I said he's one of the guys that got us here. He certainly did more than Kelly or the other benchwarmers you want to put in his place.
If you honestly think they are better off with one of those guys in the lineup I can understand what you are saying. I would disagree but at least I could understand it. If you just want to bench him to get revenge on him or prove a point to him I think that's silly. We are trying to win the World Series and we need our best players on the field.
Do the Sox really need the Umpire's help getting to 3b ?
How about calling Umpire interference ?
Now the two nitwits are saying that Middlebrooks made an EXCELLENT decision going to third. If the throw was half way decent he would have been out. Would it have been an excellent decision then?
Do the Sox really need the Umpire's help getting to 3b ?
How about calling Umpire interference ?
I'm not a fan of commentators Jack Nit and Tim Wit. I try my best to tune 'em out.
Nope, not the umps fault. He was close, but if the throw was on the bag, Middlebrooks would have been out.
Agreed that he would have been safe, seeing Pena got there a little late, but the Ump being IN the play didn't help any.
Now the two nitwits are saying that Middlebrooks made an EXCELLENT decision going to third. If the throw was half way decent he would have been out. Would it have been an excellent decision then?
That was a sorry looking slide by Middlebrooks. He slid on his left side, which is unnatural for someone righthanded, but he seemed to have committed earlyt to a hand tag, I don't think he could have slid much worse, and yes, a throw to the inside would have had him easily.