2/9/2009 2:12am - Uplink Activity Report - 35 changes

Looks like I'll be "moving" from Chicago to Albuquerque while waiting for a Montana spotbeam to become available. I probably missed the uplink report, but is there any word on when the Missoula or Bozeman/Butte DMA's will be available in HD.

According to last retailer chat Missoula, Great Falls, & Butte DMA's sometime after March, which leaves them about 9 months to play with:D
Hope someone from Dish network is reading this thread.

If they move the LA HD off of CONUS and there are no more options for "movers" they are going to lose a lot their highest paying customers.

This is the reason a lot people have E* rather than D*.. Dish -pay attention, quit while you are ahead. You have already moved Denver and Chicago. Cease and desist.

Or even better, put them on 110 CONUS
If they move the LA HD off of CONUS and there are no more options for "movers" they are going to lose a lot their highest paying customers.
how so?

This is the reason a lot people have E* rather than D*.. Dish -pay attention, quit while you are ahead. You have already moved Denver and Chicago. Cease and desist.

um people move with D too and last I chcecked the HD feeds form NY & LA were on CONUS.

Remember...Dish cant sell distants AT ALL so why leave channels on CONUS? No reason too :)
Does anyone know when the Jefferson City/Columbia, MO channels will be moved to the new Ciel-2 129? I dont wanna point to 61.5 if i dont have too. Thanks
Look at all the message boards with "movers." There are tons of people out there who get HD locals from places other than where they live. Dish is about to squeeze them out- for what? So Podunkville can get a spot beam. Stupid.
It is their fault that D* can transmit LA and NY conus. Why should we suffer because Charlie is a litigious weasel

People who want to keep Dish because of the DVR and because they hate cable have figured out a way to pay DISH big bucks and pick up HD locals from 129 CONUS.

Last chance DISH. You are going to lose big time. Keep LA HD Conus.

In fact, move Denver back to CONUS as well.

Look. We overlooked Sunday ticket, MLB extra innings, Fox Business, AMC HD, and no tivo. Quit pushing us. Wise up.
Look at all the message boards with "movers." There are tons of people out there who get HD locals from places other than where they live.
so because they "move" they're "highest paying customers"? Highly doubt it. I "moved" to get the neighboring DMA and I was paying for......yep just locals...oh and the free PI pack.

Dish is about to squeeze them out- for what? So Podunkville can get a spot beam. Stupid.
hate to say it but yep. I guess Dish would rather utilize the space to get podunkville's 10000 customers happy and I guess piss off a couple of "movers".

It is their fault that D* can transmit LA and NY conus. Why should we suffer because Charlie is a litigious weasel
Do you seriously know how stupid you sound. Now lemme explain to you. I am a mover and don't have issues with movers. I was a mover twice for 6 years until I canceled Dish. But when Dish does what they can LEGALLY do (spotbeaming) you're going to piss and whine because of something you TECHNICALLY do not qualify for? If you live in LA then there should be no issues. You should get the HD locals as you qualify. But whining "oh why is Dish taking away these locals" when again you dont TECHNICALLY qualify for them (you made up an addrfess to get them) makes you look like a goofball.

You're probably one of those people who want the DTV transition to be pushed back because "you're not ready yet" :rolleyes:

People who want to keep Dish because of the DVR and because they hate cable have figured out a way to pay DISH big bucks and pick up HD locals from 129 CONUS.
again where is this "big bucks" thing you keep speaking about?

Last chance DISH. You are going to lose big time. Keep LA HD Conus.
no they wont. They'll move it spotbeam just like they did SD channels. They can reuse the space for other locals.
Well put Iceberg! Dish can care less about movers. They don't care if you do it and don't care if you lose the locals due to spotbeams. They are moving forward with their plans to utilize the bandwidth as efficient as possible which will in turn allow them to offer many HD markets they didn't have before.
Other than their HD DVR, which is not as good as Tivo but is better than *D, the only competitive advantage that *E has is that their CSR's do not give a rat's behind if you "move."

Now they are going to give that up for no reason There is more than enough bandwidth to leave LA and Denver, (and Chicago) CONUS and still spot the fly-overs.

*D does it.

Last chance. I am not the one who is stupid.

No bailouts Charlie. Obama is watching *D-he likes sports
I'm pretty sure Helena is within the SLC spotbeam, but one of their locals (ABC?) still isn't available right? Any word on when SLC will have all of the "Big 4?"
Other than their HD DVR, which is not as good as Tivo but is better than *D, the only competitive advantage that *E has is that their CSR's do not give a rat's behind if you "move."
last I checked DIrecTV didnt care either

Now they are going to give that up for no reason There is more than enough bandwidth to leave LA and Denver, (and Chicago) CONUS and still spot the fly-overs.

