2010-11 NBA Basketball Season

Interesting piece to retort "Believeland"...

...I read this today on DEADSPIN:

Dear Cleveland: Have Your Fun Tonight, And Then Get Over Yourselves

LeBron returns to town tonight for the first time since signing with another team. We hope it's some closure for the fine folks of Cleveland, rather than just an opportunity to throw themselves yet another pity party.

Don't get us wrong; we hope you scream your lungs out at LeBron James, a professional athlete who took full advantage of a free agency system that's been in place since 1976. We hope you fully convey your displeasure with the relocation of a man who was raised in a town 30 miles away, despite only the whims of a random envelope selection having placed him on the Cavs in the first place — the territorial pick hasn't existed since 1965.

And then we hope you'll have gotten it out of your system. Because, you see, while you might have had the country's sympathies back in July, no one sees you as victims. We're starting to see you as whiny babies who need to get over the fact that LeBron's gone, and he's not coming back.

Think of any of your friends who have gone through a bad breakup. You want to comfort them at first, but do you continue to take their side when they keep moaning over what they lost, weeks and months later? They might even use the phrase "but we were supposed to be together," or something similar. No, clearly only they thought that; their significant other didn't. If it were true, they'd still be together.

But Cleveland thinks they're special, that they deserved LeBron for some reason. That mindset runs throughout Wright Thompson's cloying "Believeland" piece yesterday. Give me a f**king break. You really think your city's connection with LeBron was so special that no one else could possibly understand? And that LeBron never understood it?

You're not special. Every city's economy is in the sh*tter. South Florida's unemployment rate is higher than Northeast Ohio's. Detroit's still a wasteland, despite the Pistons' and Red Wings' championships. And it has nothing to do with not having won a championship since 1964, a fact Cleveland is all to happy to remind you of. Boston claims that "connection" crap all the time, and they've won just about everything this decade. LeBron wasn't a symbol of hope for a downtrodden city. He was a basketball player, playing basketball in a city.

And then there are people like Scott Raab, who somehow managed to feel personally slighted, even as he pretended to be a journalist. "Whore of Akron?" Raab lives in New Jersey now, so a man who left Cleveland is fightin' furious with another man who dared to leave Cleveland. And yet Raab, wonderful writer that he is, isn't nearly as relevant these days without his role as the prophet Abraham, ceaselessly railing against LeBron's King Nimrod. But Raab and the rest of Cleveland fancy themselves more akin to Job.

So enjoy the game tonight, your first of many chances to tell LeBron James in person just what you think of him. Be vocal, be passionate, don't be violent. But when it's over, and LeBron's moved on (he already has), why don't you try the same thing.

Christ. Seattle lost their entire team and they don't bitch half as much.

Send an email to Barry Petchesky, the author of this post, at barryp@deadspin.com.

Dear Cleveland: Have Your Fun Tonight, And Then Get Over Yourselves
Post Game Analysis: Cleveland vs. LeEgo

Well, we had our night of closure. It's over as far as I'm concerned. I could care less about you know who from here on out. A few comments....

1. Lot's of local celebrities at the game. All of them wore Cleveland jerseys with their names on the back including: Drew Carey, Bernie Kosar, Josh Cribbs, Joe Haden, Shaun Rogers and Travis Hafner. Josh Cribbs and his wife stayed until the bitter end. Even when we were being blown out, Cribbs stayed and supported the team. What a class act!

2. I've been to many Cavs games in my time including plenty of recent playoffs and I can tell you one thing: the atmosphere pre-tipoff was the LOUDEST I've EVER heard from an indoor arena. Electric, deafening, chaotic, angry, anxious. All appropriate terms to describe the emotions permeating the arena.

3. Lot's of interesting signs at the game. One said "Merry Quitness". Thought that was humorous and appropriate.

3. Overall, the fans behaved for the most part. Only 1 arrest (towards the end of the game) and a few ejections. No foreign objects hit the precious #6. The extent of our behavior included a few creative chants including:

-NO-Ring-King (To the beat of "Lets-Go-Cavs")
-Ak-Ron Hates-You (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
-Wit-Nessed Noth-Ing (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
-Scott-ie Pip-pen (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
-De-Lon-Te! De-Lon-Te! (To the beat of "Lets-Go-Cavs")

4. I didn't expect a win going in. This game was about so much more than the final score. It was about showing our team that we are there to support them despite what has transpired.

5. I think Mo Williams summed it up best: "Its like your ex girlfriend coming to your wedding" ~ Mo Williams. Very uncomfortable indeed.

6. Down by 30, late in the 4th I looked around the arena. Some fans left, but undoubtedly still more fans at that given moment than Miami has ever generated this year, even in a premiere matchup. LeBron had to realize that he had it very good here with the fans. Miami fans just don't compare.

7. While you know who got resounding "boos" when announced, Big Z got a standing O. Thank you for your service big fella. You're a class act unlike your teammate. We miss you!

8. He still did the chalk toss? After all of that? Then when interviewed he talked arrogantly about himself. Paraphrasing: "I'm going to continue to showcase my greatness". What a d***! This would've been the perfect time to show modesty, yet I feel he handled this game both on and off the court wrong. The fans outclassed him IMO.

9. I'm dreading all the day-after analysis by the talking heads. Needless to say, despite the blowout, I had fun. Boy would it have been fun to get the win though! Damn!

