There will be no Sunday Night football this evening.............Vikings-Eagles has been ppd. due to the blizzard that will hit Philly later (the same storm that's heading my way).
They will make up the game Tuesday night at 8:00pm ET on NBC.
Someone explain to me why you call off a game on the count of snow? I've been in blizzards before, hurricanes, tropical storms, amazing amounts of high heat to watch college football games yet they cancel a NFL game cause of snow???? wth??
Not very often I agree with DVR, but this is one of them.

The NFL , yes the league that promotes Hard Hitting, playing TOUGH, Mans Man football, has decided that they are turning into a bunch of WIMPS .....
First can't play in Minny , too cold, field too hard ... Wah, Wah...
Now has decided that they can't play in SNOW, OUTDOORS, it's not like the snow busted thru the roof or anything ... that was acceptable, but this is just GARBAGE.
I'm calling Roger Goddell the main WIMP on this one.
Yes, they same guy that won't allow a perfectly good tackle if you happen to LAND on the guy ....
Goodell's gotta go.