Search results for query: dish grounding

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  1. cyberham

    FTA Contact in Japan

    So I'm back in Japan. Incredibly, I cannot source the typical 3-foot satellite dish tripod that I've used for three dishes back in Canada. I tried ordering one via Amazon Japan from two different local suppliers and they both came back to say they could not source stock from the U.S. even though...
  2. k4otl

    Comments from a newbie to FTA

    I plan on doing the exact same thing, put a sidecar on my 99W dish to get 105W. I tried doing this on my 97W dish but it was really finicky and never could get a good lock, I figure 8 degrees away on a Hughesnet dish is pushing it, 4 degrees works great, I'd say 6 degrees will be ok. My...
  3. R

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    I swapped out the the two UPS's and rearranged my TV cabinet for the tall tower to fit. Then I went through the APC menu to see what was good or bad. It shows I am running between 117 to 122 watts and I have a full battery. But when I check the run time it shows "0". When the power went out...
  4. primestar31

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    How much does a Delta 2 cost? Then you said you are getting a larger Delta Pro?
  5. R

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    I started using UPS battery backups systems back when I had a projector and frequent power outages. I wanted something to give me time to shut the projector off. I have a Cyberpower in the home entertainment center and a bigger APC with a smart outlet for other items. I do need to swap out...
  6. R

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    The problem has to be ground related. On an EcoFlow forum they are asking if the power station is plugged in to an A/C outlet. It was not. I will play with it more today. My Dish is on the roof over 15' above the ground. I can't see if there is a ground wire up there.
  7. tjboston5676

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    Not saying to do it permanently but disconnect the ground and see if it fixes the issue. Also if there's a ground from hub to the service disconnect then there should also be a black wire on the other ground terminal on hub that's comes from the coax cable going to dish. And other end should...
  8. R

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    There is a ground wire running from the solo hub to the main disconnect panel.
  9. R

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    I don't know how to check the voltage, but I can look at the solo hub to see if it is grounded or not.
  10. tjboston5676

    EF ECOFLOW Portable Power Station Delta 2, 1024Wh

    I would check the voltage actually being fed to the hopper. If it's too low it can cause the hopper to not send power to the lnb which would result in no signal. Also if there's any grounding on the solo hub or dish, it can also cause issues if theres other electrical issues.
  11. cyberham

    What Snow?

    Good to know. This snowfall was quite unusual here. Snow is not normally an issue at my location so it's a novelty. Brushing the snow off immediately restored good operation of the Ku dish. I like the dish very close to ground so I can sit on a chair while tweaking the LNB, especially on C-band.
  12. Borisov-54

    What Snow?

    And to have a good signal in Ku, put a plastic visor on the antenna. It has been tested, in snow and rain the signal is not 100 percent, but you can watch. If the antenna was higher from the ground, there would be less snow.
  13. Nebugeater

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    Being in maintenance management and following many safety sites, I cannot count the number of times I see stories where, after the fact, the "obvious" is not so "obvious" ! Do the one call. No matter what. If you make the call and there is a mistake, it is on the one-call system. If you do...
  14. HipKat

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    That is pretty subjective actually. In-house technicians will in probably all cases not put a pole in the ground without calling dick safe first. Contractors in many cases, same thing however, the policy is to put the Dish on a temporary mount at the point where the pole will go, call, dig safe...
  15. HipKat

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    Well one limit is not being authorized to mount to Vinyl siding
  16. HipKat

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    They can move the Dish to wherever you want it, as long as it's got clear line of sight and a clear path for the cable. I would call it in as a relocate Dish Work Order. As for the Antenna, that will probably incur an extra charge and will need a clear wallfish to the Hopper
  17. T

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    Sometimes a ground dish can go close to house if trees not in way. Other times you need to get beyond trees and it becomes a long buried run. I saw a lot of outfits put dish on pole right at the house, which made little sense to me. Most of my mounting was actually directly to house structure at...
  18. AkaDoubleG

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    Thanks for responding. I wasn't aware they had to bury the coax. Where I was thinking it could go would be not too far away from where the coax goes into the house now and they could just run the coax along the house siding?
  19. B

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    I would be exactly the same way. I would not want holes in my new roof either.
  20. T

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    I was referring to age of roof. A proper installation will last the life of the re-roof without allowing water damage. If dropping satellite in future the mounting points can be left in place without need to re-seal. On ground there is usually additional hazard with buried coax cabling and from...
  21. AkaDoubleG

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    I was not thinking in terms of the age of the dish, but just not sure if I wanted a bunch of new holes in a new roof. What are the risks on the ground?
  22. T

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    Why difference because of age? Dish will not increase rate of aging. It only needs to be properly installed & sealed, as would with an old roof. Moving offair to attic will attenuate signals. Moving dish to ground usually creates add'l damage risk.
  23. AkaDoubleG

    Potential New Roof and moving my Dish and Antenna

    I am potentially getting a new roof and I will need to have my Dish Network dish taken down along with my Televes Antenna that Dish set up for me as well. If I get the protection plan and I am assuming pay $50 or so for a special work order do you think the Dish Tech would set up the Dish on the...
  24. jayn_j

    Getting into HAM in 2024?

    I live in an apartment these days, and only get on the air to talk to old friends on 2M. I have had good luck using a 5/8 mobile whip in front of a window. I bought a 30" galvanized feed dish at Tractor Supply, and found that it makes a good ground plane for the mobile. No muss, fuss or...