He had a scar when he was looking in the mirror.
Guess I missed that.
He had a scar when he was looking in the mirror.
when jack went and seen hurley in the nut house. hurley told jack the reason he went crazy was because charlie visited him. then hurley told jack that charlie told him that someone would be visiting jack soon. i assume that this is when jack is going to go crazy after the person visits jack. because we all know that jack goes crazy somewhere down the road.
hmmmm, how are they supposed to move th island? did i miss somthing? did claire die?
Claire's DEAD. She was killed in the attack and explosion of her cabin. The island has been animating her ever since. Just like the other dead people we've been seeing off and on since this show started. Notice how Miles the "GhostWhisperer" has been watching her/looking at her so strangely since they left the compound? Last weeks episode, Sawyer was constantly ragging on Miles, every time he caught him even just looking at her.
You have to closely watch everything that happens on this show, because every 'even tiny' little thing means something!
ok Aaron is a boy lol I wondered why people were spelling it Erin.
We knew Claire was Jack's sister from before but the woman playing her mother didn't look like the same one. Kate told them she gave birth to Aaron.... I wonder why.
ok Aaron is a boy lol I wondered why people were spelling it Erin.
YES!:up It seems Ben and the dead people are working together.ok the people that took the guns from kate and jack are the dead people in the hole that ben killed. that is why it seems that they are wearing rags and such. the island seems to keep the dead people living. anyone agree with this?
ok the people that took the guns from kate and jack are the dead people in the hole that ben killed. that is why it seems that they are wearing rags and such. the island seems to keep the dead people living. anyone agree with this?
I thought those people were their before darhma and were the considered hostiles. They guy who asked jack and kate for the gun was the one that got ben to turn on the darhma group. when he asked ben if he wanted to see his mother.