4ft FortechStar w/ DN Mount for Skew?


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 7, 2009
Virgin Islands
Hi All,

Has anyone tried installing a DN mount to an existing 4ft dish to allow it to skew?

I've been using an old 4ft FortecStar dish with DPP equipment with a deconstructed (plastic shroud removed) 119 LNB on a makeshift arm. The arm and LNB have died after about 6 years, and I've installed a DPP dual LNB with a Y-yolk adapter, to the single square tube LNB arm on the dish.

The problem is that to pickup 110 the dish needs to skew, which this older Fortech dish cannot. I'm saying all this, as I'm assuming there is an added benefit to retaining the 4ft dish as opposed to downsizing to the 20" D500. Oh and it's cheaper :).


Seems so.

I did some more research, and I need to see which eye is picking up 119. When I do dish pointer 110 says "wrong satellite - incorrect satellite name" or something.

With all the talk about reflection being opposite from what is in the sky, I'll come back to find out if I need to adjust azimuth or elevation to find 110.
Unless someone can explain if it's possible to pickup 110 without skew with the dual LNB...

Doubt if the dual will work as you describe. Your problem is your location. The closer you get to the equator (VI) the greater the "pointing" separation for the lnbs on large dishes. The integrated dual lnb will not have enough spacing to pick up the two satellites when you skew the lnb. The solution is to clamp a offset arm made from conduit or whatever, on the main lnb support arm and duct tape (or clamp) a second lnb to the offset arm.

Aim the existing lnb at the weakest satellite signal since the max gain in signal from the system will be from that lnb. Then connect the second lnb to a cable and manually move it around (close) to the original lnb until you find the sweet spot (max signal) for that lnb. A half inch will be a big movement. Use that info to establish the offset sideways and up/down you need to use in designing and locating the offset arm (duct tape is a great helper while doing the tests).

Remember that the multiple lnb alignment is like playing pool. If the second satellite is to the left of the dish, you will find the signal on the right side of the dish and vice vs. Similarly, if the second satellite is lower in the sky (elevation) than the primary satellite, you will find it located above the original lnb and vice vs.
Doubt I will go that route again since I just shelled out for the DPP dual and wasnt planning on buying two more singles!

70-80% of the installations are running a Dual LNB on 500 or 1000 series ellipticals (including 3 neighbours within a 1000 yd radius). That said, 110 would be the first to drop out in really bad weather, so I agree with what you said of it not being the best way to optimize signal strength.
This is a neighbor's setup.
OK gurus. I'm getting a reading of 51 on the 119 eye. Where to from here:

1: Smaller DN dish
2: DN mount to allow for skew
3: Azimuth adjustment.

As a side note: I live on the coast and would hate to bust up my nice plastic covering.
Help anyone?

Better yet can you tell me what direction I need to swing from 119° to pick up 110°? The FSU game is on 110 in an hour!!!!!
Ok. I got my DN mount, and mated it to my FTA dish.

Where to go from here to register for 119 - skew or elevation? I'm picking up 110 on LNB 110. Picking up about 40db on 110 which is the norm for here.
HI. I covered the 110 eye, and panned left to find 119. I found a weak 110 the 119 lnb instead. Which direction from the 110 should I go to find 119?
Thanks man. I thought i was being ignored for a minute.

Panned right,on the same elevation, and still nothing. I will lower the elevation and swing again - i ended up with 83 strength for 110 which isn't normal for a twin LNB setup. So I believe I also need to be lower?

Thanks again.
I borrowed a BirdDog V3 and have readings on 110, 118.5 and 119. Will setup an old satellite on the weekend, to pick up 61.5.

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