2 hopper 3s on 1 acct

+1 Here to the 2 Hopper3 setup utilizing the DPH42 and Duo Hub. A few points that have not been brought up yet:

1- There is no way to directly transfer recordings between two connected Hoppers unless you intend to wipe the source Hopper clean of recordings using the migration tool. You can however transfer the recordings you want to move to a EHD then move said EHD to its destination Hopper, where you can view and transfer recordings onto the internal drive.

2- The Dish rule in regards to installing two Hoppers on two separate solo hubs is easily circumvented by having the duo hub ready during installation, if the installer does not agree to using it in place of the solos (which to be clear, is understandable especially if we are talking about a employee working directly for Dish wanting to keep his job) the hub can be put in place after the fact with the only tool needed being a 7/16 wrench.

3- Per Dish's own rules, the second Hopper3 on your account has to be purchased. If you go through Dish directly, you will have to go through the CSR roulette, since as per usual most CSR's don't know how these setups work and will default to the "Only one Hopper3 per Home thanks goodbye" response. It is much less of a headache if you purchase the Hopper from a retailer like SolidSignal, or eBay if you are comfortable with used and the risks that entails, then call with the receiver and smartcard numbers ready to go.
To your second point with using a duo hub, it's nit really a big deal for a tech to provide it. The problem that if you're going to do it this way you must use a dpp lnb with a dph42 switch. You can just use a duo hub with a hybrid lnb as voltage is higher on a hopper3 which triggers the lnb to shut down port two completely. A tech may not even have the switch on the truck and if they do it won't be on work order so may or may not install it. It's extra work and materials that don't get paid for.
A tech may not even have the switch on the truck and if they do it won't be on work order so may or may not install it. It's extra work and materials that don't get paid for.
Well, as far as I know if the Dish CSR sets up the work order correctly you should be provided and reinstated the switch, but I see your point if the work order was borked or the tech was called out for something unrelated. My point was under the assumption the tech was out there with the intention/WO of installing a DPH42/Second Hopper run, and (if willing) could just install a Duo instead of Solo Hub.
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Well, as far as I know if the Dish CSR sets up the work order correctly you should be provided and reinstated the switch, but I see your point if the work order was borked or the tech was called out for something unrelated. My point was under the assumption the tech was out there with the intention/WO of installing a DPH42/Second Hopper run, and (if willing) could just install a Duo instead of Solo Hub.
That's the thing, we don't have work orders for installing two hopper 3s. The second one would need to be purchased therefore we don't get work orders to setup two of them with a 42 switch and it's not in any of our wiring diagrams.
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That's the thing, we don't have work orders for installing two hopper 3s. The second one would need to be purchased therefore we don't get work orders to setup two of them with a 42 switch and it's not in any of our wiring diagrams.
And even then, the WO will call for the 42 Switch with 2 solo hubs, not a duo hub
That's the thing, we don't have work orders for installing two hopper 3s. The second one would need to be purchased therefore we don't get work orders to setup two of them with a 42 switch and it's not in any of our wiring diagrams.
I was one of the first DPH42 switch installs in the St Louis area in June 2017. I learned from fellow SatGuy member JSheridan that a Duo Hub with the DPH42 switch would work for a two Hopper 3 setup. I had purchased a second Hopper 3, DPH42 switch, and a Duo Hub from DishDepot.com (now closed) for my install. My DISH tech showed up and his work order was perfect. He was aware of my two Hopper 3 install and had a H3 and DPH42 switch with him ready to work. At the time with the two H3s setup, DISH required that two Solo Hubs had to installed instead of a Duo Hub. After technician got everything up and running I removed the two Solo Hubs and installed my purchased Duo Hub. Everything worked great. Both Hopper 3s and all Joeys could see each other. DISH tech let me keep the DPH42 switch he brought with him so I would have a spare.

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Need help understanding H3 screen message

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