Recent content by hzhao

  1. H

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    same here. no local HD yet, still mapped to SD.
  2. H

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    .... I guess Dish didn't use the Duracell batteries on the bird instead of cheap ones from somewhere in Asia.....
  3. H

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    I can get Menu-1 to access the guide no problem, so as the SD channels...... Luckily, I have OTA HD.
  4. H

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    Any words from Dish at this point for what had happened and what's ETA?
  5. H

    DISH Network Software Release Notes 9/30/10

    Any chance to get VOD on 211K with external HD? Otherwise, what is the network connection on 211K for?
  6. H

    Check out the programing on dish now

    Most of SD channels are F***ed up now....... Anyone has any info on what's going on with Dish? Satellite hijacked by aliens? :neener Call the Dish, there was a recorded message saying "..... the maintenance being performed on the channels.....". :rant:
  7. H

    DISH to air HBO's True Blood

    It is on my guide, added a 101 HD and listed "Coming soon: True Blood from HBO" in 7 hours block repeated. However, it is not available yet. If I select it, it just display the message "....special events not available for purchase...."
  8. H

    "770" message on 211 with EHD

    that is not the case here. After manual reboot, everything is normal..... seems somehow, it didn't take the "automatic reboot" well, or didn't exit some sort of loop.....
  9. H

    "770" message on 211 with EHD

    Two days in a row, I got the "770" message on my 211 after schedule system reboot in the morning. It says "System integrity check..... may take up to 10 mins.... Do not turn off the receiver".... but after 30 mins, the nothing changed. My EHD attached to 211 is clicking crazy. The only way to...
  10. H

    IR to UHF Pro Converter Kit

    I am installing IR to UHF remote converter kit to my 211K. According to the manual, for old 311 receiver, there is a special slot under the receiver to install the IR extender (rather then using the tape to stick it in front of the receiver. Is there a slot under 211K for the same purpose? it...
  11. H

    Question about Ethernet connection on 211K

    What is the real use of Ethernet port on 211K? Since Dish Remote Access only works for Vip622/722/722K, what is the benefit to connect 211K to broadband? Unless I missed something here?
  12. H

    Did DISH recently improved HD quality

    I have noticed same thing since I moved off 61.5 and getting the HD from 129 now. HD Picture quality has some noticable improvement. Maybe 61.5 just being so packed and Dish had compressed crap out of everything on it.......
  13. H

    Pricing Update from Dish Network

    There is just no way for me to pay total of $85 equipment fees for my DVRs, So, I decided to replace 5 of my 6 622s with 211k, since I am not really using the second output and picture in picture functions for the most of part, a single tuner receiver is fine with me. With external HD for...
  14. H

    Pricing Update from Dish Network

    How will be the fee for Vip211 receiver if the DVR function has been enabled? It would be $7 or $14 counts as solo DVR? Anyone can confirm? Thanks in advance.
  15. H

    Statement from DISH - Not Getting the New HD?

    I am currently getting 110/118/119 + 61.5. I might be mis-spoken on Dish1000, it was SuperDish with the conversion kit.