Really?? I knew at 11am but didn't post it here until 2pm because I was waiting for confirmation....Just got an update telling me BBC America will also be on 72.7 and not on 61.5.
This means BBC America will only be on 72.7 and 129.
Again just got this document a few moments ago.
Yes, the dishes we have don't have the size to focus tightly enough to differentiate spacing that tight, but Dish doesn't use any satellite at 72.5 so I believe the receiver ignores those signals.The specs for the 1000.4 dish states that it's designed to receive signals from 61.5, 72.7 and 77.
Will it also receive signals from 72.5?
(lost the question, but that was essentially it) 72.7 and 77 can be picked up with regular DBS LNBs.? said:Does it require a special LNB?
Why couldn't DISH put these Channels on 119 or 110 for us 119, 110, 61.5 Customers?? I thought there was room on those sats.
Read post 4 of this thread. I explained it in full detail.
I did read that, but this conversion/ switch over for E14 is not going to happen for a while until it is launched. I don't understand why they couldn't put it up there temporary until E6 gets over to 61.5.
It just really pisses me off that I won't be able to get these new HD Channels for a while. I just feel screwed, and am upset. I just feel like Dish should of done something about that.
129 footprint doesnt reach northern Maine![]()
We already knew the list of channels..your source is missing another off the top of my head. An Odessa HD local![]()
I did read that, but this conversion/shuffle over for E14 is not going to happen for a while until it is launched or close to launch. I don't understand why they couldn't put it up there temporary until E6 gets over to 61.5 and then just remove it. At least us customers would have something.
It just really pisses me off that I won't be able to get these new HD Channels for a while. I just feel screwed, and am upset. I just feel like Dish should of done something about this, so this didn't have to happen.
129 footprint doesnt reach northern Maine![]()
I'm in that dma area. Is it KWES Channel 9 in HD?
A lot of us get our HD locals on 61.5. I am not gonna get to excited about this as I think Dish will take care of this problem. If in a couple of weeks a plan is not evolving I will make a dish config modification.
129 would probably work "ok" if you could get LOS to it in Maine.
the map says otherwise
SatelliteGuys.US - Subscription 129°W
the look angle is low. In Presque Isle its 11 degrees
129.0°W Ciel 2 Ku Cir
I am astounded at how many people here feel "if it doesn't affect me, to hell with the rest of you!" It's not whining. It's a legitimate complaint! Those of us who have had service for ages, paying the most for the highest level of service just got hit with the largest price increace EVER by Dish. Within a week, Dish then decides to launch channels in such a way that those of us who just got hit with a monstrous price increase get screwed good and hard while jackasses on this board point, laugh and say we are a bunch of whiners.
It is unfair to the CORE! For anyone to defend such a practice of surreptitiously adding services to some and keeping it secret from others in the hopes no one will notice the misdeed is as low as any human can get. Anyone who defends such a move is lower than those soulless, unscrupulous low-lifes initiating the inexcusable business practice. And please don't tell me you'd feel the same if it was you who were getting the royal shaft!
What is the remedy? For one DON'T HIDE! Tell those affected. If it's as few people as some say then Dish needs to CALL these people and offer the fix to receive all the channels being paid for! If that would cost Dish too much, then they need to find another fix. How about $4 off a month until the service is restored to the same as those able to receive the channels?
I understand Dish's issues with 61.5, but the customer should not be made to pay for something he is not getting either!
But like lemmings, those unaffected will just sit by quietly and murmur about how those affected do nothing but "whine". It's the Human condition. If it doesn't affect me, don't get involved.
That is all I will say on this subject. To all of you getting the new channels, enjoy.
Quit whining and go outside and swing your Dish over to 129°. Should only take like 10 minutes. I had a spare Dish300. I brought my pansat outside. Plugged in 12516,20000 set the elevation to 46 and within a few seconds i had a lock. Your a sat guy. You can do it.
On second thought maybe you can't your in Maine.![]()