$299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

Please reply by conversation.
Just took advantage of this great deal and got a couple extras!

+ $317.69 (HD DVR + tax)
+ $16.18 (s/h)
$333.87 (Initial cost)

- $100.00 (MIR)
- $30.00 ($5 off base package for 6 mos)
- $30.00 ($5 off hd package for 6 mos)
- $126.00 (hbo/sho converted to $2 / mo for 6 months, $21 savings per month)
- $36.00 (free starz for 3 mos -- offered this for initially messing up order, had to cancel and re-enter)
$322.00 (Rebates, discounts, freebies)

Total Cost: $11.87

Plus, to my surprise they scheduled the install for this Sat, 2 days from now -- and I called at 9pm Thursday night. I'll be amazed if they make this install.

HBO/SHO for $2/mo and free starz for 3 mos was offered by the CSR without my doing anything. She just kept throwing out discounts!

:clap Thank you DirecTV! :clap
wwood_98 said:
Got a round dish that is supplying all three receivers. (2-tuner Tivo and 2 regular D* receivers.

The installer said when I get the HD-Tivo I will get a different dish.

Ok, I'm in! I asked the CSR (went through BellSouth) to install the Multi-Sat dish up front...she said they would so we will see. Hope this deal holds up after next weekend when they install the basic stuff.
SlicerMDM said:
Just took advantage of this great deal and got a couple extras!

+ $317.69 (HD DVR + tax)
+ $16.18 (s/h)
$333.87 (Initial cost)

- $100.00 (MIR)
- $30.00 ($5 off base package for 6 mos)
- $30.00 ($5 off hd package for 6 mos)
- $126.00 (hbo/sho converted to $2 / mo for 6 months, $21 savings per month)
- $36.00 (free starz for 3 mos -- offered this for initially messing up order, had to cancel and re-enter)
$322.00 (Rebates, discounts, freebies)

Total Cost: $11.87
Math is just a tad off. The price of the premiums goes down as you add more. Starz would be $10 per month. So you actually end up paying $17.87 with all programming credits. Is the HBO/Show $2 for both per month or $ 2 each per month? You did pretty good I would say. :up
Tonedeaf said:
Math is just a tad off. The price of the premiums goes down as you add more. Starz would be $10 per month. So you actually end up paying $17.87 with all programming credits. Is the HBO/Show $2 for both per month or $ 2 each per month? You did pretty good I would say. :up

Oh, right, it's discounted.

Actually, I never would've normally ordered Starz (had TC+ for a while then dropped back to TC) so really it's kinda like buying something on-sale that you didn't want and saying you saved money (because it was on sale).

Anyway, whatever it means, I'll take it! ;)

Apparently what they did with HBO / SHO was ... HBO $2 / mo for 6 mos. SHO free for 6 mos. So, it's effectively $2 for both (since I was paying for both when I called). I saw a post on Tivo Community from someone saying they got the same deal. Haven't seen any others though.
SlicerMDM said:
Oh, right, it's discounted.

Actually, I never would've normally ordered Starz (had TC+ for a while then dropped back to TC) so really it's kinda like buying something on-sale that you didn't want and saying you saved money (because it was on sale).

Anyway, whatever it means, I'll take it! ;)

Apparently what they did with HBO / SHO was ... HBO $2 / mo for 6 mos. SHO free for 6 mos. So, it's effectively $2 for both (since I was paying for both when I called). I saw a post on Tivo Community from someone saying they got the same deal. Haven't seen any others though.

Ya that was me that got the same deal, and it was in this thread a few pages back. They also gave me half off the HD package for the next 6 months. The CSR just offered it to me like that. I really don't know why but I'll take it!

Oh yea, I've got all my local OTA's at high signal strength with my crappy 20 year old beat up roof antenna. I was amazed that the thing would pick anything up at all. A tree had grown into it and bent a couple of the arms to where they were touching the main body of the antenna.

