+1 Here to the 2 Hopper3 setup utilizing the DPH42 and Duo Hub. A few points that have not been brought up yet:
1- There is no way to directly transfer recordings between two connected Hoppers unless you intend to wipe the source Hopper clean of recordings using the migration tool. You can however transfer the recordings you want to move to a EHD then move said EHD to its destination Hopper, where you can view and transfer recordings onto the internal drive.
2- The Dish rule in regards to installing two Hoppers on two separate solo hubs is easily circumvented by having the duo hub ready during installation, if the installer does not agree to using it in place of the solos (which to be clear, is understandable especially if we are talking about a employee working directly for Dish wanting to keep his job) the hub can be put in place after the fact with the only tool needed being a 7/16 wrench.
3- Per Dish's own rules, the second Hopper3 on your account has to be purchased. If you go through Dish directly, you will have to go through the CSR roulette, since as per usual most CSR's don't know how these setups work and will default to the "Only one Hopper3 per Home thanks goodbye" response. It is much less of a headache if you purchase the Hopper from a retailer like SolidSignal, or eBay if you are comfortable with used and the risks that entails, then call with the receiver and smartcard numbers ready to go.