Obviously more is to come since people got out to the ship that were not members of the O6 survivors. I guess they get to die on the ship...
That was Richard taking the gun from Sayid. In addition to getting Ben to turn on the Dharma group he was the one that recruited Juliet and somehow got Locke to kill his father.
Locke didn't kill his father, Sawyer did. He was the same guy who conned Sawyer's family.
Also some food for thought but when they said move the island just keep in mind it doesn't mean it would be moved to another farther away location. It could be moved to another time and/or dimension. Maybe the people that have died that are being animated are somehow within another dimension. We saw one person thus far who seemed to shift from the current island to the past etc. This show is not one to take each word in the normal form we associate it with. So move may not mean what we all assume it means ya know.
i just caught a major detail. sun was asked if her husband was one of the 8 that made it off the plane, and she said no, he never made it off the plane. we also know that sun became pregnant on the island. i think this is eventually going to lead to suspicion about their story.
WHAT!!?? I thought it would be 2 hours also!!I thought the finale was going to be a 2 hour show, not a 1 hour recap and then the show... Recording now, but still, it would have been nice to have 2 hours.
GREAT!!! ::upit is two hours plus the recap for a total of 3hrs and i am very shocked at the ending
I'll bet on this one. I am going for all the flashbacks being near the same time. I'll go for Locke or Micheal in the Coffin. Ben has to much money and connections to end up in essentially a paupers funeral.