Uplink Activity for 10-18-2006

14650 - WDEF2 added to 110.0W TP 27 (Not Available)
14651 - WFLI2 added to 110.0W TP 27 (Not Available)
14652 - WRCB2 added to 110.0W TP 27 (Not Available)
14653 - WTCI4 added to 110.0W TP 27 (Not Available)
14654 - WTVC2 added to 110.0W TP 27 (Not Available)

These are the locals in my area. Could someone tell me what these are? We already have SD locals from Dish here.
They are for the HD OTA EPG. :)

People who receive these local channels via antenna using a 622 or other HD receiver can now see the HD channel and the sub-channel guide in the guide. :)

That's great news. I would rather be able to receive my HD locals from Dish, but I'll settle for sub-channel info for now. Does this mean it's a done deal and if so, I wonder how long before they turn them on?
Here in Hawaii we don't get them yet. Just the basic ones on the 110 if you have a big enough dish.

I hope they do the same with our new 110 spotbeam as they did in Alaska.

you should check again.

they were added to the hawaii spot beam for 110

if you're not getting them, do you have an mpeg4 receiver and the right hd pack?
Yes I have a 622 and have always had the standard HD pack from 110

I guess I need to call Dish

Just talked to Tech support and Hawaii spotbeam will be activated tomorrow.

New HD channels will be Universal, ESPN2 and NFL. Need MPEG 4 receiver.

Yea finally something for Hawaii.
What about the guide info for the local sub-channels that were shown as unavailable? How long should it take those to become available?

All of the ones in the system would show as unavailable in the report because they are not real channels. But many have been using the ones which were already up. Seems these should be ready now.
14925 - WJLA2 added to 110.0W TP 25 (Not Available)
14926 - WNVT2 added to 119.0W TP 03 (Not Available)
14927 - WRC2 added to 110.0W TP 25 (Not Available)
14928 - WUSA2 added to 110.0W TP 25 (Not Available)
Uhm. These look like Digital sub-channels to me. I can't say that I was exepecting this from Dish Network anytime soon.

I will say that I'm seeing EPG info for these channels in my Guide now. Perhaps these are just EPG listings and that the video channels are not really uplinked. You know, just to get the EPG working.
Uhm. These look like Digital sub-channels to me. I can't say that I was exepecting this from Dish Network anytime soon.

I will say that I'm seeing EPG info for these channels in my Guide now. Perhaps these are just EPG listings and that the video channels are not really uplinked. You know, just to get the EPG working.

Yep...you hit it on the head. The 14000 range is for EPG only...no video...hence the unavailable.
Interesting, wonder if its going to lite up tonight.

Yes, when I got home last night at about 6:00 all of the HD channels were on and showing up in the 5500 range.

They took all of the HD channels that I previously received and are now on the spot beam. This is great news since the signal strength is over 90 instead of the previous 50 range.

Thanks Dish

Ch. 84 HSN WTH?

Dish Network: Distant Networks
