Seattle HD Locals

Me too. Picture didn't look as great as I hoped but they may need to do some fine tuning.

Great game wasn't it? You know the baseball gods must be smiling on the M's after that play at 2nd in the 5th. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like that. Helped to have a HD image to see the missed swipe and that Beltre did touch the bag.
I agree, the picture is good, but it could be better. But it blows 426 away. :)

That was just a really weird play at 2nd in Thursday night's game. I agree, I've never quite seen anything quite like that. HD definitely helped to see what really happened though.

I wrote ceo and thanked them for putting FSNW-HD up and asked them about KCPQ-HD.

Got a nice reply, but unfortunately, there's no progress happening with KCPQ-HD yet. :(
So FSN is producing all the home games in HD. And they look great on 376 (at least compared to 426), as I'm sure everyone reading this thread has seen. But then KSTW (Channel 11) has rights to 35 of the games - including this Sunday's against the Red Sox and KSTW is not showing *any* of them in HD. Why? I wrote to KSTW and received this reply:

The cost of providing the games in HD is expensive and given the amount of money we have already paid in license fees to carry the games we have contracted for, to add HD expenses would be cost-prohibitive. Although we have been trying to find sponsors to help defray the cost of HD, thus far we have been unsuccessful.

So KSTW has the rights directly with the Ms to show the games, but they have to get the feed from FSN. And FSN is going to charge them more if they want to get (and broadcast) an HD signal. And KSTW is unwilling/unable to pay the difference. ARGH.
It doesn't look to me like KSTW gets their feed from FSN. A lot of the graphics are different and they never (or very rarely) show the pitch location box.

If they did get their feed from FSN, it would make sense for them to carry it in HD, but it only matters for those in the area who can get KSTW via OTA because Dish doesn't carry CW11-HD anyway...
Actually, they do get the feed from FSN. This, from the Program Director at KSTW:

"Fox Sports Northwest produces our Mariners telecast and although they have the capability of providing the games in HD, they will not do so [BECAUSE WE WON'T PAY THEM TO - my edit] with the games (35) we have under contract."

The graphics at the top are the same (with "Mariners TV" instead of "FSN") but I hadn't noticed the pitch location box. If I had to guess, since that's sponsored by GI Joe's - er, excuse me, by Joe's ;-) - if they don't have a deal with KSTW, that may be why it doesn't appear.

You're right, of course, that this is only an issue for those of us who can get KSTW OTA, but it's just so frustrating when our local affiliates are unable/unwilling to do HD right b/c of yet another reason. My Dad lives in Portland and will get to watch the game vs. the Red Sox on FSN HD, but b/c of KSTW's rights in Seattle, we're screwed out of seeing it in HD at all - first by Dish b/c they won't carry the channel and then by the affiliate itself. We finally got FSN to come in as part of the RSNs-in-HD, and then there are HD games we can't watch.
I agree, it's very frustrating, but then so is Tribune being a band of jerks and holding KCPQ-HD hostage due to their wanting Dish to carry KMYQ-HD with it or no dice.

With football coming up soon, it's absurd that we have to endure yet another season of the Hawks in SD-only...
long_time_DNC; said:
I agree, it's very frustrating, but then so is Tribune being a band of jerks and holding KCPQ-HD hostage due to their wanting Dish to carry KMYQ-HD with it or no dice.

With football coming up soon, it's absurd that we have to endure yet another season of the Hawks in SD-only...

Completely agree. It is absurd that anyone should have to move to Portland to watch the Hawks in HD. But on top of everything the OTA signal for KCPQ HD is so unreliable (for me) I have locked the channel out (OTA) for the time being. Ownership changing at DTV and the anticipated HD improvements make them an option for me to look at this fall. I've been with Dish for over 10 years and DON"T want to change. It will be a tough decision that I would not even consider if not for KCPQ HD and the problems with E5.
I have the about the same issue: 9 years with Dish and I don't really want to hassle with changing services. I just want KCPQ in HD and can't believe that Tribune can be so stubbornly stupid. I haven't looked at the distribution chart lately, but is KCPQ-HD even being uplinked anymore, or did Dish finally just drop it? I asked because I thought I remember seeing it listed as being on either the 110 or 119 sat like KOMO, KING, and KIRO are...

E5 is at least tolerable now with a finely-tuned 24" dish. I can usually watch 85% of the programming on 129 without more than 1 or 2 brief dropouts. I am sure that will change when our fall/winter rains arrive however, but for now, it's mostly tolerable...
long_time_DNC; said:
I have the about the same issue: 9 years with Dish and I don't really want to hassle with changing services. I just want KCPQ in HD and can't believe that Tribune can be so stubbornly stupid. I haven't looked at the distribution chart lately, but is KCPQ-HD even being uplinked anymore, or did Dish finally just drop it? I asked because I thought I remember seeing it listed as being on either the 110 or 119 sat like KOMO, KING, and KIRO are...

E5 is at least tolerable now with a finely-tuned 24" dish. I can usually watch 85% of the programming on 129 without more than 1 or 2 brief dropouts. I am sure that will change when our fall/winter rains arrive however, but for now, it's mostly tolerable...

I feel the same way. In many ways I like Dish. Heck Charlie is the spitting image of our family physician we've been going to for over 20 years (he delivered 3 of my 5 kids). I'd have some explaining to do about why we never see that show with Doctor Anderson's look alike.

