2/9/2009 2:12am - Uplink Activity Report - 35 changes

If it was my company, and it was doing as bad as *E is doing, here is what I would do with regard to the 'moving " issue.

I would convert all CONUS HD networks to spot.

I would wait one day, and then I would move one city back to CONUS, perhaps Denver or LA.

Then I would see how many people moved to that place the next day.

I would look at their accounts and see how much money they were spending.

Then I would know the scope what I was dealing with and whether I should just blow it off or keep the business just by having one city CONUS, which is not lawbreaking on E*s end.

Jeez.... and that's why you aren't running DishNetwork. I doubt there are many movers out there compared to subs.

Go talk to AAD...they are your only hope for CONUS locals. Los Angeles is going spot. The writing is on the wall. Go to the link below... scroll down to TP 04. If they left it CONUS, see all the other markets that would suffer. They will make more money off the actual customers in that DMA than the hand full of movers in LA.

SatelliteGuys.US - Subscription 129°W
If it was my company,
well its not because if it was you'd be bankrupt in 3 days

I would convert all CONUS HD networks to spot.
ok so you're going to do the same thing Dish does

I would wait one day, and then I would move one city back to CONUS, perhaps Denver or LA.

Then I would see how many people moved to that place the next day.

I would look at their accounts and see how much money they were spending.

Then I would know the scope what I was dealing with and whether I should just blow it off or keep the business just by having one city CONUS, which is not lawbreaking on E*s end.
please put down the crack pipe......seriously. This is some funny crap you're spewing. I love how you say only the "big spenders" move. Actually the big spenders probably have a antenna and get their HD locals FREE and clear :)

Dish can have as many or as few locals on CONUS they want. Heck Minneapolis HD has been CONUS for a couple years now. They just found a better way to utilize the space they have
Go to the link below... scroll down to TP 04. If they left it CONUS, see all the other markets that would suffer. They will make more money off the actual customers in that DMA than the hand full of movers in LA.

dang...didnt know Dish had 7 spotbeams on that one TP.
Here's one for you. According to the EPG tonight. The following locals are going spotbeam.

Guess which one is there? Los Angeles... GONE!

The following locals will probably go spotbeam tonight around 2am central.

Los Angeles, CA
Nashville, TN
Albuquerque, NM
Sioux City, IA
Wausau, WI

Way to go Dish engineers! Keep knocking them down to beams. E5 wants to go to 148 and rot ;)

That would leave us with the following for Tuesday night:
Salt Lake City, UT
Sioux City, IA
San Angelo, TX
Abilene, TX
Wow, 14 MPEG-2 channels on one transponder (on the spotbeam). I wonder how many they can fit on a spotbeam transponder using MPEG-4? They sure are going to clear a lot of room when they remove the EA markets off of 129 and run it all in MPEG-4.
Wow, 14 MPEG-2 channels on one transponder (on the spotbeam). I wonder how many they can fit on a spotbeam transponder using MPEG-4? They sure are going to clear a lot of room when they remove the EA markets off of 129 and run it all in MPEG-4.

What ?

1 - People are constantly counting up "slates" with no bandwidth and then going on about how Dish has so many channels per tranponder.

2 - If a market was going off of 129, it would have been gone by now. They had to wait for Ciel-2 to add markets, not remove them.

3 - 129 is not going MPEG-4 exclusively, since it is combined with 110 and 119, which will have MPEG-2 channels for years to come. There are 10-20 million Dish MPEG-2 receivers out there.
Wow, 14 MPEG-2 channels on one transponder (on the spotbeam). I wonder how many they can fit on a spotbeam transponder using MPEG-4? They sure are going to clear a lot of room when they remove the EA markets off of 129 and run it all in MPEG-4.

Yeah, they are packing them in there. But they are running 7/8 FEC instead of 5/6 FEC which gives them a bit more of room. No different than what you see on 110 since they are also running 7/8 FEC since Echo11 was put in service.
Days not weeks

Are you serious? Who said E* is doing badly? I haven't heard any rumors or reported sightings of Charlie Ergen at his local pawn shop trying to hock satellites or office furniture. If anything, E* is doing well(satellites don't launch themselves).

What you're saying doesn't make any sense at all. It's simple; read what's being said. Iceberg, Digiblur, and the others know their business. Dish can offer locals to more markets using spotbeams.

If the whole point to your argument is that you want LA locals, then move there. With a Uhaul, not a phone call. Otherwise, be happy with what you have or switch providers. Either way, I think I speak for most here when I say, "Please shut up about it!"

Your argument is wrong, invalid,and in a matter of weeks, will be a mute point.

I will be moot w/in days maybe even hours the way it's going.
If the EPG is correct...then hours ;) I totally believe they will change tonight unless they run into a technical issue somewhere. The EPG lists all of DMAs I listed above as going Off Air at 2am central. Just like they did with the others and the national HD moves.
There will still be some conUS HD locals left from some other positions. Who knows for how long. Buy a wing dish or + LNB. If E* ends up miraculously leaving 1 conus HD city on Ciel2 (like NY SD on 119) then it won't be by accident. D* can only sell one Distant market (LA OR NY) per customer for HD. If E* "accidentally" leaves one city HD conUS then it would offer the same thing as D* can. I'm sure they also wouldn't mind the $5/mo rather than giving it to AAD. $5 for only 4 HD channels is a good deal for charlie imho.
There will still be some conUS HD locals left from some other positions. Who knows for how long. Buy a wing dish or + LNB. If E* ends up miraculously leaving 1 conus HD city on Ciel2 (like NY SD on 119) then it won't be by accident. D* can only sell one Distant market (LA OR NY) per customer for HD. If E* "accidentally" leaves one city HD conUS then it would offer the same thing as D* can. I'm sure they also wouldn't mind the $5/mo rather than giving it to AAD. $5 for only 4 HD channels is a good deal for charlie imho.

Totally agree. Why give up even one customer when you don't have to.
Hoping for CONUS but not optimistic.
I have already lost DEN and CHI in past few days. Only have LA left
No worries. D* will take my money just as easily as E.*

Why the glee? Lots of people like to get the networks in an earlier time zone and DVR them.

We are good customers and we are going to leave in droves, because we will figure out how to get distant DMA from D* just as easily as we did from E*, plus I will get Sunday ticket, MLB, and can order a souped up Tivo dvr from Weakknees which is better than then 722/

I already have a Slingbox so can live without the new combo.

Only reason I stayed this long is I have four 622/722 that I own and a distant DMA that I am happy to pay for.

I am /was spending over $400/month with dish. It is their loss, not mine. And all of this could have been averted if they weren't so stupd.

And yes, it is a failing company. Look it up. Because they do not know their customers. Pity.
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