3ABN now available to both Dish Network subs and Sky Angel subs

I just changed the thread title to clear up confusion.
Thank you Tony. Now you can change it back again! Since it's available on a SA channel to SA subs without doing anything, probably it should read "3ABN returns to Sky Angel and available to Dish Network subs" or "courtesy of Dish Network transponder" or something like that.

And still there is no update or explanation or news or modified channel lineup re: 3ABN on http://www.skyangel.com.
Its not on 148. Dish by law needs to set aside 4% of channel capacity per satellite for PI channels. That is why they have added the last 3 on 129. Also there are more people with 129 dishes than 148 :)

Thanks Ice I was not sure, I knew it was mirrored but was not sure where.
No offence but you sound like some religious people I know. They want to force their beliefs down my throat and could give a rats rear end about our view. (my x-girlfriend was like that).

You attacked me saying I'm a know it all. Last I checked I wasn't. I do know a fair amount of info on satellites because that is my hobby or dare I say a passion. Some people have a hobby/passion of spreading the good word. Some its working on cars or knitting or cooking or thousands of other hobbies out there. Me its satellites. :)

Then you go after Gary Z because he cancelled Sky Angel. DId you bother to read why he cancelled it? Because they dropped 3ABN which was a channel he wanted. If a company doesn't carry what you want, you have 2 options. Suck it up and deal with the shortcomings or find an alternative. The 3ABN site gave direction on how to continue watching them and obviously he went and followed their advice. Nothing wrong with him doing that. I would have done that too.

Obviously you want Sky Angel to survive and I think anyone who posts in this area would agree. But to me you sound like you drank too much SA Kool Aid and that they can do no wrong. (don't worry, the Dish & Direct areas have those too) :) and attack people when they **might** say something bad about them (I put ** around might since you accused me of saying nothing good about them).

But there is competition between Christian satellite companies which can only mean good for the consumer :)

Good post. Not sure why it is wrong for someone to get *more* Christian channels via another system. :rolleyes:

My personal take on SA vs. other systems. My wife is religious. I am not. As already posted my in-laws have Sky Angel and my wife wanted it too. Who am I do argue with a wife who wants me to put up more sat dishes? :up

So I did a lot of research. #1 was the ability to get 3ABN and the Adventist channels.
So that left Sky Angel out of the running (until now of course) but what I didn't like was that SA charged (knowing I can get it for free).

3ABN has their own sat setup (for just it's channel) but it's a cruddy receiver and dish.
Found the Hope channel setup which then led me to Glorystar.

Glorystar was the ticket (and still is) because:
1) Offers most of the SA channels plus a couple dozen more and are adding new ones every month
2) No fees, it's all FTA (free to air)
3) The receiver is a top notch FTA receiver which can be used for any FTA channels
4) Dish is also a standard FTA setup
5) Thus I could get the Glorystar setup now and later could easily add a motor and have a fully functional FTA system while the wife still gets her religious channels.

Glorystar was the clear winner for our family. And I got lucky in the contest as well. Now I just need to get my back healed up enough so I can put it up.

But just because we went with a Glorystar setup by no means makes Sky Angel any "less" of a service. My in-laws were about to get a Hope/Glorystar setup but really didn't want a 90cm dish and now they don't have to so SA still works great for them.
I would think as good Christians you'd all get along and want to spread the word by any means you can. Sky Angel, Hope channel, Glorystar...it's all good, right? But I'll stop there as this certainly doesn't need to devolve into a religious fight. There are other forums for that.
Maybe the thread title should say "3ABN moves to Dish Network as Public Interest Channel"

3ABN in not really part of the Sky Angel line up. It is a Public interest Channel.

It was nice of Dish Network to allow it to be seen by Sky Angel Subscribers without making them ask E* to turn on the PI channels.

Dish network viewers now have the option to watch 3ABN. All it would take is a dish pointed to one of the two satellites that Dish has 3ABN on.

Used Dish Network dishes are about free at garage sales. I picked up a Dish 500 for 5 bucks.

If you have any Dish network plan, get a used dish and a switch, aim it at one of the two satellites and "free 3ABN"
I just have S.A. and 3ABN is on it, it came on yesterday. I do not have Dish network and never will. To much bad stuff on Dish network not for my family. May God Bless S.A.
Just wanted to say I appreciate ALL of Iceberg's info. His satellite knowledge has always been helpful, and from what I have gathered, always accurate. He seems to know his stuff!

Iceberg is right as usual. I did a transponder check by going to set-up from each and 3ABN is on transponder 10 while SA channels are on 25 or 32.
My bother has DISH programming off from 110. Would he be able to get 3ABN?
Currently, the only way to get 3ABN with E* or SA is using a dish at 129W and/or 61.5W. Right now it is not on the core slots at 110W/119W or the west coast at 148W.

EDIT: Just wanted to add my support for all of Iceberg's expertise. :)
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just 110 or both 110 & 119? Most people who have Dish have 110 & 119

He would need a dish at either 61.5 (like for Sky Angel) or 129. 3ABN is only on those 2 satellites
OK, if he starts looking in pawn shops, flea markets and yard sales for an extra dish, does it have to be a DISH Network dish? And how does he hook two dishes up to one reciever?
Thank you Tony. Now you can change it back again! Since it's available on a SA channel to SA subs without doing anything, probably it should read "3ABN returns to Sky Angel and available to Dish Network subs" or "courtesy of Dish Network transponder" or something like that.

And still there is no update or explanation or news or modified channel lineup re: 3ABN on http://www.skyangel.com.

The thing is that this channel IS NOT A SKY ANGEL CHANNEL!!!!!!! It is a LIE to say that this is a Sky Angel Channel. It is a Dish Network Channel that is available to sky angle subs as I had on the thread title.

It is AVAILABLE to Sky Angel subscribers without doing anything just like channel 9902 is telling you you have a dish pointed at 61.5°

So when the thread name was changed AGAIN, it was changed from an accurate description (dish network channel available to sky angel subscribers).

See ya
OK, if he starts looking in pawn shops, flea markets and yard sales for an extra dish, does it have to be a DISH Network dish?
maybe. Dish uses two types of LNB (the eye up on the dish). Legacy is the old version and DIshPro is the newer one. DirecTV uses LNB"s that would be classifed as "Legacy" so that would work. If he has DIshPro then it would not work.

The best thing to do is see what he currently has for equipment. The best thing to do is to check on the recievers menu. Have him go menu 6-1-1 to get into the satellite install screen. There should be an option that says "check switch" press that and it should show a screen and at the top it would say something like
switch "Dish 500 Twin"
switch "Dish 500 Quad"
swicth "DishPro 500 Twin"


It would be better to know first what he has before trying to match it up :)
The thing is that this channel IS NOT A SKY ANGEL CHANNEL!!
No need to SHOUT! I never said it was.

Thank you for the change of title (again). My only further comment, after which I retire from this argument, is that "available" implies there are some subs which do not get 3ABN. So, "available to Dish Network subs" is accurate, since some Dish subs won't get it without asking, or adding equipment, or both. However, there are no SA subs who do NOT get 3ABN.

So... You can argue with somebody (not me!) about who "owns" the 3ABN channel. But right now, as of Wednesday, now that we know what we know, the original thread title wasn't so bad after all. ;)
Anyone have a dish at 61.5 west that is a regular DISH sub getting 9710? This channel fits nicely in the Sky Angel range of channels, but would look out of place if a DISH only sub.

Anyone have this channel without a Sky Angel sub? Any 129 subs getting without calling DISH?

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