 4k train, finally a STB that I would recommend!
How much do I like the Zero 4k? Am working on getting some to resell in North America.
If buying out of the EU, contact the seller to arrange the export price without VAT. This savings will be equal to receiving free shipping!