10 Voom Channels Gone, How Do You Feel?

10 Voom channels are gone, how do you feel?

  • Happy - I did not care for Voom

    Votes: 57 11.8%
  • No Biggie - I was not into Voom

    Votes: 100 20.7%
  • No Biggie - They kept my channel

    Votes: 73 15.1%
  • Disappointed but will stay where I am

    Votes: 155 32.1%
  • Not Happy - I will downgrade my service

    Votes: 21 4.3%
  • Not Happy - I will leave at contract end

    Votes: 18 3.7%
  • Not Happy - If D* picks up Voom, I'm gone

    Votes: 59 12.2%

  • Total voters
If Rave goes, I personally see no difference between D* and E*. I would still keep E* since nothing compares to my 622 and EHD support. Ironically, almost everything on my external drive is from monsters and rave. Now this archived stuff will be more precious to me than ever.

I am however protesting as I type by downgrading to HD only pack, a reduction from $100 per month to $50. First, I will call customer service and threaten to cancel my service to see how desperate they are to keep me from switching to D*. I wonder what discounts and deals I can get with all the mostly negative news from E* this week.

It was almost a good week for E*. I mean, wow, 22 new channels....oh but they are mostly stretchovision channels replacing 24hr HD, commercial free channels.
Thank God they got rid of Voom. I was paying an extra $10 a month for crap I never watched. What's even better they got rid of it for better programing. Good job Dish!

That wasn't very smart was it? Paying $10 a month for TV you never watched? Now, you'll have even less to watch and still pay $10 for. Of course, you could always get smart, downgrade, and save $10 a month. Oboy, never thought of that....
Enjoy your pristine stetcho-vision.

No kidding. It's obvious that there is *NO* accounting for taste. Those were some of the few HD channels whose PQ was actually "high" definition. Much of the "HD" crap (and I use the term literally) is stretched out or downscale and may more properly be designated as something akin to "Enhanced Definition" or "ED". Maybe some nice company will make a little blue electronic pill they can swallow to help them with their "problem". :(
I am however protesting as I type by downgrading to HD only pack, a reduction from $100 per month to $50. First, I will call customer service and threaten to cancel my service to see how desperate they are to keep me from switching to D*. I wonder what discounts and deals I can get with all the mostly negative news from E* this week.

Well...I first tried the online chat and that was down. I then called CS and got an american CSR who transferred me to another american CSR to cancel my service. The computers are really slow at dish today and the call took 30 mins (I wonder why?)

Anyway, my scheme did not work. They did not care I was switching to D* and were about to turn off my service when I asked to change to HD standalone pack. BTW, I learned you can keep your adult subscriptions and cinemax for a penny with the HD-only pack. The CSR said they are getting a lot of angry callers about voom which I was surprised she said that. I thought Charlie said nobody watched them?

I think we're all starting to forget that Dish DID just have ANOTHER complete failure of a launch just.. a month and a half ago?.. As much as Dish has been saying that it has NOT affected their launch of HD Content.. it most obviously did.. Not to add the "17" or so channels yesterday, but to add... additional.

Voom has just been a casualty in this matter.. I have mixed feelings about VOOM Going BOOM... I feel bad because just yesterday I felt so DRENCHED in HD Channels (Not Necessarily Content), and I was totally psyched. But then again... VOOM offered MANY channels with content on an incredible repeat each and every day.. That.. Somewhat Bothered me.. Voom was nice because you could flip to any voom channel, and show someone what HD looks like. And you could also.. on a such occasion find something really unique to watch.

But on the other side, would I prefer new HD Channels that have more new content on a daily to weekly basis?.. Yes. Totally. I'm going to Miss the channels that were cut from VOOM, just because of the sheer amount, (and also because Soccer in HD is REALLY hard to find... with the exception of Euro 2008 coming up), but channels in their place that have more content just makes sense.

I don't think Dish would've done this, or at least this early, had they successfully launched that bird, and had additional space. When it comes down to it, push came to shove. Their financial reports showcased that customers were NOT happy, it wasn't just a loud few. It wasn't. We really weren't. I can say that I'm mostly content, but more is ALWAYS better, regardless.. So you really can't get upset at those who complain after a new batch of channels.

I loved Voom for its niche feel.. gameplay HD, World Cinema, Monsters Especially.. (Of which I think Monsters is REALLY changing gears and becoming THE top voom channel, with such a refresh of content.) It's sad that it came to this, and also I criticize the channels that were "saved" ... I mean.. as said before.. Kung Fu over HD News? Again, I don't mind Kung Fu, but the content isn't there. If kung fu HD became more like.. monsters.. then great. But.. HD News was a better choice at this point.

Regardless.. I've been rambling for a while now, but... one last point. If the next roll out includes channels that don't show all hd all the time, I'm fine with that. I'd prefer HD, obviously.. but.. those channels are high on the "WANT" list for a lot of people.. So better to roll them out, and be ready for when things really turn HD, and not have masses of people crying out for the one show that's in HD on the channel. (Sci-Fi?......love it.. but.. isn't BSG the ONLY HD program on it?.. as with others don't get me wrong.) I Personally would love to see Speed and FX added, and i'm not sure how much HD content is on those, but I'd enjoy them regardless. ..at a minimum I'd like some 16x9 F1 Racing, along with more Niche channels such as Mojo.

