First Look: The New Weather Channel Interactive

Is that the new rule? Remove threads with more than 1,000 posts? (kind of how they do certain music video's once they are on the countdown too long, retire it).
No it will not be the same thing, but it will be close. The biggest difference being the viewer must take action if they want to see their weather on the 8's.

With cable its just fed to you.

I don't see it coming this week, although it is possible we may see a new Disney Interactive package soon.

I would rather have it this way.I like the idea of seeing my local weather and also having a choice of seeing it the other way.Are they really planning on adding an interactive disney channel?
Heads up...

I have received word that the Weather Channel Interactive application will begin rollout tommorow to approx 25% of the Interactive boxes.

Makes sense to roll it out now before next weeks tech chat.

They seem to be SURE that it will be going out this time. :)
No, no, no, Scott .... it's not going to happen. Haven't you been reading this thread ?? :) Well, they might get it working in a couple of years.
Is it just me or am I becoming like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football....

Me: "Maybe THIS time they mean it...."

E*: ".... due to unexpected challenges the update has been delayed.."

Weren't they sure last time as well? :)

In any event, it's better that they fix the problems first before rolling the application out. Hope that I finally get to see this tomorrow.
Heads up...

I have received word that the Weather Channel Interactive application will begin rollout tommorow to approx 25% of the Interactive boxes.

Makes sense to roll it out now before next weeks tech chat.

They seem to be SURE that it will be going out this time. :)

Want to put some $$$ on it :-)
Ok Scott, I'm taking a big breath and I'm going to hold it until they roll it out tomorrow. :p Uh oh, I'm already turning pink.
Its supposed to go to all 721's.

I can only report what I am told and what Echostar publishes. :)

Plus someone there confirmed it for me today. :D
ok scott, now you really got me on the line here, if it doesn't show up tomorrow, then I won't trust ya anymore.... Just joking man, anyway but since you got a confirm from 2 people, then I'd say that at least a 85% chance for a go on this one finally. BIG Bargining power against directv when this comes out.
It makes sense that it would go to all 721's since there are probably not near as many 721's as there are the other model #'ed receivers.
I got a question, will this be released at around midnight, or tomorrow morning, or will this be in a software update. I noticed on the tech portal that a software release is planned for the 322 tomorrow. Could this be it??????
I'm glad to know their finally going to roll it out today for 25% of receivers.I hope the 301 and 510 are included.I must say I'm suprised.

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