PS3 reached it's apex already?

One of the leading Japaneese stock analysists drastically cut their numbers for the PS3:

Sony Corp. (6758.TO) will reach only 75% of its global target for PlayStation 3 sales this fiscal year through March, according to a Nomura report released Monday.

Nomura cut its target for PS3 game units shipped during the period to 4.5 million from 6 million, citing poor sales over the holiday season in North America.

In its report Monday, Nomura also cut its PS3 sales forecast for next fiscal year to 10 million from 16 million next fiscal year (07) and to 11 million from 18 million for the following year (08).

[FONT=georgia,arial,tahoma]Gabe Newell thinks PS3 "a total disaster" ?[/FONT]

Oh my.. According to a post on NeoGAF, Valve Software co-founder Gabe Newell has some mighty strong opinions about the PS3 in the most recent issue if GameInformer: "The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it"."
Yup, that's way out there. I haven't seen the magazine so please treat this as a rumor until a scan or a photo of it turns up. But if this is true..I honestly can't even imagine how Sony would respond.
Update: Several major gaming sites are now reporting this as well, so looks like this is a real quote from the guy. Let's see if and how Sony will choose to respond.
[FONT=georgia,arial,tahoma]Gabe Newell thinks PS3 "a total disaster" ?[/FONT]

Oh my.. According to a post on NeoGAF, Valve Software co-founder Gabe Newell has some mighty strong opinions about the PS3 in the most recent issue if GameInformer: "The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it"."
Yup, that's way out there. I haven't seen the magazine so please treat this as a rumor until a scan or a photo of it turns up. But if this is true..I honestly can't even imagine how Sony would respond.
Update: Several major gaming sites are now reporting this as well, so looks like this is a real quote from the guy. Let's see if and how Sony will choose to respond.

Funny that they are selling Half Life 2 : Orange on PS3 isn't it?
He could have made that quote after the game's release.
dont know if this is against any rules, but here is a scan of game informer, if it is MOd please delete this post, but at the top right hand corner of the scan is the section on the Ps3


  • gameinformer.jpg
    223.7 KB · Views: 165
I spoke to my buddy the Gamestop manager last night. "I can't keep 360's in stock, forget about a Wii, they're gone in 10 minutes. I have 9 PS3's in the back room, nobody wants them.
I spoke to my buddy the Gamestop manager last night. "I can't keep 360's in stock, forget about a Wii, they're gone in 10 minutes. I have 9 PS3's in the back room, nobody wants them.

same here in Ohio Digital Dude, the PS3s are actually being sent back to corporate at my gamestop in some instances as he has 5 there, but they keep sending him more and they are refusing them as they need the room for 360/wii shipments, and feb march is going to be huge game months, so no counter space to store them.
I figured I would get a PS3 sometime in the first six months (no hurry) so when I have time I've been checking out the video game section in various stores over the past weeks.

I've never seen a PS3 in stock anywhere.

Last week, I actually went from Wal-Mart to Best Buy to Target and finally Circuit City and didn't see any PS3s on the shelf. Today I went to Best Buy again to buy a wireless router at their coupon sale and I thought it would be an excellent time to pick up one of these "plentiful" PS3s. I saw a guy playing at the demo display, but I didn't see any PS3 consoles. There wasn't even any noticeable empty shelf space where they would be (and certainly no boxes of them stacked in the aisle) so I asked a blue-shirted employee if they had any. I got a short laugh that was quickly stifled, followed by a sad shake of the head.

It makes me wonder about all these reports of PS3s "gathering dust" on shelves across the country.

When I start seeing PS3s being featured in the Sunday newspaper advertising supplements, then maybe I'll believe the "plentiful supply" stories, which seem to be much more isolated than some people think. Either that, or my city somehow has an abnormally large population of Playstation junkies.
It makes me wonder about all these reports of PS3s "gathering dust" on shelves across the country.

When I start seeing PS3s being featured in the Sunday newspaper advertising supplements, then maybe I'll believe the "plentiful supply" stories, which seem to be much more isolated than some people think. Either that, or my city somehow has an abnormally large population of Playstation junkies.

