3ABN now available to both Dish Network subs and Sky Angel subs

{Iceberg} you sound like a know it all to me,
sorry you feel that way but I do know a fair amount of info on satellites
3ABN told me the satelliite blew up.
as noted above, the satellite did NOT blow up. If it did, then there would be no Sky Angel at all. Part of the transponder on the satellite went out so Dish/SA could not carry all the channels.
Did you ask them why they got off SKY ANGEL.
I am going by the info that I have read. I have read enough info other than what one channel tells the public to know what happened. I do venture outside of the SA area :)
You have nothing good to say about SKY ANGEL
huh? Please elaborate on that. I have posted numerous good things on Sky Angel. I am just stating facts when it comes to 3ABN
are you a CHRISTIAN,
your definition and mine are probably different so I won't comment on that.
and do you have SKY ANGEL.
sort of. I will explain. I do have Glorystar via free to air. Actually I have had free to air and just discovered that a portion of channels are classified as "Glorystar". Also I have a C-Band (backyard) dish and can pick up some of the SA channels on C-band (that's how SA gets the feed). So do I have Sky Angel? yes and no. i can view a fair amount of SA channels but not all of them.
I LOVE SKY ANGEL and so does my family I even started selling it.

that is your opinion and you are more than entitled to it. There are lots of people who come here and just post the negative of something. I like to post both and in the case of 3ABN I just wanted to make sure that people were not given false information :)
If the Satellite blew up you would not be able to watch Sky Angel. Iceberg is 100% correct when he said the satellite did not blow up. If someone at 3ABN said it did they were mistaken.

I'm a Seventh Day Adventist and I watch 3ABN a lot on FTA. I had Sky Angel also but canceled my subscription when 3ABN's transponder malfunctioned and they were not able to fix it.

So lay off Iceberg... he does know what he is talking about.

Thank you Gary :)
I didn't have to do anything 3ABN just showed up on ch 9710. I had never deleted it from my favorites list so it showed up on the guide.

BTW I give a vote of confidence to Iceberg's competence. I was involved with NASA experimentation back in the days when an 85' antenna with a cooled parametric amplifier was required to get an SNR suitable for TV. I also participated in early Ka and Ku band propagation (rainfade) experimentation. I have not stayed current on the technology so I appreciate Iceberg's expertise and willingness to share.
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I didn't have to do anything 3ABN just showed up on ch 9710.
It showed up for me too :D, but I'm a Dish Network AT250 subscriber, so I get the PI channels.

Are you saying you now get only SA without the other PI channels, and you never requested the PI channels? That would be great news if so, because I want my mother to get 3ABN without her having to do anything. Or risk her watching the HHS channel. :rolleyes: Still no comment from http://skyangel.com. Just noticed they don't own the http:skyangel.org address. :confused:

BTW I give a vote of confidence to Iceberg's competence.
Hear hear. I have occasionally been at odds with him and found out later I was wrong and he was right.
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Are you saying you now get only SA without the other PI channels, and you never requested the PI channels? That would be great news if so . . .
I am SA only but did request the PI channels a week or so ago, so that may be the reason it appeared.
I would be interested to know. Are there any Sky Angel ONLY sbscribers that had 3ABN just show up on 9710?

See ya

Just checked with a friend that has SA ONLY with no PI channels. They DO have 9710 with 3ABN!
My in-laws have Sky Angel. My wife is going to call them and see if 3ABN is coming in for them or not. 3ABN is very important to them and after I get my Glorystar system up I was going to offer putting one up for them as well. But this might be enough for them to stay with SA for now.
So here is the other question that logically follows... Is this maybe an "all sub" channel?

I wonder if there are any international only subs that might be getting 9710 now. :)

See ya
My in-laws have Sky Angel. My wife is going to call them and see if 3ABN is coming in for them or not. 3ABN is very important to them and after I get my Glorystar system up I was going to offer putting one up for them as well. But this might be enough for them to stay with SA for now.

Yep, the inlaws get 3ABN on 7910 where it was before. They are very happy with their geek son-in-law right now. :)

All I know is that they've had Sky Angel for a while so it was authorized on their receiver in the past. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Just checked with a friend that has SA ONLY with no PI channels. They DO have 9710 with 3ABN!
I can verify that with my mother's SA-only installation. She is now getting 3ABN. I asked her to try 9400 and she got a "not subscribed" popup. I also asked her to hit the up-channel button, and she got Angel 1. I am pleased about this since (1) she didn't have to do anything to get 3ABN and (2) she's not going to get the HHS channel (or any other PI channel) while channel surfing. :D

All I know is that they've had Sky Angel for a while so it was authorized on their receiver in the past. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
I think "not." I subscribed my mother to SA last December, long after 3ABN was gone from SA due to technical difficulties.

Too bad SA doesn't make an announcement somewhere about this.
3ABN is back on SKYANGEL right now on 9710. GaryZ you said you canceled SKY ANGEL to bad for you .

3ABN is not on Sky Angel... I'm glad I canceled Sky Angel... I get many more Christian Channels including 3ABN, Hope Channel and Loma Linda Broadcasting plus Adventist Radio stations with Glorystar and NO MONTHLY subscriptions.

SO no regrets for canceling Sky Angel.
What about DISH subscribers that are not SA subscribers? Is it being mirrored as was discussed?

BTW: I'm sure Ice Berg has forgotten more about satellites than I will ever learn.
What about DISH subscribers that are not SA subscribers? Is it being mirrored as was discussed?
yes it is mirrored on 129 so as long as someone has a dish at 61.5 or 129 they can get 3ABN. The only ones who would have to ask for it are Dish customers who do not subscribe to their AT100 package (like me who had DDIshFamily...I would have had to have the free PI channels added).

Yes it is mirrored on 148 I think... but it is mirrored.


Its not on 148. Dish by law needs to set aside 4% of channel capacity per satellite for PI channels. That is why they have added the last 3 on 129. Also there are more people with 129 dishes than 148 :)
{Iceberg} you sound like a know it all to me, 3ABN told me the satelliite blew up. Did you ask them why they got off SKY ANGEL. You have nothing good to say about SKY ANGEL are you a CHRISTIAN, and do you have SKY ANGEL. I LOVE SKY ANGEL and so does my family I even started selling it. I'll pray for you.
lovejesus said:
GaryZ you said you canceled SKY ANGEL to bad for you

No offence but you sound like some religious people I know. They want to force their beliefs down my throat and could give a rats rear end about our view. (my x-girlfriend was like that).

You attacked me saying I'm a know it all. Last I checked I wasn't. I do know a fair amount of info on satellites because that is my hobby or dare I say a passion. Some people have a hobby/passion of spreading the good word. Some its working on cars or knitting or cooking or thousands of other hobbies out there. Me its satellites. :)

Then you go after Gary Z because he cancelled Sky Angel. DId you bother to read why he cancelled it? Because they dropped 3ABN which was a channel he wanted. If a company doesn't carry what you want, you have 2 options. Suck it up and deal with the shortcomings or find an alternative. The 3ABN site gave direction on how to continue watching them and obviously he went and followed their advice. Nothing wrong with him doing that. I would have done that too.

Obviously you want Sky Angel to survive and I think anyone who posts in this area would agree. But to me you sound like you drank too much SA Kool Aid and that they can do no wrong. (don't worry, the Dish & Direct areas have those too) :) and attack people when they **might** say something bad about them (I put ** around might since you accused me of saying nothing good about them).

But there is competition between Christian satellite companies which can only mean good for the consumer :)

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