Saw this:
8821(33) - KRTN [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 31 (Mkt:Albuquerque, NM) (NA)
8825(9) - KNMD [MPEG2 SD] added to EchoStar10 110W TP 27 Spotbeam 31 (Mkt:Albuquerque, NM-Santa Fe)
Sure enough no entry for 8821/33 in guide--not available as it says but not seeing it OTA from here.
9.1 is showing 4-hour blocks of its name--not any better than "Digital Signal" forever as 9.2 does. Not showing as 8825. This guide would help give meaning to the second PBS channel--the other is 5.1 for HD, also as 5.2=8816 for SD. I don't like to haul out the paper guide to schedule. About a month ago KNME-5 dropped Nightly Business News suddenly, so I now watch KENW, shown on 3, Eastern New Mexico for it in stretch SD for full screen. Is that "wide-screen?" It also shows Classic ARTS Showcase after normal hours--too bad that is not pre-squeezed, IIRC, as it is not shown anywhere as HD?