Im with you I only saw PS3's one time about 2weeks ago I went to Best Buy they had 8 60GB on the floor, after I was done shopping about 15mins later there were 3 left. Everytime I go to bb,cc, target or walmart I always look but they never have them. If I wanted an xbox360 my local best buy usually has about 30-40 if not more on the floor. Forget about the wii have never seen one to date. Im beginning to believe that nintendo stock piled the wii's to release most of them right after the ps3 release to capitalize on all those that didnt get a ps3. Now they are trying to keep up, at least with the ps3 you hear report of some parts of the country having them, unlike the wii were noone has them.
I can report that this morning, if someone wants a PS3 in my part of the country, no rush to get out there. BB still has over 30 on the floor, Target and Walmart have a few of each version and the local Meijers is finally down to just 1 20gig version. They had some for 2 weeks of each version.

No Wii's anywhere. Strangely the 360's at all stores except BB were sold out.
It must be regional. Here in the Twin Cities I see PS3s (don't know which version) all over.
[FONT=georgia,arial,tahoma]PS3 not selling in Japan either[/FONT]

As of January 16th, Sony has shipped 1 million PS3's to Japan and IGN reports that the stores are indeed full of them. But while Sony has seemed to overcome the production issues, the bad news is that the shiny machine isn't selling there either. This probably boils down to the fact that the system simply doesn't have (good) enough software yet to sell the hardware and only the hardcore fans are showing their support.
IGN also writes that since launch, the PlayStation Network has crossed the 500,000 registered users mark. 300 000 of which have downloaded the free Gran Turismo HD Concept demo.
[FONT=georgia,arial,tahoma]PS3 not selling in Japan either[/FONT]

As of January 16th, Sony has shipped 1 million PS3's to Japan and IGN reports that the stores are indeed full of them. But while Sony has seemed to overcome the production issues, the bad news is that the shiny machine isn't selling there either. This probably boils down to the fact that the system simply doesn't have (good) enough software yet to sell the hardware and only the hardcore fans are showing their support.
IGN also writes that since launch, the PlayStation Network has crossed the 500,000 registered users mark. 300 000 of which have downloaded the free Gran Turismo HD Concept demo.

Yep not only it's expensive but it doesn't have what Japanese gamers like. When games like Virtua Fighter, Final Fantasy, MGS,...etc come out it will do much better I guarantee that. The japanese market isn't a big fan of FPS like Resistance and CoD.
Checking the Sunday ad supplements this morning I noticed that Best Buy, Circuit City, and K-Mart all have ads saying the Wii is in stock today - but still no mention anywhere in the ads indicating that the PS3 is available in these stores, not even in "limited supply".

I mention this because every time I see a post saying that there are "stacks" of unsold PS3s somewhere, the poster also seems to mention that nobody has the Wii.
Checking the Sunday ad supplements this morning I noticed that Best Buy, Circuit City, and K-Mart all have ads saying the Wii is in stock today - but still no mention anywhere in the ads indicating that the PS3 is available in these stores, not even in "limited supply".

I mention this because every time I see a post saying that there are "stacks" of unsold PS3s somewhere, the poster also seems to mention that nobody has the Wii.

IMO this is because the people that want PS3s right now have them. Who would they be advertising to then if they put it in the circular?
Checking the Sunday ad supplements this morning I noticed that Best Buy, Circuit City, and K-Mart all have ads saying the Wii is in stock today - but still no mention anywhere in the ads indicating that the PS3 is available in these stores, not even in "limited supply".

I mention this because every time I see a post saying that there are "stacks" of unsold PS3s somewhere, the poster also seems to mention that nobody has the Wii.

Yep, I saw that too, but guess what, all the Wii's are gone from every single store in my are that had them. People are only reporting what they are seeing. The PS3 hype has died down cause it is no longer scarce.

Best Buy, Circuit City, Meijer, Target, Wal-Mart, Gamestop (and all it's other identities)all advertised Wii's on Sunday. But guess what, every single one of those stores also has at least 5 PS3's. Bestbuy literally has a mountain of them on the floor. People now realize the PS3 supply is adequate and those who want them can go get one. The Wii supply is still low so they put it in the ad to get attention.

