Where is USB External Storage for the 942/ViP622?

As opposed to previous societies ? Back then, instead of telling you about products, they would have simply enslaved you in chains for the rest of your life...

Nothing so melodramatic. I was simply referring back when most people (and businesses) said what they meant and meant what they said and people would tolerate no less.

For example the turning point for "E" came when Charlie said in 1997 that there would never be any pornography on Dish Network. So for me to now blindly accept what Dish says about anything would be "flaky".

The rest of your post belongs in the Pit.
I hate harping on this, but they have already missed their 2006 target date:

Yes, I remember this too. But it was never an official statement by E*.

If you want to talk unofficial statements, then we could go back to when they talked about implementing it on the 921. In fact, they told me at a Comdex that it would be on the 921, and that was more than a year before they released the 921. They had a prototype at Comdex that had Firewire for file transfers. I think that was in Jan, 2002.
Nothing so melodramatic. I was simply referring back when most people (and businesses) said what they meant and meant what they said and people would tolerate no less.
And my point was that time never existed.
The main difference is that nowadays the lies are easily exposed due to the Internet.
dfergie said:
the last part of this post I put in spoiler tags as it is more of a pit topic, but Instead of deleting I put in the tags...
But it would be okay if I put the same thing in my signature, and then had it in every post I made in every thread ?
Seems like a lack of consistency... note that I was replying to a sentence which was in this thead and not spoiler tagged, a sentence which has equal "pit" content.
I could have deleted the entire post... I don't believe in that though...
And I respect that.

I'm just wondering about the issue that "pit content" is removed from a post, but the same content is "okay" in a signature which appears hundreds of times on the site.

PS And actually, I don't have a political problem with the comment, just that it is a) illogical, and b) it argues a point, rather than just stating a position (in other words, "I believe ____ is morally wrong" would simply be a position statement, an opinion).
Signatures are getting out of hand again...:rolleyes: we have been discussing this... :)
If you or others are referring to mine, it's been there for over 3 years and 2400 posts and now, all of a sudden it's become a problem? Well I guess I'd like to hear from those that see it as one along with some specifics as to why.
Does anyone get the feeling E* will scrap USB2.0 plans in September and announce a vague plan to support eSata in their next generation receivers to be revealed at CES2008?:confused: Is the software even ready to support external storage for the 211/622?
If you or others are referring to mine, it's been there for over 3 years and 2400 posts and now, all of a sudden it's become a problem? Well I guess I'd like to hear from those that see it as one along with some specifics as to why.
It has all been stated in this thread, but here is a recap:

- If statements on politics and religion are off-topic (because they invariably steer the thread away from DBS), then putting those statements in a signature file is worse, because they are in every thread every time someone posts.

- A brief statement of position, for example "I support President Palmer" or "I hate President Palmer" is generally tolerable to people, because it is not a discussion point - you either do or don't. No one can disagree that you, in fact, support or hate the person.

- Your signature statement is not a position, it is a discussion point. In the spoiler section, earlier in the thread, it is explained why and why it doesn't make logical sense. For example, "Everyone who hates President Palmer is a traitor" or "Everyone who supports President Palmer is immoral" is not a position, it is a discussion point.

As such, signatures can automatically put off-topic discussion points into every thread.

Turning off signatures is counterproductive, because the signatures often do have relevant information, such as the screen size used by the poster.

PS Not part of this thread (and not relevant to your sig) is the continuing objection to huge signatures that detail everything that the person has every liked in his life. :) There is one guy who often has one line posts and a dozen lines of signature...
I'm still waiting to hear who is offended by my sig and what specifically about it offends them. All I'm hearing is that Ken has no political objection to it but because it doesn't make "logical" sense to him it should be banned.

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