DISH to air HBO's True Blood

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
True Blood Seasons 1 and 2 will air on DISH Network Channel 101 beginning on June 7. Customers can catch up on episodes they may have missed or re-live their favorites on DISH Network Channel 101 beginning on June 7. The True Blood Season 3 Premiere kicks off on June 13.
Um, so, does this mean that season 3 will be on channel 101, or just the reruns?
I know it's on HBO, but Scott's original post was ambiguous.
As me and digiblur are from Louisiana we can relate, I know I can, when they talk about the bar in downtown Shreveport. No HD for the locals but we have vampires and sell V at our local stores. :eek: So, digiblur when you you make it up this way I will buy you a bottle of V :shocked
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As me and digiblur are from Louisiana we can relate, I know I can, when they talk about the bar in downtown Shreveport. No HD for the locals but we have vampires and sell V at our local stores. :eek: So, digiblur when you you make it up this way I will buy you a bottle of V :shocked

I am very familiar with downtown Shreveport... About One Hour and 10 minutes from my house.

Louisiana Sat Guys Unite :)
Well it might not be Shreveport HD locals but there are spotbeams the reach Shreveport with HD locals on them :)

The first season drove me nuts with that fake accent guy but come to find out he was faking it in the first place. I was like why didnt they get a real cajun to play this part.

Funny thing is the accents in northern LA are nothing like southern LA. To be honest with you I find about 4 different accents in LA..not counting the jive slang rap crap talk.
True Blood Seasons 1 and 2 will air on DISH Network Channel 101 beginning on June 7. Customers can catch up on episodes they may have missed or re-live their favorites on DISH Network Channel 101 beginning on June 7. The True Blood Season 3 Premiere kicks off on June 13.

All the guide shows is a recap of season 1 at 11:00 pm and the finale of season 2 at 11:30 pm.
guide update?

Will the guide update & show the play times in the morn? I've seen them all but my bro is wanting to watch it and doesn't know what time to set it to record.
would these be edited shows or no? just curious if it will retain the length and adult material in the series.....
All I see on the Ch. 101 schedule is a 30-min. recap of season 1 followed by the season finale of season 2, repeated nightly. If that's all we get it was hardly newsworthy.
It is on my guide, added a 101 HD and listed "Coming soon: True Blood from HBO" in 7 hours block repeated. However, it is not available yet. If I select it, it just display the message "....special events not available for purchase...."

Sat. 129 reception with Dish 1000.2

best offer?

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