4:2:2 support is not possible on the microHD without a daughterboard. The market is too niche to develop a product specifically for 4:2:2. Azbox and DVBS/S2 PCI /USB PC solutions are available, perform well and are very reasonably priced.
I have repeated this many times and the reduced transmissions indicate that my observations are correct...... The trend continues.... 4:2:2 usage continues to decline as it was used to increase the resolution of MPEG2 using legacy equipment. MPEG4 provides better efficiency, uses less bandwidth provide higher resolution. Yes, I understand that there are occasional feeds and two 24/7 channels, but there are many less events using 4:2:2 each year. It was a stop gap that is no longer necessary and rarely used as most trucks and downlinks have now transitioned to MPEG4.
Unless a chipset natively supports 4:2:2 and it excels as a DVBS / S2 STB, it doesn't make much business sense to develop. At this point there is no well supported chipset supporting 4:2:2 that is produced targeting the consumer market. BTW.... Azbox mistakenly supported 4:2:2. It was pointed out by a hobbyist, after the STB's release, that the Sigma chipset supported 4:2:2. Several months later a firmware release enabled it. Sigma has little interest or internal support for the DVBS market as they are primarily focused on the media player market.