2013-14 NFL Postseason

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It's going to be tough to get someone to take that job when he can't put his own coach in place.

Throw in the fact that there's some woman in the organization who seems to share the power that really belongs to a GM. What a F*ing mess these idiots have there....
Super Bowl XLVIII: Date subject to change Super Bowl XLVIII is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 2, but the NFL put contingency plans in place to play the game any time between Friday and Monday next weekend.A storm of massive proportions would have to be in the forecast for the league to make those contingencies a reality. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/super-...1YWdzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDMzNF8x

But didn't the idiot commissioner WANT to "experience the elements"? Take it like a man Good-dufus... He stated he was going to sit amongst the people. IF he does, he wont last more than 2 quarters.
If you read the article that's exactly what he said. It would take a storm causing a public safety hazard for 80k+ people to delay it, or do you think they should have zero contingencies for a worst-case scenario? That's all these are.

'Good-dufus' - that's a new one, trying to see if Rey will really ban you or not?

Sent from my VZW Note 3
Both good points...besides what weather hell hits during the SB? The only people salivating right now are hotels who are probably getting extended bookings.
IMO, Football and Weather go hand in hand. Man vs Man and Man vs the elements. Cozy domes... who needs those unless your QB is named Manning.

As for Rey banning.. damn, I've said alot worse then Good-Dufus (to Rey no less) and am still here. ;)
Am revisiting Sherman's comments from this past Sunday. ESPN just reported Goodell isnt impressed, I also noticed a lot of sports writers blasted Sherman for it. Sherman himself apologized but mentioned his twitter account and email are filled with racist comments.

Again, maybe its my laid back attitude.. who the hell cares? As a football players' dream to go to the Superbowl and he made the game winning play to Advance Seattle...needless to say he's pumped up. If anything NBC should have known that putting a mic in the face of a pumped up excited player can backfire.

When I saw him rant, yeah it might have been over the top but who cares... but apparently a lot do.

As for the racist rhetoric, that I dont get whatsoever. After I turned off the TV I might have been thinking 100 different things, but race wasnt even close to being there. Its bothersome knowing a few people havent evolved from the stone ages.

Cheers, K
I would not do such a ridiculous thing. How about we stay on topic? It's friday,let me relax instead of having to deal with the childish BS.
Here I'll get us back on track. Goodell is an idiot who eventually will destroy the game we all love. If this game is postponed because of bad weather this will anger a lot of fans. The SuperBowl is played on Sundays, not Monday,Tuesday and so on. Especially a problem for those of us who have a rough work schedule. Hell I'll be ok with a Friday or Saturday but that's it. In a huge event like this, why set yourself up for major complications? Idiot move....
Super Bowl XLVIII: Date subject to change Super Bowl XLVIII is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 2, but the NFL put contingency plans in place to play the game any time between Friday and Monday next weekend.A storm of massive proportions would have to be in the forecast for the league to make those contingencies a reality. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/super-...1YWdzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDMzNF8x

Delaying the game I could understand, but moving the game up?? I know someone attending the game whose flight into NY/NJ arrives Saturday night. Would they even attempt to compensate people like that??
Delaying the game I could understand, but moving the game up?? I know someone attending the game whose flight into NY/NJ arrives Saturday night. Would they even attempt to compensate people like that??

Another in one of the many reasons why this was a stupid and greedy move. I say greedy move because the NFL wanted to try out the NY market. Before I or anyone else puts all the blame on Goodell, toss the NFL owners in there.....
,let me relax


Now on to your other point...:eek: Goodell might 'threaten' to move the SB but I, and I will paraphrase The Rock, 'guaran-damn-tee', advertisers
and corporations will have none of it.

After spending millions and millions more on commercials and in sponsorship, along with a thousands of corporate execs flying in...
the SB will happen on Sunday on time!

He might be a good business man and intelligent, but even he knows its a fight he wont win.

PS- Atleast the NFL isnt stuck with Gary Bateman
See below, only 3 games have been canceled over weather. Besides another strike or terrorist attack, its safe to say there will be a game on
Feb 2nd

When league schedules were standardized in 1933, cancellations were effectively banned, and teams
would have to forfeit the game or postpone if a cancellation was due to issues outside the team's control

Games Rescheduled due to Weather

November 17, 1935 Boston Redskins at Philadelphia Eagles game (SNOW)
September 6th 1992 NE Patriots at Miami (Hurricane Andrew)
December 26, 2010, Minnesota Vikings and Philadelphia Eagles in Philadelphia (Snow)

Other Games Rescheduled/Relocated

1982 and 1987 players strike (games canceled)
1989 earthquake damaged Candlestick park. 49ers/Patriots (relocated to Stanford University)
Sunday World Series games in 1986, 1987 and 1997 have forced a football team to play their originally home game on the following night
2001 Sept 11 attack (all games postponed 1 week)
October 25, 2003 California wildfire, Chargers/Dolphins (relocated to Arizona State)
Hurricane Katrina in 2005 damaged the Louisiana Superdome (Home games relocated to LSU and San Antonio Alamodome)
But didn't the idiot commissioner WANT to "experience the elements"? Take it like a man Good-dufus... He stated he was going to sit amongst the people. IF he does, he wont last more than 2 quarters.

I love how he says that as if it was a favor to the rest of the fans. :rolleyes: If there's a blizzard not only I want to see him outside but shirtless.. Oh and no it's not what you think, not that there's anything wrong with that :o
I love how he says that as if it was a favor to the rest of the fans. :rolleyes: If there's a blizzard not only I want to see him outside but shirtless.. Oh and no it's not what you think, not that there's anything wrong with that :o

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