$299 HD-DVR w/ $100 rebate

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Update: I recieved my hd tivo yesterday - hdmi is fine so far - knock on wood... do most fail from the start or do they work for a few days?


ps.. where can I rant about a POS installer.. I about kicked his A$$ - needless to say no tip for him!!!
Tivo and HDMI

I got my 10-250 tivo installed on thurs. The HDMI is working fine. I am using the hdmi to dvi part. However every 5 to 7 min of use the screen blanks out for a second or two. I have a d10 receiver also hooked up on the same tv for split screen viewing so I am going to put it in split screen on the same channel so that I can see that when the hd tivo rec. blanks out for a second if my sd rec does at the same time. I haven't had that issue before with the d10 yet so we will see. I will keep everyone posted. :) My installer was excellant by the way. The only thing he goofed on was during setup he didn't activate both tuners so I had to go to setup screen and do it . No big deal at all. Otherwise excellant. :D
Just got off the phone with D* today after three attempts to get the best deal possible. $299 - $100 rebate and $60 in programming credits on HD package And TC package. Total cost $163.32 (Free Shipping). Will be delivered in 1 week. According to the person I spoke with when your local channels in HD are available all your HD equipment will be upgraded at no charge. Just checked my bill on line and they didn't charge me tax so it brings it down to $139. I know that there have been other posts about the free upgrades but this is the first time a CSR has come out and said it!!!!
I am a new-sub about 2 weeks now. I just called and ordered the HD-TIVO for 299. I tried as best I could to get them to throw in the OTA and Superfan, but they would not budge. I called 3 times and each CSR seemed to be a little more put off than the previous one. I was exceedingly polite the entire time, and explained that I was aware that others received the OTA and SF at no charge.

After putting me on hold for quite some time, the last CSR told me that, quite frankly, as a new-sub for all of 1 month, I should not have even received the offer, but he would honor the deal that was spelled out in my notes, but that if I wanted to OTA and Superfan, I would need to pay extra.

I ended paying the 50.00 for the OTA, but declined the Superfan as I am at the end of the rope with wife acceptance factor. I know its a great deal, but I can't help feeling like I could have done better. Fact is, I got the distinct impression that they were not going to budge.
It's still better than paying $599 for it. I've been with D* since 1998 and I had to call 3 times to get the deal posted above yours. Did they mention anything about the $100 rebate? $50 isn't bad for an OTA. I paid $125 and had to install it myself.
wolfman said:
It's still better than paying $599 for it. I've been with D* since 1998 and I had to call 3 times to get the deal posted above yours. Did they mention anything about the $100 rebate? $50 isn't bad for an OTA. I paid $125 and had to install it myself.

Yes, the 100 rebate is applicable. I am now questioning the need for an OTA if HD Locals are finally on the short term horizon. So I may end up cancelling the OTA
Who can I complain to about install?

I couldn't get the 299 deal because I wasn't an existing customer, so I called for the basic deal. After they gave me an account number, I tried again to get the $299 deal. They couldn't do it until I was activated but made notes to give me the deal with HBO and either Showtime or Starz for 6 months for $2 a month, $5 discount on the HD pack for 6 months and as a new customer the Plus package for $39.95.
After the install and activation, I called again and the rep I got this time said I shouldn't get the new customer and existing customer deal but she gave it to me anyway since it was in the notes.
Installation has been a nightmare. :mad: Supposed to install on the 4th. They called an hour before they were supposed to be here and said they couldn't make it and wanted to reschedule. They were supposed to show up this time at 5 pm. Didn't show up until 9:30 and the installation wasn't done until 11:30 and they used an old dish I had already set up. They didn't have to do anything except aim and ground the dish. The cabling was already ran.
I set up an appt. for the HDTIVO the next day the 7th. They were supposed to come out on the 10th. The installer called that morning and said he would be here. Called a couple of hours later and said he wasn't allowed to carry the HDTIVO on his truck and would have to get a supervisor to get him one.
Called 2 hours later and said they couldn't get into the warehouse to get one but could on Sunday the 11th. They are supposed to call this morning but it is 9:00 am and I haven't heard from them.
The company is IRONWOOD Communications. Supposedly the largest DirecTV installer. My opinion is they are poorly managed. They never looked at my work order until they were ready to come to my house for the install even though they had 3 days to get the HDTIVO to the installer.
Beware of IRONWOOD if they are your installer.

Does anyone know who I can complain to at DirecTV?
The part of your story about the supervisor bringing the HTIVO to the installer happened to me also.
The installer, who lives about 10 miles down the road, showed up here, in a Directv truck, at the time he was supposed to, but had nothing with him.
He said his supervisor, who lived about 50 miles away, was supposed to bring the HDTIVO up to him.
Then he left, and showed up about 3 hours later with the unit.
The whole thing sounded kind of strange to me. The installer worked for Apex Digitial out of Sturgis, KY.
But I got it put in, and working, within an hour or two of when it was supposed to have been done and it's working fine.

