26 New HD Channels coming Dec 17th

Well mpeg4 records more data on the same space then mpeg2 because of the compression if im not mistaken. Even the the harddrives are the same size. BHNs newest HDDVRS can record over 100 hours of HD as well..

The lease is for the second box which I did mention. The service fee applies to the first one as well though.

BHNS HDDVRs now only cost 9.95, and that includes the HD service. Your spending at minimum 16$ for HDDVR with Directv.. Which was my point that you pay more with dtv.

And nothing is free sweetie, of course the fees are factored into the standard service.. But BHN does not charge an extra fee if you have HD or if you dont have HD, its same price. So thereforce they can claim its "free to upgrade to HD" or "free to get hd channels with your package" etc.. Where as Directv charges 10$ so they cant claim thta.

It must be Dish that does the phone line charge then.
There is not one feature or channel that is free in any way, shape or form.
To suggest such to anyone through advertising, or in this form is an item that one is buying.
You and I know that "free" implies, "do nothing and it is yours free"
Well mpeg4 records more data on the same space then mpeg2 because of the compression if im not mistaken. Even the the harddrives are the same size. BHNs newest HDDVRS can record over 100 hours of HD as well..

The lease is for the second box which I did mention. The service fee applies to the first one as well though.

BHNS HDDVRs now only cost 9.95, and that includes the HD service. Your spending at minimum 16$ for HDDVR with Directv.. Which was my point that you pay more with dtv.

And nothing is free sweetie, of course the fees are factored into the standard service.. But BHN does not charge an extra fee if you have HD or if you dont have HD, its same price. So thereforce they can claim its "free to upgrade to HD" or "free to get hd channels with your package" etc.. Where as Directv charges 10$ so they cant claim thta.

It must be Dish that does the phone line charge then.

i compared prices between bnh's digital package and dtv choice package. with the hd access, the costs are nearly identical....$65 for dtv and $63 and change for bhn.

that's not including the almost ten dollar price for the hddvr plus the price of the digital box which brings that closer to $17.

so you're right, nothing is free including your hd.

btw, i sub to almost every dtv sports package. that access fee enables me to see almost every game being made available in hd, in hd.

and although, i'm not happy that dtv and versus are still in a standoff, i did get my center ice package free this season.
Anybody remember when Discovery HD Theater (now called HD Theater) just got added on Dish Network at a cost of 7 bucks a month. Yes a crappy HD channel compared to today's HD channels cost 7+ bucks a month. I'm telling you guys that are just getting into HDTV today you have no idea what it was like for us back in the day. We spent the most money on those HDTV sets and had crappy HD cable boxes and an even crappier selection of HD channels.
Many of you are now just buying your first HDTV sets (32" LCD HDTV for <500 bucks) and can rent an HD DVR for a couple bucks more than an SD DVR. You have all the locals in HDTV along with now over 75 HD channels and soon over 100 HD channels with most of these channels being quality channels with the shows we all want to see. Your now buying into a market that has more more services available compared to not available. Also remember that each of these HD channels also on average has about 60% more of their content available in HDTV compared to say six years ago.

unless you had VOOM!!! ( while it lasted)
unless you had VOOM!!! ( while it lasted)

Yup that was a good service but they failed by not renting those HD boxes. Plus they were about a year or two early and just couldn't stay alive long enough until HD took off. However your right and while it lasted nobody could beat Voom. Sometimes you can have a great idea with an even better service but just a few mistakes on execution of the plan can cause the entire system to fall and this is what happened to Voom and its a crying shame too.
It is so interesting how just one decision in a business can cause wild success or dismal failure, such as "do we sell these boxes or rent them?" Wrong answer, and you're dead.

And there are hundreds of decisions in executing a business, and they never stop. Even if you hit the right ones at first, things are changing all the time. Maybe you should reallocate your ad budget to a different media. Maybe you should reduce your prices. Maybe you should add something to your product. Maybe you should cancel one product line. Maybe you should buy a competitor. Maybe you should sell a segment.

But don't overpay (by their judgment) your CEO, or congress/president will slap you down.
I'm not against overpaying a CEO when they are doing a great job. However when a CEO is getting 50 million while cutting the lower jobs to subpar living wages while also driving the company into losses and making excuse after excuse I must draw the line.

I think this is what the government is trying to stop is companies not following the laws (not paying workers minimum wage, not paying for overtime etc) while the CEO keeps his paycheck and gets away with it. I have a problem with people telling me that a CEO needs to get paid (or feels entitled) 50 million bucks because nobody else can do a good enough job. Honestly these high priced CEOs clearly aren't worth their money because they drove their businesses into the ground by either breaking the laws or not planning ahead.

The government wants to put limits on how much CEOs can make because the USA cannot keep allowing these companies to bankrupt themselves (costing tax payers money by the way) while the CEO gets his 50 million bucks and starts another company. It just goes around in a circle and the only people who benefit in the end are the CEO's themselves who keep getting paid big money while driving the company into the ground and allowing the government to bail them out by discharging the debts of the company which costs each and every tax payer money.
We are off topic, but just this final observation..

Again, it is just ever so interesting how two people can look at the same situation and come up with absolutely opposite what-should-be-done recommendations. Really amazingly interesting.

In the CEO pay thing, you clearly feel the government should control "what is right." I clearly feel it is none of the government's business (addressing below the companies that got TAXPAYER--not government--money). It is the stockholders and director's business--and only their business. Giving the government control of internal decisions in non-government private business is a major step to a non-capitalist economy. Capitalism gave this country a standard of living for a huge proportion of its people that cannot even be contemplated in other forms of economy/government. We move away from this at great peril to our well-being. Government will never restrain itself.

With respect to the companies that got our money, that really muddles the situation--and it should never have happened. If the company was mismanaged, it should have failed. And "it's too big to fail" is malarky. It is such grief that keeps the system honest and working right. Now we have an environment where big business doesn't have to worry about managing itself well. If they do badly, "the taxpayer will cover us." BAD BAD BAD. They should have gone bankrupt. Now the cleaver over their head has been removed.
note for insider....mpeg4 takes less space than mpeg2.

Correct which means you can record more data on the same space then with mpeg2..

If im not mistaken doesnt Directv use mpeg4? So there dvrs could have the same harddrive space as BHN but record more "hours" of stuff.
i need to call monday and find out if our local offices have the new samsung hd dvr which has the larger hard drive. if they do, i want to get that and return my scientific atlanta hd dvr. anybody know for sure if bhn has the samsung in volusia county?
Its the Guide and usability that prevents me though too...I hate the guide. Ill tell you when I get another TV option that I can deal with Ill be leaving the big one for sure.

New to HDMI

Cox CT addition

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