*D does it.
D can LEGALLY sell Distants. Dish can't. What part of that don't you get? Why would Dish leave locals up CONUS for people OUTSIDE the area who legally can't get them when they can reuse that spotbeam and add 4 or 5 more towns.

Last chance. I am not the one who is stupid.
Charlie isnt stupid either. If he can add subs by adding HD locals to areas that right now dont have them he is making lots of money...more then your "high end sub" ;)
I'm pretty sure Helena is within the SLC spotbeam, but one of their locals (ABC?) still isn't available right? Any word on when SLC will have all of the "Big 4?"

SLC is Conus for now. I doubt the spotbeam would reach Montana. If Denver doesn't why would SLC? ;)
Read the financial reports for Echostar.

One of the reasons *E has lost so much ground to *D is the churn and the loss of the high paying subs to *D.

Iceberg, don't know who you are. I did preface my remarks with if someone who works for *E is reading any of this.

There are thousands of "movers" there with *E. *D has many as well who pick up distant network feeds from LA/NY.

Dish stands to lose unless they can get HD to All-American Direct.

That was a slick counter-punch by Charlie but he needs to add the HD.
Hope someone from Dish network is reading this thread.

If they move the LA HD off of CONUS and there are no more options for "movers" they are going to lose a lot their highest paying customers.

This is the reason a lot people have E* rather than D*.. Dish -pay attention, quit while you are ahead. You have already moved Denver and Chicago. Cease and desist.
Without going into whether "moving" is legal or not, you expect Dish to still provide CONUS LA HD, where people can lie about where they live in order to get those locals? Am I understanding you correctly? So, since I spend $160/month and actually get the locals of the DMA I live in(which only 2 of the 6 are HD), I'm not 1 of their best and highest paying customers? You need crawl back under your rock and come out in another 5 years to add another useless post.
One of the reasons *E has lost so much ground to *D is the churn and the loss of the high paying subs to *D.
I'm thinking more on the line of sports but thats just me ;)

There are thousands of "movers" there with *E.
so a couple thousand out of 13 million...and how many are "movers" to a neighboring DMA? A fair amount of them probably.

*D has many as well who pick up distant network feeds from LA/NY.
They also have folks who legally qualify

Dish stands to lose unless they can get HD to All-American Direct.
nope. Those who "move" will "move" to a closer area. Check the Dish forum. Lots of threads on where they want to move now. So they arent leaving :)
Without going into whether "moving" is legal or not, you expect Dish to still provide CONUS LA HD, where people can lie about where they live in order to get those locals? Am I understanding you correctly? So, since I spend $160/month and actually get the locals of the DMA I live in(which only 2 of the 6 are HD), I'm not 1 of their best and highest paying customers? You need crawl back under your rock and come out in another 5 years to add another useless post.


well put :)
If it was my company, and it was doing as bad as *E is doing, here is what I would do with regard to the 'moving " issue.

I would convert all CONUS HD networks to spot.

I would wait one day, and then I would move one city back to CONUS, perhaps Denver or LA.

Then I would see how many people moved to that place the next day.

I would look at their accounts and see how much money they were spending.

Then I would know the scope what I was dealing with and whether I should just blow it off or keep the business just by having one city CONUS, which is not lawbreaking on E*s end.
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If it was my company, and it was doing as bad as *E is doing, here is what I would do with regard to the 'moving " issue.

I would convert all CONUS HD networks to spot.

I would wait one day, and then I would move one city back to CONUS, perhaps Denver or LA.

Then I would see how many people moved to that place the next day.

I would look at their accounts and see how much money they were spending.

Then I would know the scope what I was dealing with and whether I should just blow it off or keep the business just by having one city CONUS, which is not lawbreaking on E*s end.
Are you serious? Who said E* is doing badly? I haven't heard any rumors or reported sightings of Charlie Ergen at his local pawn shop trying to hock satellites or office furniture. If anything, E* is doing well(satellites don't launch themselves).

What you're saying doesn't make any sense at all. It's simple; read what's being said. Iceberg, Digiblur, and the others know their business. Dish can offer locals to more markets using spotbeams.

If the whole point to your argument is that you want LA locals, then move there. With a Uhaul, not a phone call. Otherwise, be happy with what you have or switch providers. Either way, I think I speak for most here when I say, "Please shut up about it!"

Your argument is wrong, invalid,and in a matter of weeks, will be a mute point.

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