Sunday circulars are not to clear out old inventory, but to spotlight products. Don't you ever notice at target they advertise games for the same price they always sell them for? Last I knew Resistance: Fall of Man is normally $59.99, but target ads this week at $59.99 and puts a sticker on the game saying Now $59.99 as advertised.
I have been sitting on the sidelines regarding the XBox360 and PS3. I was a PC Gamer for many years, but I don't own a game system nor have I played any PC games in the past five years (last one was Red Alert 2) since the birth of my daughter. Likewise, I haven't taken a firm stance on HD-DVD or Blu-Ray other than waiting for the first one to offer a player for $199. :)

Anyway, I was at the local Target the other day when I noticed a display case full of 60GB and 20GB PS3s about the same time my daughter noticed a shelf full of T.M.Xs. Surprisingly, my wife didn't object when I mentioned that I would like to pick up a PS3 since the family can play games and watch Blu-Ray movies. I decided to wait since I haven't given much consideration to purchasing a new game console. Well, at first look it appears as though the 60GB would be a perfect system since we can move it between rooms without having to worry about cable issues. However, given that the purpose of the game console is both home entertainment and having fun with family members of all ages, the PS3 fails miserably when it comes to involving my five year old. Personally, I wish the PS3 were a couple hundred less expensive, but I feel that it will be a great system once the games are developed...heck, the ability the Blu-Ray player functions are worth a couple bucks alone.

I think PS3 sales will be just fine in the long run (I prefer the PS3 over the XBox360), but for now I'm picking up a Wii for the family, and pre-ordering Command & Conquer 3 for the PC. I will take a look at the PS3 later this year (perhaps for Christmas). Hopefully, the PS3 will be a better choice at that time.
I have been sitting on the sidelines regarding the XBox360 and PS3. I was a PC Gamer for many years, but I don't own a game system nor have I played any PC games in the past five years (last one was Red Alert 2) since the birth of my daughter. Likewise, I haven't taken a firm stance on HD-DVD or Blu-Ray other than waiting for the first one to offer a player for $199. :)

Anyway, I was at the local Target the other day when I noticed a display case full of 60GB and 20GB PS3s about the same time my daughter noticed a shelf full of T.M.Xs. Surprisingly, my wife didn't object when I mentioned that I would like to pick up a PS3 since the family can play games and watch Blu-Ray movies. I decided to wait since I haven't given much consideration to purchasing a new game console. Well, at first look it appears as though the 60GB would be a perfect system since we can move it between rooms without having to worry about cable issues. However, given that the purpose of the game console is both home entertainment and having fun with family members of all ages, the PS3 fails miserably when it comes to involving my five year old. Personally, I wish the PS3 were a couple hundred less expensive, but I feel that it will be a great system once the games are developed...heck, the ability the Blu-Ray player functions are worth a couple bucks alone.

I think PS3 sales will be just fine in the long run (I prefer the PS3 over the XBox360), but for now I'm picking up a Wii for the family, and pre-ordering Command & Conquer 3 for the PC. I will take a look at the PS3 later this year (perhaps for Christmas). Hopefully, the PS3 will be a better choice at that time.

Besides the price that's what is bothering me now in the PS3: Lack of friendly games or great games in general. The Release date for games look promising for 2007 and 2008 tho.
People are only reporting what they are seeing. The PS3 hype has died down cause it is no longer scarce.
Hey, I'm only reporting what I am seeing, too!

That's the problem, people are not only reporting what they are seeing in their area, they are going on to assume that PS3s are in stock all across the country, and that is not true. I was in my local Best Buy again today - no PS3s in stock. Just now I checked,, and - also no PS3s in stock. This is the most curious overstock situation I have ever heard of - the PS3 is both in plentiful supply and unavailable at the same time! Imagine that!

I'm not saying that anybody is lying, I'm just suggesting that people shouldn't jump to the conclusion that because some PS3s are available in your area that they are "gathering dust" on the shelf everywhere. I've seen some tech bloggers claiming that seeing units on the shelf proves Sony's new console is a "failure". Who knows, maybe a year from now it will be considered a failure, but not because of some reports of uneven distribution in the first months since its launch.

I have no doubt that sometime in the coming weeks there will be enough PS3s available in the U.S. for them to appear in every store that carries Playstations. When that happens, I guarantee you Best Buy will feature the PS3 in their Sunday ad - probably on the front page - just like they have featured the availability of XBox 360s in their ads over the past weeks. It will undoubtedly be available on their web site too. That day obviously hasn't come yet, so why do people still claim that PS3s are "everywhere"?

And to the person who claimed above that the electronic stores aren't advertising the PS3 because they assume everybody that wants one already has one - if that's not a joke, then I really don't know what to say to you.

Old time gamers rejoice! - Wing commander coming to XBox Live Arcade

Ps3 audio ?

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