To wrap it up.. I'll use a nice List. Because everybody loves lists.

What Dish Should Roll Out As a General Rule, In Order of Importance:
Pure HD Stations (Premium or Otherwise) - HBO, Showtime, Starz, Cinemax, Speed, FX, Spike? (Not Sure how much HD is on these, but I've heard more than.. say.. MTV) Niche Channels that are Entirely In HD - Mojo, Sleuth*, Chiller* (*When Made Available)
Other "Smaller" Locals - WGN, The CW, ect.. (Not too up on these as I'm not a big viewer of them... and there seem to be too many.)
Placeholder HD Channels That Are Household Names -MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1, CMT, BET.

Whew... That was a mouth full. I'm done... I apologize for the length.
Well...I first tried the online chat and that was down. I then called CS and got an american CSR who transferred me to another american CSR to cancel my service. The computers are really slow at dish today and the call took 30 mins (I wonder why?)

Anyway, my scheme did not work. They did not care I was switching to D* and were about to turn off my service when I asked to change to HD standalone pack. BTW, I learned you can keep your adult subscriptions and cinemax for a penny with the HD-only pack. The CSR said they are getting a lot of angry callers about voom which I was surprised she said that. I thought Charlie said nobody watched them?

I've called 3 times to downgrade to Essential and every time I called they told me their system is down.
I don't care if Voom is gone. I got to record 2 Planet of the Apes movies from Monster HD last month so I'm happy with that. I never watched any other Voom channels. What would suck is if Voom made Dish wipe any of their recordings from the DVR's.
I've called 3 times to downgrade to Essential and every time I called they told me their system is down.

I got 2 american CSR's. She said that international call centers like India are completely down but they are only "very slow." That gave us plenty of time to have a little chat about how i mostly liked the less popular cultural channels that voom offered over what americans really want....fishing and fast cars.
Voom has just been a casualty in this matter.. I have mixed feelings about VOOM Going BOOM... I feel bad because just yesterday I felt so DRENCHED in HD Channels (Not Necessarily Content), and I was totally psyched. But then again... VOOM offered MANY channels with content on an incredible repeat each and every day.. That.. Somewhat Bothered me.. Voom was nice because you could flip to any voom channel, and show someone what HD looks like. And you could also.. on a such occasion find something really unique to watch.

I don't think Dish would've done this, or at least this early, had they successfully launched that bird, and had additional space. When it comes down to it, push came to shove. Their financial reports showcased that customers were NOT happy, it wasn't just a loud few. It wasn't. We really weren't. I can say that I'm mostly content, but more is ALWAYS better, regardless.. So you really can't get upset at those who complain after a new batch of channels.

I'd have to agree, that it would have been a better scenario to have been able to keep the VOOM channels along with the new HD Channels that were just added.

Though, it doesn't appear that DISH intended on that. (speculation, of course) The court case was already in progress and this all started back in November I believe. So DISH initiated this quite some time ago, even before the Failure of the latest satellite launch.
That gave us plenty of time to have a little chat about how i mostly liked the less popular cultural channels that voom offered over what americans really want....fishing and fast cars.

Wait, appreciating wildlife and the beauty of a quality made automobile isn't considered a cultural experience? Let's not be over dramatic. :D
I just emailed Dish Network the following email. If enough of us do the same they may rethink their plan to remove these VOOM channels.

Just wanted to say how dissapointed I am about the 10 VOOM channels being discontinued. My family watched these channels regularly and will greatly miss them. If DirecTV picks up these VOOM channels we will be sure to switch services.
I just emailed Dish Network the following email. If enough of us do the same they may rethink their plan to remove these VOOM channels.

Just wanted to say how dissapointed I am about the 10 VOOM channels being discontinued. My family watched these channels regularly and will greatly miss them. If DirecTV picks up these VOOM channels we will be sure to switch services.
They don't care.

VOOM was the single biggest competitive advantage of Dish Network, IMHO. Dropping these channels was simply stupid!

WorldCinema (recently merged with FilmFest) was one of the best movie channels on Dish. Showing the greatest movies from the rest of the World.

Spanish live soccer in HD on WorldSportHD alone was worth the price of HD pack for me!

Ultra was my wife's most favorite channel: she watched it daily! She is so upset, she doesn't want to have Dish any more!

I agree on every point (and my wife is going to be pissed when she turns on the TV tonight)
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and that's the problem.

The other part of the problem is that many feel "they don't care - I won't bother". They can be made to "care" - if only in a superficial, bottom line kinda way. Taking (lightly, of course) the numbers in this poll, roughly half of respondents are disappointed to some degree. That number would apparently increase by another 20% or so if they had deleted a slightly different mix of channels. Precious few (IMHO) will choose to express this disappointment to E*. This applies broadly, of course, not just to this little tempest in a teapot. If more people voiced their opinions to these companies, things would change. How much or how quickly ... who knows? But change they would.
Goodluck.... :cool:

If they "change" their plan on the VOOM channels, it's probably because they lost the courtcase or appeal, or because it was always their intention to keep the VOOM channels to begin with.

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