I'm in Northwest LA. Got the HDTIVO for 299 less 100 along with the $5 off of HD programming for 6 months. I called that in Sunday. They said they coudl be here this morning. This sounded great b/c today was my b-day. I took off work and had everything prepped for the guy to simply plop the box into the empty slot on my A/V stand. Had an 8 - 12 appointment. Get a call about 7:15 that they won't be here today b/c the HDTIVO is on backorder and they expect to get it sometime in the next two months. TWO MONTHS!!!!! I was highly ticked. Called DirecTV and griped to no avail. Even offered to go buy the equipment and have the installer come and "install it." Wouldn't budge. They gave me Showtime/Starz for 3 months free. I don't have to tell you guys though...WHEN YOU'RE EXPECTING HD, AIN'T NOTHING ELSE WILL DO.

Sorry...had to get all this off my chest before my head explodes.
And the funny things is that now there are people on ebay SELLING this info!!! :eek: It shows the HD DVR for 199 and then when you read carefully it is just a "manual" on how to get it from that price! :shocked It takes all kinds. If only people knew more about Sat Guys!!!!! :D

fletchlives said:
I called D* today to see if there were any deals on HD-DVR and this is what I got, HD-DVR for $299.00, 14.95 shipping and a $100 rebate. Sounded to good to be true so I took them up on it. Was posted to my acct and will be here the 15th. That deal started today according to the chick I spoke with on the retention number. :)
Fgsilva said:
And the funny things is that now there are people on ebay SELLING this info!!! :eek: It shows the HD DVR for 199 and then when you read carefully it is just a "manual" on how to get it from that price! :shocked It takes all kinds. If only people knew more about Sat Guys!!!!! :D

Ya I saw that too. :rolleyes: I guess there are still people out there that haven't heard of Google or forums.
Sorry if this has been mentioned or asked already in this long thread.

OK so I live in So Cal and I realize I will be in the 1st groupings to get the MPEG4 setup.

I have wanted to get one of these HD-Tivos for a long time but the price has always been to much for me to justify. Now it appears we can get these for $200 after rebate which has me again wanting to get one because the pricing is now in the ballpark for me.

So would it make any sense at all to get one of these at this point?

Does anyone have any idea how much the new MPEG4 HDDVRs will cost? I am guessing they will cost more than $200 and if D* is going to really replace the HDTivos with MPEG4 HDDVR units for free it might actually be a wise investment.

I am a Tivo lifetime subscriber, has there been any indication if D* will honor that with their new DVRs?

I've heard the November timeframe for MPEG4 mentioned for my area but that's approaching very fast. I don't want to have to replace an HDTIVO with a regular HD box if my area does launch before the new HDDVR is available and then switch again to an HDDVR. Then again this has me wondering if there is even going to be any new channels with MPEG4 anytime soon anyway. I am thinking the next HD channel(s) we will see will be January at best since there is quite a few new HD channels launching let alone the HD channels we don't have yet. I am thinking January at best because like many felt last year that's when Sunday Ticket ends. So if there will be no new HD channels out before the new HDDVRs come out I could possibly just use the HDTIVO until then and have them install the new 5 lnb dish so that I am ready for the box switch.


I just setup an installation for next week yesterday through Verizon....after several attempts at trying to get the "deal" through normal CSR's, I finally decided to roll the dice and try to just get it through Customer Retention after signing up, but before installation...I just made my first call to Customer Retention, was very nice and polite, and they declined the offer...I will call again tomorrow, and ask them one more time, but then tell them I'm going to stick with cable for now because I can't afford the $500 offer...the truth is, I'm willing to cancel, so I won't be bluffing, but I'm just hoping I won't have to bluff, because I'm tired of cable, and tired of Adelphia's Moxi box...its nice to have a dual tuner HD DVR, but with only 80gb, and TONS of bugs, and horrible cable service,...I'm just tired of it all...so wish me luck in getting the $299 deal!
I am a Tivo lifetime subscriber, has there been any indication if D* will honor that with their new DVRs?

I have ask this question to 3 Different people at D - 1St a CSR then the Retention department and then a the HDTV department I got 3 different answers. 1-We don't know 2-No 3-Not sure but they should. I sure hope they do because I also have a lifetime and if they don't , well I will wait and see.
I got the deal today. Plus HD pack for free for 6 months and $5 of premier for 6 months. I really wanted the $20 off premier but the guy wouldn't budge.
After much thought I decided to order this today.

Included I got free shipping, free Showtime for 6 months, $2 HBO for 6 months, $5 off my HD pack for 6 months. I was pretty happy with this + they assured me they would install extra lines etc.. so I can use the dual tuner feature.
LOBO2999 said:
I am a Tivo lifetime subscriber, has there been any indication if D* will honor that with their new DVRs?

I have ask this question to 3 Different people at D - 1St a CSR then the Retention department and then a the HDTV department I got 3 different answers. 1-We don't know 2-No 3-Not sure but they should. I sure hope they do because I also have a lifetime and if they don't , well I will wait and see.

I hope they honor the lifetime subscription, but it is my understanding that when you buy a lifetime sub, it is for the life of that TIVO box, not your lifetime. If it burns out and you have to buy another unit, you have to purchase another lifetime sub or pay monthly.
If this is the case, your lifetime sub would still be active on the old unit, but not on the new one you are getting from DirecTv.
I hope I'm wrong.
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What's the diff b/w a 3 and 5 LNB if I can't

Midday outages - due to sun?