Here is the link. It is channel 6417 which shows blank and has code 14. Also copied the explanation for code 14.

EKB: Dish Network Channels at 110°

(14) The channel number is or was recently listed in the listed satellite and transponder "trickle" guide, and/or EPG stream. However, the channel itself is not currently uplinked.

It doesn't look promising but I don't imagine it would take that much to add it back.
I dunno why I keep hoping, but here's my latest exchange with Tribune's lawyer:

Subject: Re: Re-Transmission Agreement: KCPQ-Seattle and Dish Network
Any chance at all that Tribune might just give in and say, hey, it's (the
second) football season coming up soon and we'd like everyone in Seattle to
be able to enjoy KCPQ-HD on Dish Network...? It's been 18 months since Dish
started carrying Seattle's local channels, so isn't it clear that they're
not going to *ever* give into your demands to carry KMYQ? Isn't it time for
Tribune to do the right thing?


We're still talking. We aren't making "demands" and don't expect them to "give in." We'll just have to wait and see. I assume you're letting them know how much you want to see KCPQ in high definition, and that you have the right to go elsewhere to get it. Never hurts to make sure they get the message.


Blah. Blah Blah. I've got to give him credit that he returns my messages with a personal reply (unlike ceo@), but nothing's changing, nothing's changing...
That just really sucks.

I have no intention of telling E* that I have the right to "go elsewhere to get it", because I don't intend to go elsewhere so what Tribune's lawyer is essentially saying is to threaten Dish. What's the point? They're at an impasse and don't care what the viewers want (this goes for both sides in the issue). I'd love to be able get some kind of binding arbitration involved...
Hey guys. I found this board looking for other people with the same problem I have (no FOX HD) and lo and behold, I have found some. Sometimes I felt like I was alone out there.

Anyways, I've emailed Tribune once, I think I got one of the answers that's been posted already. So they're demanding KMYQ in HD too huh? What a bunch of jerks. Seahawks season is only a month away, I don't wanna have them in no HD. It wasn't as bad last year since we didn't have any HD at all, but now we have ABC, NBC, and CBS (my dad's too cheap to get ESPN, TNT, etc...:(), and I want FOX too dangit!

I've been pestering my dad for an HD antenna for a few months now, but we still haven't gone and gotten one. According to, we should be able to pick up KOMO, KING, and KCPQ pretty easily, none are above green on there. But it only shows KIRO on the results if I select no tall structures within 30 feet (we have some trees), and even then it shows it at violet, and only the SD version, not HD. My dad only really wants to get the antenna if that means we stop paying for the local channels, but if I tell him we need to get the antenna and pay for locals...I dunno. It's looking like I'm going to have to pick between FOX and CBS in HD. Which is really annoying :mad:

Oh, this is my first post, so hi guys! Glad to be a new member!
Not sure where all of you...

are located, but. If you can, get Comcast basic, which will give you 13HD, as well as, 16HD, 11HD (Not Mariner's baseball -- they're too cheap!) NWCN-sd, PBS HD, Weather Channel sd- "Local on the 8s" (which DISH can't seem to figure out!), Weather Channel - Weatherscan sd, etc., all for about $16 a month. Minus what you're paying for DISH locals, so what, $9-$10 a month.

You might need a QAM tuner too, but it's a solution to the impasse that 13 is having with DISH.
are located, but. If you can, get Comcast basic, which will give you 13HD, as well as, 16HD, 11HD (Not Mariner's baseball -- they're too cheap!) NWCN-sd, PBS HD, Weather Channel sd- "Local on the 8s" (which DISH can't seem to figure out!), Weather Channel - Weatherscan sd, etc., all for about $16 a month. Minus what you're paying for DISH locals, so what, $9-$10 a month.

You might need a QAM tuner too, but it's a solution to the impasse that 13 is having with DISH.

Better yet if your new HDTV has a built in QAM tuner you can get them in HD for free. ;)
But then I couldn't record it. Other than sporting events (and even then not very often), I haven't watched LIVE TV since I got my first DVR over 6 years ago. Having all those channels in HD via Comcast makes sense, but if I can't record it, it's not worth the money. Now if only there was a way to have a magic QAM -> ATSC converter box, then I could use the antenna input on the 622 for a coax from Comcast. But as far as I know that doesn't exist and there's no way Dish would ever build a QAM tuner into their box...
I'm telling the Trib Sell Sell Sell... Good Riddance and go back to Denver.

I'm telling The Trib that I have the right to "go elsewhere to get it", it's really that easy... The Cubs still S**k too. Oh yeah, The Chicago Tribune rag, my dog won't even get close to that stinky paper.
Yes, 'it' is on QAM, however all I need to do is 'move' with Dish if you're not a Mariners fan... I can 'get' other stations from OTA too.
But not their Q whatever, last for news....
We all know what 'it' is, right? The fox jumped over the brown cow. :hungry: :cool:

Thanks Dish for CSN Chicago HD :) :) :) Way to go
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I've been discussing the KCPQ-HD issue with Tribune's attorney and while I can't get any details, he said that both sides are very aware that football season is here again and that no one wants carriage of KCPQ in HD more than they do.

Which, while that doesn't really help us (yet), at least we know they're both working towards it.
I've exchanged emails with an executive at KCPQ and am told that both sides are talking. The overall tone was postive. Let's keep up the pressure with E* as well as Tribune and let's get this done before Fall.

VIP 612 HDMI sucks

sporadic freeze-ups on picture

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