10. Here's a few pictures from our seats....



If you're not from Cleveland you really shouldn't be telling Cleveland fans how they're 'supposed' to feel or act. :rolleyes:

True....and the retort would be....Since when does the NBA season play only 18 games? And HAVE they crowned an NBA champion for the 2010-11 season yet?

Well using this logic nobody should be commenting on any team in any sport until the champion is decided. Fans comment on the body of work they've seen so far...always have, always will.

HD MM said:
Well, we had our night of closure. It's over as far as I'm concerned. I could care less about you know who from here on out. A few comments....

1. Lot's of local celebrities at the game. All of them wore Cleveland jerseys with their names on the back including: Drew Carey, Bernie Kosar, Josh Cribbs, Joe Haden, Shaun Rogers and Travis Hafner. Josh Cribbs and his wife stayed until the bitter end. Even when we were being blown out, Cribbs stayed and supported the team. What a class act!

2. I've been to many Cavs games in my time including plenty of recent playoffs and I can tell you one thing: the atmosphere pre-tipoff was the LOUDEST I've EVER heard from an indoor arena. Electric, deafening, chaotic, angry, anxious. All appropriate terms to describe the emotions permeating the arena.

3. Lot's of interesting signs at the game. One said "Merry Quitness". Thought that was humorous and appropriate.

3. Overall, the fans behaved for the most part. Only 1 arrest (towards the end of the game) and a few ejections. No foreign objects hit the precious #6. The extent of our behavior included a few creative chants including:

-NO-Ring-King (To the beat of ?Lets-Go-Cavs?)
-Ak-Ron Hates-You (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
-Wit-Nessed Noth-Ing (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
-Scott-ie Pip-pen (Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap)
-De-Lon-Te! De-Lon-Te! (To the beat of ?Lets-Go-Cavs?)

4. I didn't expect a win going in. This game was about so much more than the final score. It was about showing our team that we are there to support them despite what has transpired.

5. I think Mo Williams summed it up best: "Its like your ex girlfriend coming to your wedding" ~ Mo Williams. Very uncomfortable indeed.

6. Down by 30, late in the 4th I looked around the arena. Some fans left, but undoubtedly still more fans at that given moment than Miami has ever generated this year, even in a premiere matchup. LeBron had to realize that he had it very good here with the fans. Miami fans just don't compare.

7. While you know who got resounding "boos" when announced, Big Z got a standing O. Thank you for your service big fella. You're a class act unlike your teammate. We miss you!

8. He still did the chalk toss? After all of that? Then when interviewed he talked arrogantly about himself. Paraphrasing: "I'm going to continue to showcase my greatness". What a d***! This would've been the perfect time to show modesty, yet I feel he handled this game both on and off the court wrong. The fans outclassed him IMO.

9. I'm dreading all the day-after analysis by the talking heads. Needless to say, despite the blowout, I had fun. Boy would it have been fun to get the win though! Damn!

10. Here's a few pictures from our seats....

Well said HD.. props for u and I'm been serious too. Time to move on.
8. He still did the chalk toss? After all of that? Then when interviewed he talked arrogantly about himself. Paraphrasing: "I'm going to continue to showcase my greatness". What a d***! This would've been the perfect time to show modesty, yet I feel he handled this game both on and off the court wrong. The fans outclassed him IMO.

My thoughts exactly. Lebron would have won back some of my respect had he not done that. Of course...he did. What a surprise. Bill said it perfectly yesterday.

The fans outclassed him. Perfectly said.

My non-LeBron thought of the day:

my pick of the Mavericks to win the West is looking pretty decent (for now).

Dallas is on a hot streak, but just like 4 of the top 6 teams in the West, they're 8-2 in the last 10 games. Dallas is one game behind two teams, and one game ahead of three teams.

It's pretty early yet, but I don't think there'll be 6 games between spots 1 and 8 at the end of the season.
It's all about the point guards in tonight's ESPN doubleheader.

Derrick Rose vs. Rajon Rondo and Jason Kidd vs. Deron Williams= good stuff!! :up
My thoughts exactly. Lebron would have won back some of my respect had he not done that. Of course...he did. What a surprise. Bill said it perfectly yesterday.

The fans outclassed him. Perfectly said.


He did not say those exact words....but close. And and a BAD choice of words they are. YEP, still a douche. BUT, I want him to win games, not teach my kid humility and sportsmanship. That is MY JOB and the job of ALL those that have children. Not the job of some stranger on TV that does not know you even exist.;)
My non-LeBron thought of the day:

my pick of the Mavericks to win the West is looking pretty decent (for now).
win the West as in get the top seed or advance to the finals?

Lakers trying to snap the four game losing streak tonight, will be funny if we lose yet again
salsadancer7 said:
Here is my non-Lebron/HEAT comment....why are the BULLS considered an "elite" team when they have gotten no farther than the 2nd round of the playoffs?

Probably because they are decent and are one of the NBA "marquee " franchises.

Didn't look to good tonight, pretty much got manhandled by the C's.

Derrick Rose is a nice scorer, but doesn't play a lick of defense, must drive Tom Tibedeau crazy.
Derrick would be a better PG IF he did have a scorer. Can you imagine IF they would have gotten Lebron? I always thought he would have been a better fit in Chicago. OR if Wade would have gone to Chicago....it would have been crazy....!
There are only three teams that can win the East: Boston, Orlando and Miami. Atlanta and Chicago are like Milwaukee in the early 1980s or Cleveland in the early 1990s: they can upset anyone in one series but can't win four series, or even three series, in a row at that level of competition.

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