Watching OTA's that are clearer than what comes off the Dish is a wierd feeling. All my local stations are now broadcasting in HD with the exception of NBC, which comes online in November. The pool scenes in "Las Vegas" will look that much better in HD. :D Needless to say though...I LOVE MY NEW HR10-250!!! Thanks to fletchlives for posting this thread.
I got it!!! I had purchased the HD DVR at best buy but after reading here decided to not have it installed. Within a few minutes after the installer had finished installed/setting it all up called costumer retention and got the HD DVR for 299-100 rebate! Didn't get any programming offer though. :( but I'm sure I'll be able to work around it with them. thanks for all who posted here with the helpfull tips on how to get it for new costumers!!!
And, to make things even better I did qualify for ALL FOUR US network channels!! It only took a couple of minutes with the guy checking for DNS!!

Hasta la vista Dish network!!!!

Fgsilva said:
I got it!!! I had purchased the HD DVR at best buy but after reading here decided to not have it installed. Within a few minutes after the installer had finished installed/setting it all up called costumer retention and got the HD DVR for 299-100 rebate! Didn't get any programming offer though. :( but I'm sure I'll be able to work around it with them. thanks for all who posted here with the helpfull tips on how to get it for new costumers!!!
Well, I officially give up. I can not get this deal as a new customer. I only want/need one receiver and I wanted it to be the HR10-250 but it looks like it's a no go. I just don't want to risk signing up in the hopes I'd be able to get the deal in a week or so after the install. Then if it's dried up or they change the rules I'm stuck.

Can't say I'm too impressed with D* customer service. Email and phone calls to the normal numbers yielded "No such deal exists", "You're confused, it's the non_DVR HD receiver", "It's an internet rumor", etc, etc. The retention department wouldn't even talk to me. One guy did acknowledge the deal existed but said it was only for LONG TIME existing customers.

Well hopefully when the MPEG4 DVRs come out they will have a better new customer deal.
hdtvtechno said:
I see people selling the HD tivos on Ebay for $299
Look Here
This is basically an auction for the number to the retention department. The auction even states "No new customers".
My HD-TIVO was installed yesterday, basically the same deal as everybody else. See earlier post for details. I had some problem with my TV that I will pass along in case anybody else has the same problem.

My Mitsubishi WS-65905 that was manufactured way back in 1999 has a RGB / Component input that shares the same RCA connectors. The TV defaults to the RGB input which generates a green screen when driving it with the component input. The problem was finding the switch to the Component. It is in the menu system under assign input under DTV. It will toggle between OFF, ON, RGB, YCrCb. For several hours I never got enough buttons pushed in the right direction to bring up the YCrCb option. Now that I know it is there, is seems simple. The manual makes no mention of this selection on either the connection instructions or the menu instructions. The manual states to turn off the TV and unplug the power when changing HD revivers, needless to say that did not work.

Now all is working well except I am only receiving one OTA channel. I am going to try to re-aim my UHF antenna.
My deal

Well I'm set.
Did not quite get the same deal but it is pretty good.
I finally called the retention # even though I am not a D* customer.

Told them I was a former voomer and missed the offer. Also told her of my attempt to go through the regular CSR's with nothing but confusion and misunderstandings(and some ignorance on the part of the CSR's). I was extremely nice and so was she.

Her best offer though was 200 dollars off. I then went to VE and got the extra fifty off. So I am getting the 10-250 HD DVR and a R10 for $649 - $400 rebates or credits.

After I called VE I called the retention group and verified that my account was getting the $200 credit and that The $200 in rebates was valid.
They are installing on the 3rd.

I am not suggesting anything to those who have been unable to get a deal but the retention folk did not ask for any verification that I had Voom.
well I'm installed I printed out my rebate form and waiting for my next bill.
Question does the guide get any faster? other that that Wow I am already having fun.

