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  1. GeneWildershair

    Do yourself a favor...

    hehe... take his advice everyone, please. ;)
  2. GeneWildershair

    An Analysis of the Microstutters

    great find Darrell! This needs to be brought to the attention of someone at V* imediatly, as a lot of us saw this problem occuring all the time, and found it very annoying. Very interesting about the 3 frames being repeated. And it is funny how some notice this stutter, and others don't. The...
  3. GeneWildershair

    Well folks I'm out...

    Thanks for the positive response. I will be doing some future lurking to see if problems do get fixed, and I'll be watching the growth of VOOM from the side lines. That DVR that's coming in the fall just might bring me back pretty darn quick! ;) Again, thanks everyone.
  4. GeneWildershair

    Well folks I'm out...

    It was time for this guy to make his decision on VOOM, and I think I made the right choice. I'm dumping them and sticking with D*. The constant picture quality fluctuations, microstutters, bad looking sd channels (sparklies), and rain fade problems are my main gripes with V*. I'm not going to...
  5. GeneWildershair

    *AHHH*.. no VOOM for me!!!

    lol... yeah let's see... the first installer got a low 40's signal for me, and said that was the best I could possibly get, and that I should be happy with it. This was the old scale btw. A few days later I adjusted and got mid to high 50's. Then when I had someone come back out for the 30"...
  6. GeneWildershair

    *AHHH*.. no VOOM for me!!!

    ya know, I was just thinking about how much fun it will be to put that dish back up there and find the signal again! :rolleyes: BTW guys, the first installer that came to my house, (who initially hooked up the 18" dish) never grounded my dish. I would like to ground it when I set up my 30"...
  7. GeneWildershair

    *AHHH*.. no VOOM for me!!!

    WOW... what an offer! ;) I guess I'll take you guys up on that if my wife kicks me out for complaining about cable PQ too much! lol...
  8. GeneWildershair

    *AHHH*.. no VOOM for me!!!

    Yeah, it sucks I'll be without V*, and D* for about a week as I'm getting a new roof put up on the house! I can't believe I will be without HD, even if it's just for a few days (yeah I know I've been spoiled)! I'm stuck with this lame a$$ basic cable, that really looks terrible in my area. I...
  9. GeneWildershair

    Losing Voom

    LMAO!... now that's funny! Good one man!
  10. GeneWildershair

    Losing Voom

    Rex, why all of the sudden so much hate against VOOM, and other folks here? I don't get it. I understand you had problems with getting double billed, (which shouldn't be happening) and feel bad that you have to get rid of the service, because VOOM has no paper billing option. Now given that you...
  11. GeneWildershair

    VOOM picture soft(er)

    Ok, now I do remember Sean stating that one of his older boxes did have the red push issue, so yeah maybe something's up with that box? I've been thru 2 boxes now, and they've been the same in terms of PQ, so I have not seen this red push. I know my tv had a red push issue that I fixed myself in...
  12. GeneWildershair

    VOOM DVI and Sony HDTVs

    yeah it does take some courage to finally get into that service menu and start playing, but once you get to learning what fixes what, and start seeing good results, it's all worth it! :D
  13. GeneWildershair

    VOOM picture soft(er)

    So you calibrated your tv to your VOOM box, and still get a softer picture? Hmm... I don't know then. I'm not seeing a difference at all when swicthing to and from D*, and VOOM using components? HBOHD, and SHowHD are a little softer with VOOM, but I've noticed that for some time now. DIscHD...
  14. GeneWildershair

    VOOM picture soft(er)

    You had your Mits tv calibrated with your Sony STB, (of course it will look better). You now need one of your other picture modes/settings ISF calibrated to your VOOM box to be able to compare. BTW I too thought the picture was very soft compared to D*, but once I adjusted things properly, and...
  15. GeneWildershair

    VOOM picture soft(er)

    Again, you do not want them "the same". Change the picture settings ie..color, sharp, hue etc... for the VOOM STB. Every video component outputs their picture differently, and they *each* need their own calibration settings. You should have *different* settings for each.
  16. GeneWildershair

    Call back activated!!

    Well it sounds as if it's their way of keeping everyone "plugged in" via phone line.
  17. GeneWildershair

    VOOM STB cables?

    I only got components from the installer.
  18. GeneWildershair

    Losing Voom

    That's too bad. It's wierd I never had a problem with using my check card?
  19. GeneWildershair

    VOOM picture soft(er)

    yeah I have modes too that I use. each one is for a different component.
  20. GeneWildershair

    VOOM picture soft(er)

    That is a bad way to compare the the two different STB's! Each one has to be separately calibrated to get optimal PQ. As you said you had D* first and your tv was probably already adjusted for that box. Don't expect to hook up another STB from another company, keep the same picture settings and...
  21. GeneWildershair

    Improvement Wish List for Voom

    Those shows don't appeal to me, and I get my movie fix in HD with all the other movie channels that VOOM offers. So I guess I'm not missing much with Sci Fi then.
  22. GeneWildershair

    Inconsistency With this forum

    did they give you an example of this "inconsistency"?
  23. GeneWildershair

    Since VOOM may read this...(Make mozilla/firefox compatible with VOOM website)

    Can you please fix your new website to allow us mozilla/firefox users to view it? Some of us don't have IE anymore. Thank you.
  24. GeneWildershair

    Voom says no 30" dish...HELP.

    I wouldn't list her email address. Wilt is a good man to go to, and he'll direct folks to who they need to talk to. Let's keep it like that. We don't want this lady getting hammered with emails about all kinds of stuff that she probably has no control over.
  25. GeneWildershair

    VOomin in Seattle with the new 30in DISH! FYI

    Don't know yet, haven't got any heavy rain since the install! ;)