110 problems

Frank Jr. said:
Just to put Frostwolf's question back. Anyone have p309?

Hey Frank Jr, yes I got P309 some time yesterday afternoon. It included Dish on Demand and I believe a number of bug fixes. My 510 now passes the check switch test and system info check/test. I have ran these tests a number of times with good results. My 510 is back working like she did a month ago. Perfect!! Ensure your reciever is turned off when not in use to receive the download. Good luck.
Just an update! I ran all check switch tests and system info check/tests this morning again just to confirm the problem was indeed resolved and my 510 past all tests with no problems to report. P309 has corrected my error messages. I can finally rest in peace now!
Frank Jr. said:
Yipee! Hope I have p309 when I get home.:)

The only drawback I hear is the VOD, you have to press the pvr button twice to get to your recordings. Guess I'll find out soon. I still have 308 :(
My 622 has problems locking in 110,also I found out that the signal has dropped in
our area,Is there a problem with 110 ?Does anybody knows.
Hey everbody, I still have the cursed p308. Dish needs to fix this and soon. This is B.S. If you call Dish they want to send a Tech out at your cost. I have Time Warner Cable at another house I own. I have never had to take a day off of work or had as many problems with them as I have had with Dish. I enjoy satellite tv but this is about to break the camels back. I am about to go totally TWC. Over the long haul it is cheaper.
If I can take another non dvr (301) anywhere in this house and it works fine then it has to be the 5xx receivers. Didn't have this issue until p308. I would feel better if they would admit yeah we messed up. I have never seen Dish recall a software update that caused issues. There has been way too many.
They are in no rush to fix the problem because it does not impact viewing--unless you mess with the point dish, check switch, or system status. "Normal" viewers do not do this. Just us satelliteguys!
Let someone have a power outage or a bad storm and the problem show up. Take a day off from work, pay for a so called technician to come out and it doesn't fix the problem. I guess it is a good thing we are here.
Frank Jr. said:
Hey everbody, I still have the cursed p308. Dish needs to fix this and soon. This is B.S. If you call Dish they want to send a Tech out at your cost. I have Time Warner Cable at another house I own. I have never had to take a day off of work or had as many problems with them as I have had with Dish. I enjoy satellite tv but this is about to break the camels back. I am about to go totally TWC. Over the long haul it is cheaper.

Hey Frank Jr., is your receiver set to download "without my permission" checked off. You may have it set to "ask before downloading". Just a thought! On another note... has anyone else received the new firmware update P309 or just me? If anyone else has received it let us know how your system is running.
Purogamer said:
Dish needs to work on getting these updates out faster. Why it takes so long I dont get...

I agree!! When P308 was released it took my receiver 3 weeks to get the download. This time it was the next day for P309.
From what I have been led to believe Dish rolls them out in lots or batches. This is done so if there is an issue with the software not everbody gets it. Now with that said I think everybody received p308 at the same time. I wish they would rollout p309 to everybody. Heck anything would be a improvement over p308. Still waiting.
Frank Jr. said:
From what I have been led to believe Dish rolls them out in lots or batches. This is done so if there is an issue with the software not everbody gets it. Now with that said I think everybody received p308 at the same time. I wish they would rollout p309 to everybody. Heck anything would be a improvement over p308. Still waiting.

That's correct they do it in batches. P3.08 was released "Full Phase" so everyone got it, maybe it only had some minor changes and they were sure it wasn't gonna cause problems. If you see "Partial Phase" that means is going out in batches.
"General updates" should get released in batches. When an update is specifically fixing a well known and widespread problem, it needs full release treatment. They have it backwards, not surprising...

Why can't I press a button on the remote and download it manually, oh that's right, because it's still 1996 and I don't have an ethernet port that I can send such a request from...

Same as the program guide, If you get "Not available" in your guide you've either got to do the check switch workaround, or shut down the box, when you should be able to just press a button and manually download the damn guide...The most basic functions they can't get right...
Purogamer said:
Why can't I press a button on the remote and download it manually, oh that's right, because it's still 1996 and I don't have an ethernet port that I can send such a request from...

If I remember correctly, an internet adapter was going to be made available for the high speed expansion port on the back of the 508's

Maybe I read it in the manual or a brochure somewhere, You know to replace what the 7200 had with webtv
RandallA said:
P3.09 does fix the problem with 110. I just checked and my 501 has it so I tried the Sys Info and everything worked as it should.

I'm glad you received the update and posted your results because I was beginning to think that I was the only one that received P309. All still working great here with my 510.

Starz no 5.1 audio?

Broken Remote?

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