I went throught the same trouble. It seems to me that, unless you become an existing costumer (even if just after a few minutes of account active!) they won't give you the deal!! Before the system was active I called and called and called and all I heard was: no such deal exists! SO I went to best buy and got the HD DVR and set up installation. While the installer was here I got a really nice CSR on the phone who just told me: call us as soon as the system is activated and we should be able to offer you the deal (he said he'd put a note on my account so that the next CSR would know what I was talking about). So I told my installer to not activate the HD DVR and just do activation of 3 regular receivers (somehow they messed up the order so I ended up with one extra free receiver!) but still go ahead and do the set up for an HD DVR. So, literally, 10 minutes after it was all activated I called the costumer retention number (800.600.8977) and told the CSR I wanted the HD DVR with the special deal of 299-100 rebate. She said, yes I have that for you sir. Easy as that. Had to set up a new date for installation blah blah. So, on that date the installer will just give me the HD DVR (since he already put up the triple LNB up on the roof)! Also (and this may apply to you since it seems you're also in the sacramento area) I got connected to the DNS department and I qualified to all for LA HD distant network channels. :D

Good luck and try doing it this way, it's worth it!! That DVR has been quite active since yesterday! :yes

KingsFan said:
Well, I officially give up. I can not get this deal as a new customer. I only want/need one receiver and I wanted it to be the HR10-250 but it looks like it's a no go. I just don't want to risk signing up in the hopes I'd be able to get the deal in a week or so after the install. Then if it's dried up or they change the rules I'm stuck.

Can't say I'm too impressed with D* customer service. Email and phone calls to the normal numbers yielded "No such deal exists", "You're confused, it's the non_DVR HD receiver", "It's an internet rumor", etc, etc. The retention department wouldn't even talk to me. One guy did acknowledge the deal existed but said it was only for LONG TIME existing customers.

Well hopefully when the MPEG4 DVRs come out they will have a better new customer deal.
If your a new customer, did you really try letting them know that if they were unwilling to give you the deal, you wouldn't be a DirecTV customer at all and might just wind up a DISH Network or cable customer instead?

Perhaps you just need to spell it out for them as such and try the RETENTION LINE (800) 600-8977. There is no use in even trying any non-retention lines as the retention line is the only place to get the deal and sometimes it takes a few tries.

Try again, remain polite and spell out exactly what you want and where you might go instead if you don't get it. DirecTV isn't in the business of giving up potential customers. The retention department will give you the deal if they know that you will not sign on without the deal.
I'm glad I came across this thread. I was thinking about getting an R10 from weaknees with 215 hours for $169 after the rebate to replace my Sony SAT-60. I'm not ready for HD yet, but did want the extra SD recording time.
But I decided to call in and see what they would offer with no threats or whining planned. If needed, that would come later:).
Because I've been with them for over 7 years, I'm getting the same $299 deal (before rebate) plus $14.95 for shipping and $18.84 in taxes.
I'll be getting it Wednesday. Looks like I'm one step closer to HD.
As a new customer, I ordered my service through verizon (bundled package). The installation is set up for sept. 1. I just got off the phone with Directv to confirm the install and I learn that they only had me down for 3 std receivers (and not the std tivo that I originally wanted. Next, the tell me that there are only 2 ways to correct this: (1) cancel the order and lose my installation date and start over; or (2) stick with the original installation and then call back for the std tivo.

By going with option 2, I pointed out to them that I would then have to pay an extra "handling" fee, that I wouldn't have paid if they originally had the order correct to begin with. He said he will note my account to waive this if I called back to order the new equipment.

While on the phone, I decided to inquire about the HD-TIVO (as long as I was going to have to place a 2nd order for a DVR anyway. He originally quoted me the 599.00 less rebate. I mentioned to him that it was my understanding that some customers were receiving the HD-Tivo for 299.00 less rebate. After explaining to me that this was really for existing customers who were unable to benefit from other promotions, he said that they "do, however, offer this to others who may ask." He also explained that CSR's are more willing to help customers who are not constantly calling to milk them for deals. He capped off his civics lesson by telling me that not "everything" people hear or read about various deals are true. I listened carefully, acknowledged his points, and told him that I appreciated where he was coming from. . . In the end, he was more than willing to note my account for the 299 deal.

So all it took was one phone call now, and another phone call later after my installation. I would love to also get an OTA and/or the Sunday Ticket Fan at no cost, but I'll approach those issues when I call back.

One question: Do you need to be an HD subscriber in order to get the Sunday Ticket Super Fan, or can I get it with a simple TC programming option (no other HD).

Great Post!!!!!
Please reply by conversation.

What's the diff b/w a 3 and 5 LNB if I can't

Midday outages - due to sun?
