Pricing Update from Dish Network

What happened to your "I'm going to FIOS"? And here I thought we were going to be spared the BOB rants anymore. Of course I been too busy lately remodeling a duplex to read that much.

Just when I had decided to go with FIOS they upped my existing package 10 bucks and were not helpful on dropping my home line.

of course the feet of snow prohibit me from moving my business stuff into driveway for new install..

E had the automated survey just now. i left some pointed comments

i dropped AEP, dropped a receiver, and want to dump E as soon as the weather breaks./

we went to the pittsburgh homeshow wierdly comcast wasnt there, the workers said they didnt make it.:(
Just got my first bill with the increases and I'm fairly pissed. My bill has gone up almost $20 yet nothing has changed: no new receivers, no new programming etc.

And that's with a "Loyalty Credit" of a big $6.

I see a few on this thread are getting the credit. I have a 622 and 3/522's plus Everything Pak. Anyone else getting more than the $6 they're giving me?
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I am getting a 6 buck plus a 5 buck credit. I dropped AEP for top 250

plus they gave me 2 free movie packages for 3 months. But tried charging me 5 bucks for downgrade but since it was their fees that made me downgrade I said fine cancel.....

I had a 30 buck increase, 11 bucks for 6 months is a joke.

Visited comcast main office today they were very nice.

But am undecided on DVR, I prefer skip

I will try calling the chuck chat tonight although its a waste of time
I've been a loyal dish customer for longer than I can remember. However this latest price change is driving me to leave. I've been an absolute HD customer for quite a while, I'm no longer happy with the channel package. I've got four recievers, 722, 622, 510 and 508. I pay for the hardware warranty by choice but with recent price changes I pay more in fees than I do for my programming. This is just unnacceptable any longer, I keep waiting for a reasonable package or price and none are coming. I have a large home and a large family, having fewer tuners/recievers is not going to work for me, looks Like I've got OTA and maybe cable in my very near future.

4 receivers? Well, you should shop around for a provider that offers equipment for less. Dish is a good deal if you have one box. But four?! Yipes! That is a lot of boxes. I've got 3 tv's hooked up to my Duo.
at 5 bucks each for extra 625 dual output DVR, why not have a receiver for each tv? 7 bucks a month for 722s? who cares my own dedicated DVR, generally left in single mode.

but raise 5 or 7 buck to 17? excellent way to get me shopping, and get churn, which apparently is no longer a concern:(
How will be the fee for Vip211 receiver if the DVR function has been enabled? It would be $7 or $14 counts as solo DVR? Anyone can confirm?

Thanks in advance.
at 5 bucks each for extra 625 dual output DVR, why not have a receiver for each tv? 7 bucks a month for 722s? who cares my own dedicated DVR, generally left in single mode.

but raise 5 or 7 buck to 17? excellent way to get me shopping, and get churn, which apparently is no longer a concern:(

and yet you are still there...:rolleyes:
I have come to realize the provider doesnt really matter, the DVR is key.

Beyond which the better weather helps a LOT. The snow in my driveway is nearly gone:)

I must move a ton of business stuff from my garage to the driveway, to install anything new.

If I could go just download shows I WANT I would choose that.

Because of ongoing FIOS hassles it wouldnt be that!
There is just no way for me to pay total of $85 equipment fees for my DVRs, So, I decided to replace 5 of my 6 622s with 211k, since I am not really using the second output and picture in picture functions for the most of part, a single tuner receiver is fine with me. With external HD for recording, and first 622 on my account is free of equipment fee, it will be back to the equipment costs that I was paying before...... and still maintain most of recording functions (short of multi-stream recordings).
There is just no way for me to pay total of $85 equipment fees for my DVRs, So, I decided to replace 5 of my 6 622s with 211k, since I am not really using the second output and picture in picture functions for the most of part, a single tuner receiver is fine with me. With external HD for recording, and first 622 on my account is free of equipment fee, it will be back to the equipment costs that I was paying before...... and still maintain most of recording functions (short of multi-stream recordings).

you know E could decide to raise the 211K costs and call them DVRs, or just create SPECIAL monthly fees.

I looked at the costs, since just one of my receivers is ever in dual output mode, but the payback period is years. and the hassle great.

easier to change providers...........

I am going to enjoy giving both verizon and E the you are cancelled calls. both companies need and deserve churn........

you know E could decide to raise the 211K costs and call them DVRs, or just create SPECIAL monthly fees.

I looked at the costs, since just one of my receivers is ever in dual output mode, but the payback period is years. and the hassle great.

easier to change providers...........

I am going to enjoy giving both verizon and E the you are cancelled calls. both companies need and deserve churn........

Is it like E* soon? It seems like forever you have been say this.
E charges tax on a imbeded lease fee for primary receiver of 9 bucks per month. Sure its just 64 cents a month but I OWN my receiver and shouldnt have to pay tax on it.

Basic stuff is supposed to be sales tax free in PA last time I checked
Chatted with Jennifer P. at about the price increase. I didn't copy the chat, but in essence, it went like this:

ME: The 2010 Update site states that there are no pricing plan increases, DVR increase from $5.95 to $6.00, and additional receiver from $5.00 to $7.00. Why did my bill increase $6.00?

Jennifer P.: There was a price increase.

Me: I was expecting a $2.05 increase, not $6.00. When the price goes up 10% overnight, I call that a price increase.

Jennifer P.: We eliminated your old plan because it included the DVR. Do you see the new plan costs $5.00 less?

Me: So I'm now paying $6.00 more a month for the exact same service? I see ads with great deals for new customers. We've been loyal customers for more than six years. Why aren't there any customer loyalty discounts?

Jennifer P.: Everyone is raising there prices. Even DirectTV had an increase on equipment costs.

Me: That doesn't concern me. What does concern me is that the increases in the 2010 Update don't match what I am actually being billed.

Me: I used to have a $3.00 discount? What happened to it?

Jennifer P.: Are you still there?

Me: I used to have a $3.00 discount? What happened to it?

Jennifer P.: Are you still there?

Me: I used to have a $3.00 discount? What happened to it?

Jennifer P.: The discount was associated with the plan we eliminated.

And it went on like that. No alternatives. No suggestions. Just "that's the way it is." I did ask that she let those who make then policies know that I am not happy. She said she would.

My wife and I went through the channels we actually watch. For the half dozen channels we watch on a regular basis, they force you to be at least in the 200 channel plan.

The only other realistic option is OTA free TV. If the Olympics were on every week, that would be OK, but most of what is on free TV is not worth watching anyway.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I've had the channel discussion with my wife a number of times and we stick with the base package of 100 channels with locals because there just aren't enough channels that we can't live without (price increase is too much for 2 more channels we would watch in the next package) to justify the additional cost (I'm in the minority on this though).

Are the transponders changes permanent?

922 pausing every two to three minutes?

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