Congrats Bill. It sure is a good time to be a Boston fan right now! Enjoy my friend!
Thanks buddy!

Congrats Bill. It sure is a good time to be a Boston fan right now! Enjoy my friend!
Alcohol and stupidity plays a huge role in this.
Boston sports fan are a loyal lot. The Bruins and Red Sox have a long history of drawing well even without a championship. The Celtics popularity does ebb a nd flow a bit based on their success and we will see if the Pats fans stick around if they ever have a couple of bad seasons. but i suspect that tehy are more a part of the regional conscioussness than they were when they were called the Patsies.
I think you nailed it!! :up
And yes, win or lose, Pats fans are here to stay! Ownership committed to winning, and playing at a state of the art facility with all the creature comforts..........and not a glorified division II football stadium, has a lot to do with it!
Yep, and those steel benches with no backs didn't help either!God i hated that old stadium. It was built in a hurry and it showed. I used to freeze my butt off in there. The wind was always whipping around in that place.
And you had to keep your eyes on more that just the game or you'd get hit with a chunk of ice, or whatever was handy.Yep, and those steel benches with no backs didn't help either!![]()
I'll admit. I don't follow the Pats, Red Sox or Celtics. Sure, I'll watch the playoffs, but that's about it. Bruins. Different story. I try and make sure I catch *every game.
Too bad season tickets at the Garden are so damn expensive.
Historically, the Bruins fanbase has been more loyal than the Red Sox. For years, the Bruins drew a capacity 13,909 fans to the Boston Garden, whether they were in first place or last. The Red Sox only drew 800,000, or fewer than 10,000 per game, in 1966, the year before they began their resurgence, and I think I saw it posted here that when Roger Clemens struck out 20 batters in a game, the attendance was only about 10,000 that evening.
if it was posted here it was incorrect. Attendance was low that night but not THAT low. It was 13,414.
At teh start of this season the Red Sox has the longest sellout streak in sports at over 600 games-----although that includes tickets sold to ticket agencies that may or may not be resold. people wew so dispirited by the horrific start this year that the streak may very well have been broken I am not sure.
The Bruins attendance did slump for awhile. i assume this will perk it up and in fact I assume that their play the last few seasons. I do have to say that Bruins fans did sit still for some pretty bad years pre Bobby Orr. not sure that ANY of the other Boston teams can say that their fans would be THAT loyal.
Pats owner Bob Kraft took out a full page ad in today's Boston Herald congratulating the Bruins.
Very cool Mr. Kraft!![]()
Ballplayers!? :doh: Another great Menino speech
Could be worse. I remember when Teddy Kennedy publicaly congratulated Mike McGwire and Sammy Sousa on their home run hitting accomplishments.
It looks like I spoke too soon...the Stanley Cup Final thread once again beat the NBA Playoff thread for total number of postings. We usually outpost the NBA thread 2-1, but this year we did it without a single post mentioning how much people hate LeBron James and the Miami Heat.
We SatelliteGuys love our Hockey!!!![]()