110 problems

I too ran into this probelm on Saturday on my 501. The check switch would fail, and lost all programming from 110. The procedure that at least got my channels back was to do a facory default, and then run the check which immedialty after that. The check which wold then see all sat locations and all channels returned. After that I was able to go back and reset any settings that were defaulted by the factory default.
craigb23 said:
I too ran into this probelm on Saturday on my 501. The check switch would fail, and lost all programming from 110. The procedure that at least got my channels back was to do a facory default, and then run the check which immedialty after that. The check which wold then see all sat locations and all channels returned. After that I was able to go back and reset any settings that were defaulted by the factory default.
Even with this work around the problem still exists. If for some reason you lose signal ie "weather" or the power goes out at you house and need to do another switch test you are back to square one.
rdinkel said:
I just reported the issue to Advanced Tech Support.
Will they give you a response as to what they will do or when this might be fixed or something?. If so will you notify us as to what they say? Inquiring minds would like to know.
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It is not a wiring problem. For some reason, 5XX receivers are so slow now at recognizing 110 sat name that the receivers decide that the signals are not there. However, you can still watch your 110 channels. An error messages states that it is a problem with the multisatellite tables.
I can confirm what everybody else is experiencing with their 5xx receivers. I have a 501 and it's doing the same thing, it will not lock onto 110. To get out of the Point/Dish Signal and get your channels back, select 119 and then exit out the Point/Dish Signal.
Well, Dish does check their email, I just got off a 60 min call with tech ops.

She went through all my signal strengths and hardware info on all 3 recievers. Unfortuantely I now have to get the check switch back. At least she has before and after signal levels.

She also read this thread some during our waits for the check switch.

In case she's reading this, she was very nice. ;)

Anyways, maybe they will get on the problem quickly now.

I wonder how many people are getting the recievers exchanged or upgraded because of this. One guy on DBSTALK is getting a 625 or something this next friday.

Well, back to resetting the boxes.
Ran into same problem, if you unplug the reciever for 30 seconds and plug back in it will switch check
also try checking the alternate in the check switch screen
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Frank Jr. said:
Keep doing a switch check. Eventually it will start changing to odd or even and at some point hopefully an "All". If and when you get an "All" back out and DO NOT DO ANOTHER CHECK SWITCH. You will have all your channels. If you check your signals on 110 you will see signal but will not lock. Good Luck. ps I am sick of DishNetWork and thier Software updates.
You and me both.. I go out on service calls on this and find that the cust has all their channels and they are amazed at why I can get the thing to work...I simply reboot the box and that's that....
Just for giggles I started a check switch on my 501 . I noticed the test progress moving slowly so I quickly rebooted the box before th check switch could complete..i have all channels right now..
I looked at sig strength and there it is..all 110 TP's say "wrong sat' and the bar is red..Yet, I am getting all chs....
Yep ,I wish DN would just cut the crap....I will have to go out on "non pay Trouble calls because busy body custs who like to think they know about the EQ start screwing around with the menus....they see this issue and right away they are hitting the panic button....thanks Dish....luv ya mean it..
I'm having indentical problems...but with 119, since yesterday afternoon...Seems to be transponder 4.

My 510 has been kinda buggy since P308 but this is the first major problem. I can't watch anything I want to...

I kinda fuzzed out with all the uplink activity, all the moving around, so I don't know what's going on or if it's software. It is raining outside but this started hours before the rain arrived yesterday. Considering it's supposed to rain for the next 10 days you can imagine how I'm feeling right about now...
110 problems being looked at by dish

If you're having problems with 110, I've been asked by the Tech Ops Team to get eveybody to post some information for them, if you don't mind:

Post answers for questions 5-8 for each additional reciever affected and list the model causing the issue.

0. Model number?

1. What kind of dish equipment is installed (models, lnbs, switches, etc)?

2. When was the problem first noticed?

3. Has the problem gotten worse since you first noticed it?

4. Have you been able to correct it, if so how?

5. What hardware ID is on the receiver?

6. What bootstrap is on the receiver?

7. What software version is on the receiver?

8. Signal strengths of a few conus transponders (not a spotbeam), 110 and 119.

Dish technicians will be watching this thread for this information

To get some of the info Hit Menu button twice, the first screen shows the software version.
Then hit select NEXT twice from there and you get a screen with the hardware ID and bootstrap numbers.
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dishcomm said:
....they see this issue and right away they are hitting the panic button....

Is that the glowing red dish button on the silver remote? You know the one you always bump at the most important scene or when you drop it on the floor?:D
Will get most of the information later tonight when I'm at home but here it goes:

1. What kind of dish equipment is installed (models, lnbs, switches, etc)?

DP Twin and DP Dual feeding 2 DP34s to 2 311s, 501, 625 and 211.

2. When was the problem first noticed?
Last week when poking around in the Point/Dish Signal.

3. Has the problem gotten worse since you first noticed it?
Not really, 110 will not lock in the Point/Dish Signal and that's about it. But still can view channels on 110 if selecting channels with the remote control. However, if exit the Point/Dish Signal with 110 selected the receiver sits at the acquiring signal 0 of 5 screen. Have to select 119 and then exit to get back the channels.

4. Have you been able to correct it, if so how?

5. What hardware ID is on the receiver?

6. What bootstrap is on the receiver?

7. What software version is on the receiver?

8. Signal strengths of a few conus transponders (not a spotbeam), 110 and 119.
These were taken on 2/25/06
11 102
18 95
19 97
20 98
21 99
22 106
31 104
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(1) Two 510's, one 301, DP34 switch, 105 superdish (2) May 5 (3) Same problems as previously described (4)Not fixed (5)Hardware ID DFJD-N (6) BootStrap 23AB (7) P308 transponder 8 is 125, transpoonder 9 is 115, transponder 10 is 117, transponder 11 is 118. Still will not lock. Transponders and signal strength is for 110 sat. obtw the 301 is fine
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Frank Jr. said:
... transponder 8 is 125, transpoonder 9 is 115, transponder 10 is 117, transponder 11 is 118. Still will not lock

Thanks for getting the info, I assume those readings are the 110 sat?
Frostwolf said:
Thanks for getting the info, I assume those readings are the 110 sat?
Yes they are. I amended my post to read as such. Your welcome. Anything that will help expedite in getting this fixed. Thanks for getting this set up.:)

Starz no 5.1 audio?

Broken Remote?

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