10ft Unimesh Setup/Install

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Well it's official!! The Unimesh is a KEEPER! I'm satisfied with it and it's as good as anything else I have so it's good to go. Putting it on that stationary mount "might" have helped in getting it where I wanted it.

Been trading PMs with SecretSquirrel83 as he had expressed interest in getting into the hobby so looks like he will be the recipient of my 7.5ft SAMI dish and a Pansat 3500 SD receiver. Will also give him a mounting post to help him get started. Everything except the Pansat was free to me so I'm just going to "pay it forward" and give it to someone else that will use it!

Looks like he may be able to get down here Saturday to pick the stuff up. Lets just hope I can get someone else "hooked" on the FTA hobby!! :D
I finally got around to doing a string test on both my dishes this afternoon. The Winegard was perfect but the Unimesh wasn't. Question is, how much variation is too much?

And is it OK to use a 1/16" SS cable and a turn buckle across the dish to straighten it out? :confused:

And BTW, that Unimesh dish "seems" to be working OK as I've got TPs from 37.5W all the way back to 139W and gets most of the stuff that the Winegard dish gets.
I'm going to say any time it doesn't pass the string test, significant loss of signal. By all means if you can pull it into shape with a cable and turnbuckle, that's a go.
I'm going to say any time it doesn't pass the string test, significant loss of signal. By all means if you can pull it into shape with a cable and turnbuckle, that's a go.

But since we're talking about a 10 ft dish, how much off is too much? :confused: Or put another way, at what point do you say that the possible return isn't worth the effort to fix it? And BTW, it's off the same amount regardless of where the dish is pointing so it's not sagging at all, or doesn't appear to be.
Well my 10' LaserC/Ku was a bit "Potato Chipped" and the 10' CM that replaced it made it look like a six-footer. Check your signal and then tighten the turn-buckle and watch the improvement :)
That Umimesh dish is 1/4" or LESS out? I think I'm just going to let it ride like it is as it's doing pretty much everything I want it to do at this time.

Do the string test on the inner support ring, see if it's still out.
If so, I would attempt to correct - pressure and time, it took a while to get out of shape, so give it time to get back into shape.
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